Vol 2 Chapter 27: Russian ambition

Speculation and speculation, Ferdinand still has to determine the attitudes of France and Russia in order to be assured. So he asked, "Mr. Mev, what are the conditions of the Russians?"

Megev said nervously: "The Russians hope that the two navies of Russia and Bulgaria can share all military ports!"

This can not help but he is not nervous, the port of Bulgaria and then the Black Sea is completely dispensable for the Russian Imperial Navy.

提出 Now that this condition is proposed, there is only one possibility, that is,-Bulgaria's strategy has been exposed! Only the estuary of the Mediterranean is worth the Russians' attention!

As for the navy's shared naval port, it was directly filtered by everyone, but it was just nice to say! Could it be that the Bulgarian navy that exists in theory can really run to the Russian naval port?

A few moments later, Minister of Foreign Affairs Metiev added: "And there is, hope that our two countries can have more in-depth cultural exchanges!"

Jeff Ferdinand was shocked. It was okay to share the military port in front. Although the Russians already knew Bulgaria's strategic intentions, they also hinted at their intention to support Bulgaria's expansion!

As for the Bosphorus, Ferdinand has not dared to think about it. To master the Bosphorus, there is no way around a core issue-King Constantinople!

And there must be a navy, so although King Constantinople is good, for today's Bulgaria, it is still a chicken rib!

It's easy to get it, it's hard to hold it! The Turks will definitely not give up easily. Without sea power, Ferdinand did not want to live the day when he was attacked by the Ottoman navy every day!

As for the hope of more in-depth cultural exchanges later, the ambition is obvious! Is the cultural exchange between Bulgaria and Russia insufficient? It is obvious that it is to spread "Panslavism"!

Jeff Ferdinand sneered, now that Bulgarian nationalism has risen, "Pan Slavism" cannot be recognized in a short time if it is to be recognized!

After a dozen or two decades, Bulgaria is not what it is now! By that time, even if Ferdinand Ken agrees to establish a "Great Slavic Federal Empire", can the European powers agree?

And "Pan Slavism" is not entirely bad for Bulgaria! At least it can increase the immigration from Russia and the recognition of Bulgaria!

In the end, whoever can get the most benefits depends on the means! In this case, Ferdinand decided to push another one, wasn't it to promote "Pan Slavism"?

Well! I also went to the Russian Empire to propagate. At the moment Ferdinand has decided to send someone to the Ukraine region to propagate a wave of "Panslavism" for the Russian government. Of course, Russia can be removed as the core!

If the Russian Empire can fight the war against the sky, there is nothing to say! Ferdinand can directly bow his head to concede and become a kingdom in the federal empire.

But what about history? No wonder he inherited part of the legacy of the Russian Empire! Anyway, everyone is a Slavic nation. Under the influence of "Panslavism", presumably everyone will not be so resistant to joining the big family of Bulgaria!

It can be said that Ferdinand is making a big bet, winning Bulgaria will step on the corpse of the Russian Empire to establish the "Bulgarian Third Reich"; for Bulgaria, lose everything.

斐 For Ferdinand personally, it is a big deal to become a king of the "Big Slavic Federal Empire". Whatever it looks like is made, it is just a matter of how much it is!

Ferdinand said fiercely: "Tell the Russians that their conditions, we agreed! But we must obtain the full support of the Russian Empire! Whether in diplomacy or military technology, I hope that we can develop a full range Cooperation!"

On this issue, Ferdinand did not ask the Cabinet for his opinion. He knew that if the Cabinet made a decision, it would probably not pass!

Without a prophet, no one would think that a "Japanese-Russian War" would erupt in the Far East more than ten years later, and then Russia 's domestic contradictions intensified, a revolution broke out, and the Russian Empire was pulled from the altar!

More than two decades later, a world war will break out and the Russian Empire will collapse!

Uh ...

After a moment of silence, Prime Minister Constantine hesitated to exhort: "His Grand Duke, the Russian wolves' ambitions have been exposed. We promised them their conditions. I am afraid there will be big trouble in the future?"

Fei Dinan said coldly: "It's not that simple. Even if we reject the conditions this time, the Russians will not give up! I don't know how many insults will be used to compromise us!

In this case, it might as well be exchanged for some benefits! As long as our strategic goals are achieved, Bulgaria is a middle country with a population of over 10 million.

At that time, even if the Russians want to establish the 'Great Slavic Federal Empire', we have enough confidence to discuss the conditions!

And the powers will not tolerate the Russian annexation of the Balkans, at least the Austro-Hungarian Empire will not agree! The British will not let Russia run to the Mediterranean, go and fight for hegemony with them! "

Everyone is now an angry expression, the Russians actually want to annex Bulgaria, this is totally intolerable!

The Great Slavic Federal Empire sounds very good. If the Russian Empire is weaker or Bulgaria is ten or eight times stronger, it may really be possible!

But do n't worry about it now, the gap between the two sides is too big! The so-called Confederacy is not yet a Russian word!

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Ferdinand comforted: "You don't have to worry too much. We still have enough time, at least now we have a Romania between us and the Russians!

It is not so simple to establish the Great Slavic Empire. Even if we cooperate wholeheartedly, the powers will intervene! There was only one chance, and without enough grasp, Nicholas II would not shoot.

Now the strategic focus of the Russians is still in the Far East. A large amount of manpower and material resources have been invested in the Siberian Railway. It is impossible for Russia to step out in at least ten years! "

After listening to Ferdinand's words, everyone looked slightly slower, and even if pan-Slavism is powerful, it is impossible to achieve results in a short time. What's more, "Fanslavism" and Ferdinand's large Bulgarian people have the same goal, which will promote national integration in Bulgaria!

I said again that, before there was no border, even if Nicholas II was confident, he would not establish a federal empire in advance. Otherwise, they will be separated in two places. If the powers intervene, it will easily cause division again!

Russian abacus is about to start, let's get Romania first! Incidentally, the Austro-Hungarian Empire and the German Empire behind Romania should be settled.

To do this, win a world war first!