Vol 2 Chapter 7: Develop a strategy

No matter how you look at it, Ferdinand's strategy is full of temptation. Once Bulgaria completes the counterattack, the instant reel becomes Gao Fushuai!

Of course, it is not easy to complete this strategy. Although the Ottoman Turkish Empire has decayed, the bulk is still so large, and the risk of failure is still not small!

But how many people can resist temptation in the face of benefits? ? If so, it must be that the temptation is not big enough!

Anyway, the current Bulgarian government cannot resist the temptation of expansion. Once the digestion of the Bulgarian War is completed, it will be enough for the Bulgarian government to struggle for ten years!

Constantine said indefinitely, "Her Grand Duke, can we do it? The strength of the Ottoman Turkish Empire is not weak. We want them to give up the Balkans. Can we win unless there is a full-scale war?"

Jeff Ferdinand smiled and said, "If the Ottoman Turkish Empire can be fully mobilized, we are certainly not their opponents! But can they be fully mobilized ??

Don't forget, the Ottoman Turkish Empire has nothing else, that is, many enemies!

In the Caucasus and Crimea, they have to defend the Russian Empire; in Central Asia and India, they have to worry about the British invasion; the Italians are staring at Libya; Austro-Hungary has already spotted Bosnia and Herzegovina, ready to swallow!

The Armenians in the country are struggling to become independent, and other ethnic minorities are not restless. As long as we push one, there may be rumblings at any time!

Together with so many unfavorable factors, even if the Sudanese government attaches more importance to the Balkans, it is impossible to invest more than half of its power in the Balkans without determining that we want to start!

As long as these unfavorable factors are picked up, the mental Ottoman Empire is not so invincible! "

After listening to Ferdinand's analysis, everyone nodded excitedly. It seems that the chance of success is still very high.

末 At the end of the 19th century, the transportation in the Ottoman Turkish Empire was not very good. Because of the large area of ​​the country, it was necessary to separate the troops.

If the war breaks out suddenly, I am afraid that the troops around the Ottoman Empire have not had time to gather, and the war in the Balkans is over.

It is easy to lose territory, but it is difficult to grab it back, especially for a weak empire!

After all, weakening the Ottoman Empire is the consensus of all the European powers, and even Germany, which supports the Sudanese government, cannot take the lead on this issue!

Unless you do n't want to be confused in the Christian world, after all, it is not yet a world war, and international conflicts have not intensified. The European people are politically correct to save believers from the heathens!

The ongoing crisis in the Near East is an example. Armenians have become independent and pressured by public opinion. European powers are putting pressure on the Ottoman Empire.

Chekov asked with excitement: "When, Grandpa, when are we going to do this? Can we prepare now ?? Now Armenians are fighting for independence, and the Ottoman Empire has suppressed Armenians. It has been condemned by the international community!

If we intervene, Armenians are independent and it is easy to get the support of the powers! "

Everyone looked at Ferdinand with a look of anticipation, startled him. Is this too anxious? I'm just discussing strategy, now I'm planning to do it?

No wonder the first Balkan war has just ended, and the second Balkan war broke out again! Even if there are contradictions, diplomatic means can be used to delay time!

If the second Balkan war drags on for a few months and Bulgaria completes its strategic material reserves, then history may have been rewritten!

Ferdinand also knows that this is a common problem in small countries. It lacks strategic patience, is easy to be radical, and lacks long-term vision!

"No! We have just finished Serbia. The strategic supplies are very large and need to be replenished. And the results obtained this time need to be digested before they can be transformed into national power!" Ferdinand affirmed

The words of Jeff Ferdinand, like the cold water from the sky, brought Constantine and others back from their dreams.

The Ottoman Empire is indeed very weak now, but why don't you need to cultivate your health in Bulgaria? Starting a war at this time is totally unsatisfactory, and is it fighting a war that loses both? ?

After I calmed down, everyone started to develop a series of plans around this strategy.

First of all, reserve training must be further expanded!

The Ottoman Empire is not Serbia, regardless of the combat effectiveness of the army, but the number is absolutely indispensable!

200,000 Bulgarian troops can hang on Serbia; but if the opponent is Ottoman, they will be buried by human tactics!

The Serbs are the best example of the negative. After the war broke out, they sent soldiers who had never been trained to the battlefield, and then contributed to the Bulgarian army's world-famous record!

The Cabinet has always decided Each year your reserve time must be extended and the scope must be expanded!

During the period of farming and leisure, I have trained for two months, which is four times the original half-month. Well, the scope of participation is good, and all young people of appropriate age must participate, including government officials!

Ferdinand looked at it and took a breath of cold air, which is too cruel! Even members of the cabinet are members of the reserve service and must take time to participate in training.

It really is a fighting nation, get crazy, even let yourself go! Then, Ferdinand simply rushed high-level government out of it.

What are you kidding? If the battle reaches the point where a cabinet minister is needed, he must carry a gun to the front. Bulgaria is probably dead!

Secondly, of course, it is the material reserve!

The logistics of the Serbian army collapsed at the end of the Pasir War. Thanks to their failure too quickly, they did not have time to experience the misery of running out of food!

I realized that the people in Belgrade had experienced the pain of lack of supplies!

Grain reserves are the simplest. The government also holds more than half of the country's land. As long as the food produced is sold less each year, it will be saved.

And there are new territories. As long as one or two years have passed, immigrants are in place, and the land has been developed, the total grain output of Bulgaria needs to be further increased. Don't worry about this!

The most troublesome thing is the weapons and ammunition. In a ceremonial war, Bulgaria fired more than 90 million bullets and more than 200,000 artillery shells. The Serbians were completely suppressed by the firepower, and they could easily win the victory.

Needless to say, of course, the production line was immediately expanded. As for the exceeded budget, it does not matter millions of levs, the Bulgarian government can still find a way out!