Vol 2 Chapter 28: Big loan

No doubt, after political agreement was reached, Ferdinand did not need to ask questions about the remaining details and negotiations.

Although loans are mainly from France, it does not mean that the Bulgarian government does not need to borrow from other countries!

末 The end of the 19th century was the golden age of the development of capitalism. Even if the negotiations at the government level failed, as long as the capitalists thought it was profitable, business would still be done.

后 After the war, Bulgaria fully attracted the attention of the international community. Everyone suddenly discovered that a small country had begun to rise in the Balkans.

Politicians are concerned about the impact on the international situation, and capitalists are naturally interested in benefits! As long as you are interested, you will easily find that the Bulgarian economy has grown rapidly in recent years!

高速 High-speed economic growth is naturally a golden period for capitalists to make money. Unfortunately, this discovery is too late. The Bulgarian domestic market is limited and saturated, and there is no opportunity for latecomers to enter!

But this is only for small capitalists. For large consortia, making money from finance is much faster than the real economy!

After evaluating the risks, you will find that the Bulgarian government's repayment ability is still very strong.

In order to stimulate economic development in Bulgaria, many industries are reducing taxes or even exempting taxes. Once the tax returns to normal levels, fiscal revenue will definitely increase significantly!

"Once the proper profit is obtained, the courage of the capitalists will grow up! If there is a 10% profit, it will be guaranteed to be used everywhere; if there is a 20% profit, it will become active; if there is a 50% profit, it will It is risky; with 100% profit, it dares to trample on all human laws; with 300% profit, it dares to commit any crime! "-Marx-Capital

普通 For ordinary people, perhaps the profit of issuing loans and buying bonds is only a few points. But for the consortium, if there are not a few banks in the hands of anyone, would it be confusing?

Using other people's money to make money is their most commonly used method! In essence, in addition to risk, the cost of loans is surprisingly low, which is why capitalists are keen to engage in the financial industry!

Otherwise, how much interest can I get if I simply use my own money to lend?

Facing high profits, capital has never been resistant!

Even if you don't get everything you want in diplomacy, the loan negotiation will continue, but the amount will be much lower!

With the mosquitoes no matter how small they are, the Bulgarian government is still very enthusiastic representatives from various parties to approach and strive for every loan.

Uh ...

Time passed quickly. By the end of 1895, after the tireless efforts of the Bulgarian government, a total of 15 loans of various sizes had been obtained, involving a total of 987 million levs.

What is debt building? The Bulgarian government is now in high debt, and the annual interest payment alone amounts to more than 80 million levs! If we add to the previous loan interest, this number has even exceeded 100 million levs!

The French alone provided 800 million levs (equivalent to francs) at one time, and the other dozen loans were added to less than 200 million. It can only be said that international loans in this era were still government-led !!

Small loans are okay. The interest is a little bit higher. There are not many additional conditions. Most of them are issued at one time.

But the French huge sum, or the "French-Russian" joint loan, is not so easy to get!

First of all, the loan is not issued in one lump, but divided into three. 300 million levs were distributed for the first time, and the rest were distributed twice later!

Second, we must also monitor the use of loans. According to the agreement, among the 300 million levs, Bulgaria must be invested in the navy. As for how to use it, Ferdinand does not have to worry about it. The Russians will help formulate a "reasonable" naval development plan!

The remaining 600 million levs, or francs, of which half of the funds must be used to purchase French goods!

And the Bulgarian government must also ensure that no less than 100 million levs are invested in the military industry!

Haunting is the shamelessness of Ferdinand, who has gone to great lengths to imagine the powers, or underestimated the power of the powers!

If you want to supervise the use of loans, you will not talk about it. But even the specific use conditions are clearly specified, and there is no need to say!

If it were not for the "Navy Development Plan" of 300 million levs, it would be a 20-year interest-free loan. He would definitely not want it!

Yes, France and Russia have already planned to support Bulgaria's acquisition of the Black Sea Strait. Of course, this is only a nominal acquisition, and the actual control is in the hands of the Russians!

法国 And the French get the right to travel free of duty.

The Russian Empire is the largest foreign investor in France and the largest overseas market for French goods, so the Turks 'tariffs are very eye-catching.

I can see that paying tens of millions of francs to the Turks each year has already made French capitalists very dissatisfied. At every opportunity, they are ready to kick this stumbling block!

Get this final treaty Bulgarian government officials are angry.

Isn't this Bulgaria fighting for the Russians and French? And it's the kind of mercenaries who bring their own dry food, without having to pay the army. All the gains can only be grabbed by yourself!

Fortunately, the Bulgarian navy has no sense of existence, otherwise there is no possibility of passing! With the signing of this treaty, the Bulgarian navy will be reduced to a fleet in the hands of the Russian Empire!

However, Ferdinand was very tempted to rely on Bulgaria's own strength to establish a navy. Without two or thirty years, don't even think about forming combat effectiveness.

If you can use the strength of the Russians, it may only take a few years to build a fleet. Russians can send officers, not all soldiers! No matter how bad Bulgaria can get a batch of naval soldiers, a naval logistics system!

Jeff Ferdinand said earnestly: "Well, gentlemen, put away the anger in your heart! Anger can only burn your reason, and calm down can solve the problem!

The situation is very obvious now, our strategy has been exposed, at least the Russians have speculated!

Either we agree to their conditions and be a mercenary with the support of the French-Russian Alliance. Defeating the Turks, we will gain a large territory in the Balkans of the Ottoman Empire.

Of course we have to pay a heavy economic price, and even our navy will become a fleet in the hands of the Russians!

I either refused the conditions of the Russians and parted ways with the Russian Empire. We not only won't get support, I'm afraid we will also face a series of suppression by the Russians!

Everyone is a Bulgarian elite. Now you need to make a choice for the fate of Bulgaria. Think calmly and tell me the answer! "