Vol 2 Chapter 36: Huaigui

The Ottoman Empire is already the biggest enemy of the bourgeoisie in Bulgaria and Russia! This point Ferdinand felt the deepest. Who called him the biggest capitalist in Bulgaria?

Bulgarian industrial products, fortunately, the big deal is sold to the Russian Empire, the Ottoman Empire also blocked the entry of industrial products in Western Europe.

But what about agricultural exports? Russians do n't need to import food, they ca n't finish their own food, and they want to export it?

After being scratched by Ottoman, the Bulgarian government had to exempt businesses from taxes to ensure their competitiveness. Even so, the profits from exports are extremely limited!

Shuanghui Food Group, Ferdinand alone, pays more than 30 million levs of import and export duties to the Ottoman Empire every year. This is a real pain!

Cut off money, like killing parents!

Sitting on the Black Sea Strait, this golden waterway, the Ottoman Empire can be said to have drawn the hatred of Bulgaria and Russia to full value! Of course, Romania 's feelings are similar. The export of agricultural products has to be severely scratched!

If the Ottoman Empire is strong, everyone will be unsatisfied. It's a pity that now he is fading, that's pulling hatred!

Even if the Russian government can tolerate it for the sake of the overall situation, the noble masters in the country are absolutely unbearable for the benefit!

Otherwise, the Russian government will not pack up a fleet as soon as it finds an opportunity; Ferdinand will not rush to overthrow the Ottoman Empire, all for the benefit of it!

At this point, the Bulgarian government is also very clear. Knowing that cooperation with the Russians is to make a hide with the tiger, but there is no choice. The Ottoman stumbling block must be killed!

Otherwise, don't worry about Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire always **** blood through tariffs, and the industrial benefits are taken away by the Turks!

Of course, the Sudanese government is expected to express an injustice. The tariffs they have collected in the Black Sea Strait are already very low, lower than those in most countries! To the bear bear, you can't hide it, who dares to find trouble?

He is not guilty.

The Black Sea Strait is the throat of West Asia, North Africa and Southern Europe leading to the Black Sea. It is the only way for the Russian Empire, Bulgaria, and Romania to enter the Mediterranean Sea.

What's more, tens of thousands of ships pass through it every year, with a total tonnage of up to tens of millions of tons, and tariff income of up to tens of millions of pounds of gold waterway!

Adding all these factors together, one can imagine the relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Russian Empire, Romania, and Bulgaria.

If you can compromise on strategic issues, you will not have to talk about economic disputes! No way, who said that these countries are not rich?

It is obviously impossible for the Ottoman Empire to abandon tariffs, which is equivalent to killing him!

In addition to the national fiscal revenue, the noble masters of Turkey have not benefited a lot. If their financial path is broken, Sudan's position will be unstable!

Not to mention Bulgaria, how can one obtain further development without annexing the European territories of the Ottoman Empire? Where can I find raw materials and markets?

In this respect, Romania's attitude can be ignored. On the land, it does not border Ottoman, and the fleet at sea that is comparable to the Bulgarian "maritime police" has no ability to look for the bad luck of the Turks!

Bears, no doubt, their appetite is the biggest, but they have the strength to back them up! If it were not for the mutual restraint of the powers, it would be estimated that the goal would be more than just Constantinople.

Asia Minor Peninsula and Georgia are both good choices, which are in line with their operation to turn the Black Sea into the Inland Sea!

And they ca n't feed them at all, even if Sudan wants to compromise with them! That is to say, the strategic focus of the Russian Empire is now in the Far East. Otherwise, if you take the courage of Ferdinand, you will not dare to make a hide with the tiger?

Uh ...

Minister of Industry, Commerce and Trade Wei Zheng-Ivanov continued, "Dagong, judging from the situation in 1895, the growth point of our import and export trade in the coming year will be the Russian Empire.

In the global market, except for a few specialty products, other industrial and commercial products are still difficult to make a breakthrough!

Considering the possible outbreak of war in the next two years, we have decided to temporarily limit the export of a number of agricultural products and switch to unified procurement by the government as a strategic material reserve!

速度 The economic growth rate in the coming year may drop significantly, and some industries may even experience negative growth!

At the same time, the government is coordinating major domestic enterprises and can implement the wartime economy whenever necessary. Because of the experience of the previous Paocer war, the problem should be small! "

Uh ...

After Ferdinand thought about it, he asked, "How much of our loan is already in place?"

"His Grand Duke, our loans with major European consortia have basically been put in place, and the first batch of loans promised by the French have been released!"

Speaking of this, Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy paused, and said something a little embarrassed: "But the French don't allocate us all about the 300 million levs of the navy loan.

Except for 20 million levs for naval port construction and 30 million levs for dock construction, other funds are directly allocated to the navy fleet!

Our Ministry of Finance negotiated with them several times, but all ended without results The reason they gave was: In order to ensure that the navy military expenditure can be used exclusively, the intermediate links were reduced and directly assigned to the navy! "

Jeff Ferdinand's face changed, and he recovered again, knowing that it was France and Russia that united to pit Bulgaria, but "people under the eaves had to bow their heads!"

He said coldly, "Forget it, this money is not so easy to get! It's already in someone else's pocket, and it's not that easy to get it out!"

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs protests against the French and the Russians. Even if we suffer, we must eat in the clear. "

Prime Minister Constantine said anxiously, "Dagong, military spending is now directly allocated to the Navy, which is bad for us!

I originally had no binding force on this Russian fleet, and now has even less influence. I am afraid I will not be able to adjust after the outbreak of war in the future! "

Jeff Ferdinand sighed and said, "You don't have to worry about this. The importance of the Black Sea Strait to the Russians is much greater than ours. Don't be afraid that they will not cooperate!

After the war, after we obtained the estuary of the Mediterranean: the economic value of the Black Sea Strait has been reduced to the lowest level; as for the military value, we will consider it when our own navy grows up!

It's too early to say this now. Without the Russians, we would not dare to take over even if we sent the Black Sea Strait! "

At this moment, Ferdinand had to be envious of those who passed through. Everyone else easily created a large navy, overtook the United Kingdom and the United States in three years, and hit the world in five years.

I came to him, and have been tossing for seven or eight years. So far, I have done a Serbia. Don't say that going to the whole world to deal with the situation, a Balkan has not yet done it, it is simply lost the face of the rider!