Chapter 134: 1, 1 will be a success

Kuristleč, Serbia's second division commander, watching the casualty report in his hand, could not speak for a long time!

But after a day's work, the Second Division had already lost a regiment's strength. Such casualties had exceeded his mental capacity!

This is completely different from the previous offense. This is all the main force, and it is not a concept at all!

Yes, they have achieved a good result. They have a defense line of more than ten miles, and Bulgarians with insufficient strength can't bear it. They retreated to the second line of defense!

After all, machine guns are not invincible. It takes time to jam and load ammunition. If you are willing to fill it with human life, you can still seize the opportunity!

Kuristridge can be sure that as long as this offensive lasts for two or three days, it can break through the enemy's defense line, but the second division will also be defeated by then!

As a senior officer, he naturally understood why he was desperate, but seeing the casualties in front of him, Cristridge hesitated!

I thought and thought, finally gritted his teeth and walked into the headquarters!

Subolovevich glanced at him and asked in confusion: "Kuristlech, not at the front to conduct war, what are you doing here?"

Kuristlech said in a pleasurable tone, "General, this battle will not be defeated! Even if we can destroy our immediate enemy, we will not change the end of Serbian defeat. Stop the attack!"

Subovlovic stared at him desperately, and said furiously, "Do you know what you are talking about now? Kuristritch, don't forget that you are a soldier! We have no other choice, even this The end of the war is doomed, and we must fight on!

If we can't get a record that can be achieved, then Serbia is finished! It's really over!

We don't have the opportunity like 1886. Bulgarians have already begun to deal with us, and the Austro-Hungarian Empire is staring at us!

How long do you think Serbia can exist if we can't show our determination and show them the courage? ? Would you like to see the great Serbia sink again? "

Kuristlech is silent, and political issues have exceeded his ability!

In the 19th century, the great powers rushed to expand the world. Now that the world has been divided up, the expansion of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to the Balkans is not a day or two!

Although they are still allies, from the standpoint of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in this war, they want a weak Serbia!

You know that there have always been people in Austria-Hungary, and they advocate the annexation of Serbia. Once Serbia shows a hint of weakness, these people will rush to the hungry wolf!

现在 Until now, the Serbs have to fight, no matter in the Niš area or the Belgrade area, they must fight the Bulgarians!

However, Subolovevich did not say that in Belgrade's decisive battle with the Bulgarians, the length of the Bulgarian logistics supply line can be extended, and the odds can be increased!

And as long as Austria-Hungary does not want Bulgaria to grow, it is likely to intervene!

打 Fighting this battle in Bulgaria in the Niš area is obviously more in his personal interest! Although there is still no way to win this war, in a world where all nations are defeated, as long as he wins this battle, he is a hero of Serbia!

Subovlovich is ready to accept the defeat of Serbia, and now he is no longer looking forward to winning this!

Therefore, it is not important to save strength. Instead of being belittled by the betrayal of the traitor, then it is better to make every effort to win this battle and to gain more political capital!

Kuristlech was persuaded that he was not interested in the inside story! The current situation is roughly clear, Serbia has paid too much.

Subolovevich is right in saying that if people don't see their determination to protect their homeland, they will not be divided up!

Uh ...

Ivan Kristof on the other side sighed and asked, "How about the casualties of the troops? How long can the reinforcements reach the battlefield?"

长 The chief of staff did not answer directly, saying in a low tone: "The situation is very bad. The Serbs are crazy. If they fight like this, they won't have any value!"

Dante Kristof: "Well! In terms of national interests, it is now in their best interest to immediately cease the war and save their vitality!

From the perspective of personal interests, they can only fight! Whether it is the Serbian government in Belgrade or Subolovevich near by, dare not propose peace talks! "

The chief of staff said fiercely: "Since they want to fight, they will be complete! One day We have paid more than 8,000 casualties. They have paid at least 40,000 to 50,000 to see who consumes Who ever?

Anyway, this afternoon, our reinforcements got off the train at Mijul Mountain, and they were rushing over. In the next hour or two, the first reinforcements arrived! "

Dante Christoph lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said, "Nothing! According to the original plan, let go of a sip before dawn and give them a final blow!"

Uh ...

The stalemate on the front line of Niš created the opportunity for Popov, leaving two regiments, looting on the south bank of the Morawa River, and crossing the river directly to Belgrade!

世 Alexander I was anxious, the Serbian government was anxious! The worst thing happened, the start of the decisive battle in Niš, and Subolovich was unable to divide the army!

The Serbian government has now become an ant on the hot pot, turning around!

In theory, there are three new editors in Belgrade, plus the King's Guard, with a strength of more than 60,000, and it is entirely possible to fight!

In fact, the three new editors are all old, weak, and sick. The old man up to 50 or 60 years old and the young man down to 15 or 6 years old are the main members of this army!

Moreover, only a simple queue training was performed, and the guns were not equipped. The combat effectiveness can be imagined!

Jin Weijun is just a good-looking thing, it sounds prestigious! If it is really fighting, King Alexander I 's father, King Milan, will not be kicked off the throne!

There are more than one thousand people in the whole army. It is okay to put on ceremonies, and you don't have to have too much hope for fighting!

Looking at the deteriorating situation, the Prime Minister gritted his teeth and said, "His Majesty, this is the stage now, we can't fight it by ourselves. Ask the Austro-Hungarian Empire for help!"