Vol 2 Chapter 61: Chattarja of Constantinople

The sound of artillery was roaring, the gas was irritated, a streamer flickered, and the air burst into a dazzling light! After more than two hours of artillery fighting, the firepower of the Turkish army's counterattack became weaker and weaker, and was gradually suppressed.

The husband knew the opportunity was coming and ordered without hesitation: "Offensive!"

The first round of the attack was the first division, under the cover of many artillery, began to storm the local army's Chatarja position!

In this battle, the artillery of the artillery was once again supreme, telling the world clearly: "What is the **** of war!"

Especially the 300-odd artillery guns provided by the Russians have played a significant role. In this kind of attack, nothing can destroy the enemy 's fortifications than the powerful artillery, killing and attacking the enemy in large numbers Morale!

The casualties of the Turkish army were very large. Due to the incorrect estimation of the number of artillery pieces of the Bao army, there was a serious problem in the deployment of the position!

Suddenly hit by the Bulgarian artillery, the time was also chosen in the early morning. When the noble masters were sleeping, they were not organized in time!

When the Turkish artillery began to fight back, ten minutes had passed. In just ten minutes on the battlefield, the price paid is often painful!

The Bulgarian artillery focused on the artillery positions of the Turkish Army, as well as the soldiers' tents. In just ten minutes, at least dozens of artillery of the Turkish Army had not yet started, and they withdrew from the war!

After all these factors have been superimposed, the local army suffered more than 4,000 casualties in just over two hours, which is also rare in the history of war!

Sudden shelling also disrupted the links between the various units of the Turkish Army, especially some recruits, like headless flies, scurrying around!

At the beginning of the general attack, the first infantry division of the Baojun army tore a hole in the position of the Turkish army, and the continuous Baobao army broke into the position of the Turkish army from this hole!

Subsequently, the Ottoman army also organized a large number of troops to launch counterattack positions, and the two sides launched a fierce fight!

There is no doubt that the more powerful Bulgarian army has the upper hand in this slaughter, and the practice suppresses the Turkish army!

The cruel battle continued until the evening, when nothing could be done, the Ottoman army began to retreat!

Want to go, not so easy! After catching the bargain-hunting general, he immediately ordered the water dog to be beaten down. At this time, the frontline army had chased the back of the Turkish army and hit him!

The Chatalja position that hindered Bulgaria's attack in history was just taken down! However, the husband was not happy at all, or the top of the entire First Army was not happy!

The fighting during the day, the fighting power and fighting will of the Turkish army far surpassed that of any Turkish army they had seen before!

The husband asked sadly: "Are the results checked out?"

Petrov said in a low tone, "Come out, but the result is much worse than we thought!

During the day's battle, we annihilated 15,000 enemy forces and captured 6,842 enemy forces.

But the casualties we paid were also huge!

The First Division suffered 842 casualties, including 856 deaths and 685 serious injuries. The rest were minor injuries!

The 8th Infantry Division suffered 1,285 casualties, including 586 deaths and 284 serious injuries ...

Total casualties of our army: about 7,800 people, more than 2,100 deaths, and more than 1,000 serious injuries! "

The husband sighed and said, "Yeah! We lost half of the main division's strength with a Chatalja!

From the beginning of the war to the present, our First Army defeated more than 100,000 local armies and conquered dozens of fortresses. The casualties were just that!

It seems that the next battle is not good! The Sudanese government has issued a death order, 'the city is here, the city is dead,' and now the Ottoman army is coming desperately! "

Petrov sneered and said, "It's not too late for the Ottomans to start desperately now? What if we could keep Constantinople?

The Balkans are almost lost, they are in our pockets, and they want to get them back!

What time is it, and the whole family is still engaged, the Sudanese government is really cruel! "

The husband said with a bitter smile: "But it is very effective, isn't it? Now those who dare to surrender to us are basically in the Balkans. I really didn't expect that a group of noble masters would fight hard enough!

My chief of staff, how can we report to the country now? I do n't know what kind of turmoil will be caused by such a large number of casualties in China! "

Petrov desperately wanted to vomit blood. No matter how he reported it, the First Army did not fall well!

Overcoming a Chaltar position or taking advantage of it all lost so much, how to explain the past? If Constantinople is conquered, it's pretty much the same!

"Honestly report! Make the situation clear to the country. It is impossible to complete Constantinople without paying 50,000 to 60,000 casualties!

If the Ottoman Empire increases its troops again, it is estimated that this loss will expand, so let the country have a mental preparation first! "

Compared to the distress of the First Army, at this moment in Constantinople, Edel Pasha and a group of Ottoman officers are even more distressed!

The artillery with high hopes has lost hundreds of artillery and killed thousands of artillery in today's battle!

Don't think about the firepower advantage, wait for it!

Even worse, the Chaltar position guarded by heavy soldiers was lost within a day. By the way, the guards of the two divisions were also buried, which is undoubtedly worse!

Edel Pasha said coldly, "Let's just talk! Now everyone is a grasshopper on a skipping rope, and no one can run away. Let me have any ideas!"

General Etor-Pasha, who withdrew from the front, took the lead to say, "It is now very clear that with the intervention of the Russians, we have lost our firepower advantage!

How about the combat effectiveness of the Bulgarian army, everyone who has sat here has seen it! To keep Constantinople, with the 80,000 troops in our hands, it is impossible!

I suggest to explain the situation directly to China for help! We need at least 200,000 reinforcements and a lot of weapons and ammunition to keep Constantinople!

If the noble masters in the country still advocate counterattack, then less than half a million troops are free! For the sake of insurance, transfer 800,000 troops here, and we can hit Sofia! "

The crowd laughed, and Ettor Pasha said everyone's voice It's also a nobleman. Why do you enjoy it in the back, and we need to work **** the front?

What about the Ottoman Empire? The 200,000 army is no problem, as long as you wait a few months, you can always make it up! 800,000 troops, no problem, wait another year or two!

It 's only weapons and equipment. Import them from abroad. The government ca n't afford the money. Produce it yourself. Then after three years and five years, maybe you can get it together, and you ca n't guarantee the quality!

Edel Pasha knows that he is not capable of suppressing the "loser" of these proud soldiers, coupled with staying in Constantinople desperately, also makes him very dissatisfied.

At the moment, it doesn't matter whether the country can send reinforcements or not, and said coldly, "Since everyone agrees, let's report them together!"


Ferdinand, who has just received the emergency report from the front line, has a cold heart. Is there something wrong with it, which has made the Ottoman come back?

Opening the battle report in a hurry, it was a good news, but the more he looked down, the more surprised he was!

But not worried, but happy!

In history, the Bulgarian army was blocked by the Chattarja position and could not make a breakthrough; now the First Army has captured the Chattarja position on the first day. In his opinion, this is undoubtedly a good thing!

As for the casualties, "one will succeed!" Constantinople was not that good at fighting, with heavy casualties, Ferdinand had already prepared for it!

After doing the calculations, Ferdinand decided to fight, and immediately ordered: "Servant, send a report to the First Army Command! Content: Order General Husband to win Constantinople at all costs!

Now I authorize him to recruit additional troops on the spot, the scope of recruitment is engineering divisions and militia volunteers of all nationalities!

When necessary, allow temporary formation of local divisions, and join the siege! "