Vol 2 Chapter 37: Armenian Uprising

A wave of unrest is rising again!

While Bulgaria was preparing for the war, the Ottoman Empire made another big news-the Armenians turned!

Of course, Armenia's counter-insurgency is not a day or two, but this time is different. Their uprising was successful!

This is Ferdinand's pot. In order to trouble the Ottoman Empire, he also specially allocated funds and set up a special operations command.

摩尔 Morca Valdo, a rising star in the intelligence service, is responsible for leading the intelligence work of the Ottoman Empire. There is only one task, which is to trouble the Sudanese government!

Whether it is to tease the government, support the Revolutionary Party, or create ethnic conflicts, or religious conflicts! Even if it is spreading rumors, nothing can happen.

I did not expect that, just after taking office, Morka-Waldo did not live up to Ferdinand's expectations, and made a big news.

Since 1893, in order to alleviate the domestic economic crisis, the Sudanese government has increased the oppression of ethnic minorities. Ethnic conflicts have intensified, and among them, Armenians have jumped the most and started to become independent.

In 1894, a **** massacre was launched in order to suppress the independence movement of the Armenians. But this time and space, because of Ferdinand's intervention, became different.

Bulgaria's steady stream of arms was delivered to the Armenians. Faced with the brutal repression of the Sudanese government, Armenians took up their weapons and rose up against it. A premeditated slaughter became a civil war!

Of course, civilians can't do the regular army, even if Armenians rise up, they have only intensified the repression of the Sudanese government.

In history, until June 1896, Armenian talents launched a large-scale uprising in Constantinople. This time and space advanced to February 1896, and the scale was much larger. The uprising also received the support of Greeks, Jews and other minorities!

Back in time, on January 24, 1896, the Armenian Dilange owed a usury loan from the Turkish nobleman Gordes, and was unable to repay under the profit.

But Lord Gorzde was not easy to provoke. When he was angry, he took people to collect debts. He took away Diranger's daughter to pay the debts, and the two sides clashed.

Gözde's men beat Dilange to death and took his daughter away. Before leaving, in order to vent his anger, he set a fire and burned down their house.

The problem lies in this fire. Diglan lives in a slum, a gathering place for Armenians. It is said that the houses are actually shacks, and firewood is piled up, which is easy to burn.

If it is normal, the surrounding residents will come to the fire, and it can be extinguished soon, and it will burn up to a few unlucky eggs nearby.

But this time the exception was made. Victorkis-Georgiyev, a Bulgarian intelligence agent who successfully mixed in the Armenian resistance group, was on the scene.

知道 He knew that the actions of the Turkish noble Gozd had angered the Armenians, but after a long period of oppression, these ordinary people had become as numb as the walking dead, and did not dare to resist.

He then took the opportunity and took the opportunity to shoot Gozd, who was about to leave, right in the chest, and then quickly left. The incident broke out, and the noble master was shot. Of course, ordinary people ran away immediately. Who cares about fire fighting?

Once it is implicated, the Ottoman government, no matter how much, will always lose its head! Not to mention Gozd's men, who has the energy to extinguish the fire?

Then, the fire became bigger and bigger, spreading rapidly around. This year, there is no professional fire brigade. By the time people from the government came over, the fire had spread.

Fortunately, most of the buildings in Constantinople were made of stone. After burning down the slums, they stopped. If it rests in Japan, which is dominated by wooden buildings, one city might be over!

Even so, the fire killed dozens, injured hundreds, and made tens of thousands homeless! In addition to Armenians, this includes some Greeks, Bulgarians, Jews and other minorities.

Victorkis-Georgiyev, who has been mixed with the Armenian confrontation, immediately reported the atrocities of the Turks to the resistance group and received the news. The angry Armenian Revolutionary Party immediately organized a demonstration!

Request the Sudanese government to punish the killers and compensate the people for their losses! Obviously, the reasonable demands of the Armenians were not accepted, but the suppression of the military and police was welcomed.

Under the pressure of survival, these tens of thousands of people were united together by Victorkis in the name of the resistance group, and Morka, who received the news, took the initiative and provided him with support.

With 2,000 rifles and more than 100,000 bullets, they were delivered to the Armenian resistance group. With the encouragement of Victor Keith, everyone unanimously decided to revolt!

Of course, it is not necessary to rebel. The households of these tens of thousands of refugees have been burned by the fire. What to eat next time is a problem!

The violent uprising broke out. Because Victor Keith's performance was good, the key was to get weapons, so it became logical to become one of the leaders of the insurgent army!

Victorkis is better trained than anyone else, and has also participated in the Serbian uprising The experience of rebellion is rich.

With his rich experience, he took the lead to conquer the police station, snatched the arsenal, and quickly expanded the rivalry. Whether Armenians, Greeks, or Bulgarians and Jews, they all came and refused to accept them. Up.

Then with a snowball-like pair, he continued to loot in Constantinople, captured the Ottoman Bank building, moved the vault, and directly blew up the building.

Anyway, his task is only to destroy. As for the Armenian occupation of the Bank building in history, the negotiations with the Ottoman Empire naturally did not exist.

Constantinople is also one of the capitals of the Ottoman Empire. There are still many garrisons. Victor Keith knows very well that it is impossible to win the regular army by relying on this group of insurgents!

It is the eighth day since the insurrectionary army captured the government building, and even if the Ottoman Empire is slow to respond, it also reacts.

After Victor Keith burned down the information, he resolutely handed over the building to the interim government established by the resistance group, using the excuse to arrange street fighting, and was essentially ready to run.

As for the composition of the army, I am sorry that these are not the issues considered by Victor Keith. In order to expand the revolutionary rivalry, these are subsections. As long as you submit a vote, everyone is your own person!

I was so stupid that the Turks in Constantinople had reached the mold. "Certificate of fame" is no doubt. Of course, the head of the Turkish nobleman is the best. His move was soon followed by the insurgents!

I have revenge and complain!

The entire Constantinople has made a mess, the interim government established by the Armenians has no power to control the situation, and the moment of adultery and plundering is happening in this city!