Vol 2 Chapter 8: Undercurrent

It turns out that Ferdinand's choice is not wrong!

After confirming Bulgaria's next strategy, the potential of the cabinet was stimulated, twelve points of fighting power broke out, and it was put into a new round of preparations!

Even so, the "two-five-year plan" interrupted by the war has proceeded in an orderly manner.

Ferdinand, who was idle, set his sights on his old neighbor, the Ottoman Empire!

The end of the Pausian War, Bulgaria 's domestic calls to get rid of the Ottoman empire are growing, even though Bulgaria has long ceased to be the Sudanese government!

The bulging nationalists in Bulgaria are increasingly dissatisfied with this nominal sovereign state. (Oh, never satisfied!)

It is the voice of the general Bulgarian people to shake off the sovereignty of the Ottoman Empire and establish a completely independent Kingdom of Bulgaria.

However, Ferdinand was overwhelmed with strong prestige! Now is not the time to fall back with the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria is not ready for war, but it does not prevent Ferdinand from doing some small moves!

1895 was a turbulent year. The just-concluded War of Pax, and the crisis in the Near East began to intensify.

Immediately after the Sino-Japanese War began, the overwhelmed Armenians also emerged. This time, unlike in history, Ferdinand also intervened, and the Greeks, Arabs, and Kurds were involved!

Armenians live in the mountains and plateau areas of northeast Asia Minor. They were affected by Russia, Ottomans, and Persia in the 19th century. By 1894, more than one million Armenians were living in the Turkish Empire.

Armenians believe in Christianity and are incompatible with Turkey. Most of them live in "Six Armenia Provinces" and live with Kurds, mainly in agriculture and animal husbandry. There are also some people living in cities, such as 150,000 Armenians in Constantinople.

In the late 19th century, the Armenians were ethnic minorities, and their religion was incompatible with the Turkish personality. They were oppressed by the Turkish government.

After ethnic conflicts intensified, Armenians also launched activities against Sudanese rule, demanding national independence and autonomy. After ethnic independence in the Balkans, resistance has become more frequent.

The Armenian resistance also provoked the Ottoman rulers and carried out a brutal crackdown.

后 After the economic crisis broke out, the Ottoman Empire was also affected. In order to ease the crisis, divert attention. The Ottoman government has targeted the national minorities in an attempt to plunder the wealth of the ethnic minorities through the crisis!

Then stirred up the conflict between the Kurds and the Armenians, and took the opportunity to kill the Armenians!

In August 1894, the Turkish army and Kurds massacred thousands of Armenians in Sason, followed by massacres in Yozgat and Urfa.

After the news spread, it attracted the attention of the international community. The intervention of the powers gave the Armenians the illusion that the international community supports their independence!

Rebel groups believe that the opportunity for independence has come, and the uprising broke out! However, because the interests of the powers in the Ottoman Empire were different, it was difficult to reach agreement with each other, and the Near East crisis broke out!

In the principle of adding block to the enemy, Ferdinand also played a disgraceful role in this incident.

矛盾 The ethnic conflicts of the Ottoman Empire have always been very serious, and the core problem is religion!

The largest ethnic group, a Turk who believes in religion;

The second largest ethnic group, Greeks who believe in Orthodox Church;

The third largest ethnic group, a religious Arab;

The fourth largest ethnic Kurds who believe in religion;

The fifth largest ethnic group, Bulgarians who believe in Orthodox Church;

Uh ...

On the surface, Turks, Arabs, and Kurds all believe in religion, but they are actually different, and there are a lot of messy factions.

Everyone knows that heresy is often more abominable than its outside enemies. So at this point, if you write down again, you may be mine!

Uh ... (brain supplement 100,000 words)

Anyway, these contradictions were caught by Ferdinand, and the intelligence personnel secretly launched an operation code-named "Hunting Horse"!

Since 1895, the Ottoman Turkish Empire has not been peaceful. Religious conflicts have frequently occurred. Today, Kurds and Armenians have fought. Tomorrow, the Arabs and Greeks. The next day the Turkish and clashes with Bulgarians. Suddenly, Shia and Sunni clashed again, and Havalid and Murguier were in PK ...

The Ottoman government began to be exhausted. At first it was just a conflict between the believers at the bottom, but the intelligence personnel hyped through the tabloids and then detonated public opinion!

The Ottoman Empire can suppress local newspapers, but there is nothing that can be done about the newspapers in the hands of the powers, otherwise there will be no Near East crisis!

Public opinion has attracted the attention of the people. Everyone is waiting to see how the Ottoman Sultanate handles it! Religious contradictions, mixed with ethnic contradictions, have never been right or wrong No matter how you deal with it, some people will be dissatisfied.

What's more, the decaying Sudanese government? The response was slow and the processing was not timely. When the government intervened, there were several fights underneath, and the human brain hit the dog's brain.

No doubt, the Sudanese government's disposition favored its own people, angered the Greeks and Bulgarians in the country, and began to support the Armenian revolution with the encouragement of the Bulgarian and Greek governments.

More than Ferdinand has ambitions for the Ottoman Empire, Greek talent is the most urgent! Seeing the expansion of Bulgaria, George I of Greece was envious, jealous and hated, and could not be bordered with Greece by the Ottoman Empire.

Of course the Mediterranean is also considered, but the Greeks still have no courage to compete with Britain and France for the Mediterranean. Have n't you even seen Italy as a visitor?

A few years ago, when Bulgaria 's expansion began, George I followed up with this as an excuse. Unfortunately, he only guessed half right. I did not expect that the enemy chosen by Bulgaria was not the Ottoman Empire, but also the Serbs!

George I was planning to follow up with the cheap idea, and that was all for nothing! Now that the Ottoman Empire is surging, the Greeks can't bear it anymore, and they are just starting to move!

The Foreign Minister hurriedly entered Sofia's palace and reported to Ferdinandhui: "The Grand Duke, the special envoy of Greek King George I, has arrived in Sofia in secret!"

Ferdinand nodded and said, "It seems that the Greeks can't bear it anymore. We are still acting as planned. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can contact them first to explore the Greeks and decide whether they need to cooperate with them. ! "