Vol 2 Chapter 9: Shock plan

The Greeks came to the door so quickly, something unexpected by Ferdinand, but also reasonable!

Undercurrents in the Ottomans, the Greeks, as the second largest ethnic group among them, were the first to bear the brunt of attention! It was natural to get in touch with the Greek government, and George I immediately saw the opportunity.

Think about dare to single out Ottoman and initiate the "Greek-Turkish War", you know that the Greek government has never lacked courage.

However, the positioning of their own strength is too idealistic, and the war has suffered a fiasco. Perhaps the Greeks now feel that they can fight the Ottoman Empire.

Parallel time and space, now Bulgaria is busy fighting internally; Serbia is not much better, and the country is in a mess; Montenegro (Montenegro) is negligible.

The Greeks had to fight alone. Now Serbia is worse, but Bulgaria has grown stronger. The Greek government is not a fool. It is known that allies reduce risk.

At the juncture of negotiations with the Greeks, the international situation has changed again.

Since the British occupation of Egypt, relations with the Ottoman Turkish Empire have begun to alienate and deteriorate, and the Turks have turned to pro-German.

The British now have control over the sea route to India, but they are still uneasy, trying to keep the traffic on the road smooth.

After the crisis in the Near East, Britain put pressure on the Ottoman Empire through the Armenian issue, forced the Ottoman Empire to compromise, acknowledged the status quo in Egypt, and consolidated Britain's position in the Near East!

On the other hand, with the signing of the "Congo Treaty", the conflict between the British and the Germans has intensified, and Britain has reached an impasse in European diplomacy.

The British intend to repair with Germany and change the passive situation in diplomacy. At this time, France and Russia began to move closer. The British secretly promoted the alliance between France and Russia. They wanted to use the French-Russian alliance to deter Germany and force the Germans to actively improve relations with Britain.

To this end, he also showed his goodwill to the French on the issue of Morocco and made a dynamic of drawing Russia on the Nile!

On November 9, 1894, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rothbury, publicly addressed the issues fixed with Russia at the Mayor's Banquet in London.

The outbreak of the Armenia issue has provided the British with an opportunity to approach the powers, that is, to establish a "British, French, Russian" three-nation alliance on the Armenian issue!

But the attitude of other powers is far less positive than that of Britain.

Germany, Italy, and Austria-Hungary oppose actions in the Near East. The Germans want to consolidate the rule of Sudan, strengthen Germany's influence in the Ottoman Empire, and do not want Turkey to change.

The Russian Empire did not take Armenia seriously. Russia also has a large number of Armenians. Persecution of ethnic minorities also happens from time to time.

The Russian Empire 's Far East strategy is at a critical moment. The Sino-Japanese War involved their attention and did not want to confuse the water, which affected their expansion in the East!

France is even more indifferent. Soy sauce is used throughout the escort. On this issue, we chose to be consistent with the Russian Empire.

The British are very clear that on the Armenian issue, it is impossible to negotiate with the Sudanese government without the support of Russia and France, especially the Russian Empire.

Since the British got Egypt, the Near East issue has changed in the global strategy. The British government has begun to divide Turkey with the powers. The core is to reach an agreement with the Russians!

At the end of 1894, British Prime Minister Rosbury proposed that the Russian Empire occupy the Ottoman Armenian provinces in exchange for the Russians' recognition of British status in Egypt.

However, Ferdinand is very clear that the Russian government has no intention of using force against the Turks, otherwise he really does not mind being a fight. Or join forces with Greece to take a chestnut in a fire, it is not impossible!

However, in the current international situation, if Bulgaria rushes to attack Ottoman with Greece, it will follow the British's will. The most important thing is that Bulgaria is not ready yet!

At the end of the 19th century, it was an era of speaking by strength. The fists were not strong enough. Even if the Turks were defeated, Bulgaria could not eat the biggest benefit, which was not in line with Ferdinand's strategic goal!

However, under the butterfly effect of Ferdinand, the history of this world and parallel space-time has changed slightly. The alliance between Russia and Bulgaria and the Second War on Pacers have all affected the situation in the Near East.

So Ferdinand is now closely related to the crisis in the Near East, looking for opportunities in it!

The ability to repair history is powerful. In 1895, the British cabinet was re-elected. The Conservative aristocratic politician, Marquis Salisbury, became the British Prime Minister for the third time. British national policy changed!

The appointment of the Marquis of Salisbury was a crucial moment for Britain, France and Germany to compete in Africa. The British urgently need to resolve the crisis in the Near East. The core is to stabilize Russia!

He advocated a one-time solution, which has long plagued the British or European Eastern problems, and then proposed a plan to divide the Ottoman Empire:

Turkish territory will be restricted to Anatolia;

The Russian Empire will receive the Black Sea Strait, and Constantinople;

Austro-Hungarian Empire is compensated in the western Balkans;

Italy acquires Tripoli or Morocco;

The French acquire Syria or Morocco;

The British acquired Egypt and the Euphrates.

侯 The Marquis of Salisbury's plan to divide the Ottoman Empire, contrary to the traditional Near East policy of the British, if realized, it will change the pattern of Europe and even the world!

Anyway, after seeing this plan, Bulgaria was scared, Greece was scared, Serbia was scared, and once completed, the Balkan countries will see no hope!

This plan is theoretically feasible. Except for the Germans, the major European powers have all gained. Generally, they are divided according to their strengths, which is also considered "fair"!

Jeff Ferdinand had heard of this plan in previous lives, but it didn't take it seriously, anyway, it finally failed, but now it doesn't work!

He knew that he must take immediate action. Once Britain, France, Russia, Italy, and Austria-Hungary reached a consensus, it would be a foregone conclusion!

Even the Germans are powerless. After all, Germany at the end of the 19th century has not challenged the British!

Jeff Ferdinand knew that since the plan proposed by the British was only on the surface, there would definitely be compensation for the Germans afterwards. Historically, the Germans refused, and their actions hindered the division.

But what about time and space? Ferdinand is not sure how big his butterfly effect is, what if the Germans agreed?

After all, according to this plan, the contradictions between Russia and Austria will be delayed and weakened, the pressure on Germany 's eastern front will be greatly reduced, the relationship between Britain and Germany will continue to be closer, and even alliances will be established. From the perspective of future generations, promoting this plan is more in the long-term interest!