Vol 2 Chapter 62: Under the reward, there will be brave men

"What? Set up a temporary division?" Petrov was afraid to say no.

"Yes! This is an order made by the Grand Duke himself, without going through the military committee!" Said the husband in shock.

You must know that Bulgaria's military system is very clear. Military officials have no right to ask soldiers to recruit, let alone form new troops!

Weapons and equipment are in charge of the General Equipment Department; a logistics department has a special logistics department; recruiting soldiers and reserve training are the responsibility of the Ministry of National Defense; the expansion of the army is the responsibility of the Military Commission!

Bulgaria does not have a military-level establishment. The front line has a military chief, and the highest level is not a division commander. Like group commanders, they were specially established during the war, and they were immediately cancelled after the war!

Under this system, the possibility of the birth of warlords is limited to the greatest extent, even if it is not necessary to cultivate small groups, Ferdinand's control of the army is guaranteed!

This time Ferdinand directly passed the order of the Ministry of National Defense and the Military Commission, and the maximum decentralization was granted!

It's definitely not that simple on the surface. There is no official order, which means it can also be a secret order!

The two of them thought of "backdating"!

If you want to conquer Constantinople, there may be casualties, the core population of Bulgaria is limited, the army cannot afford such a large number of casualties, then the temporary division is the cannon fodder division!

"It seems that the credit for conquering Constantinople is not so easy!" Petrov said with a grin.

The husband laughed: "So what, would you give up? If you want to quit, I don't mind swallowing it alone!"

Petrov said dejectedly: "How is it possible to give up? I just feel sorry for it, it will be a big curse, as long as Constantinople won is nothing, the country will be responsible for the aftermath!"

On the other hand, if Constantinople cannot be beaten, they will be miserable. Don't even think about having a good life in the second half of your life!

The husband said coldly, "Since sooner or later, let's start now. Anyway, we have to fill it with human life!

Now in Istanbul, volunteers, guerrillas, and rebels have gathered. There are more than 100,000 people in the mix. We are drawing some veterans in the past to form ten temporary divisions!

Let the logistics department to equip them with basic weapons and equipment earlier, as long as one rifle and bayonet are enough! If you do n't make up for it in the short term, allocate the weapons I seized first! "

Petrov thought about it and said ruthlessly: "Okay! Then open our rewards and let them sign up voluntarily! In case of loss of life, we can't blame us!"


Life is dead, wealth is in heaven!

The news of the formation of a temporary division by the First Army Group shocked everyone.

A teenager asked, "Paul, do you want to participate? This time, the danger is great. I just went to the recruiting office. An old soldier told me that the temporary division is also going to participate in the siege. The death rate may be as high as 10%. One! Persuading us to consider before we participate, once we join, we cannot quit! "

Paul laughed: "Coulomb, is this still a consideration? Ten percent mortality, I would not be so unlucky!

This time, Bulgaria has paid a lot of money, and the disability and death benefits are not less than two hectares of land, or equivalent cash, and those who have won the battle will be rewarded again, and they can get the highest title!

Why not gamble? Anyway, I have nothing, as long as I kill two Ottomans or get collective credit, I can harvest one hectare of land!

Even if I was unlucky and fell on the offensive road, my family could get two hectares of land, enough for them to live! "

Petrov's plan was successful, and now the first army was clearly marked: killing an Ottoman soldier on 05 hectares of land, the officers doubled, and the officers doubled ...

Coupled with the guidance of intelligence personnel, the difference between casualty and mortality was intentionally or unintentionally ignored!

In many people's eyes, the death rate of 10% is not too high, only one out of ten, he will never be so unlucky!

What else are you afraid of? If you really die, don't you still have generous pensions? No worries, why not blog!

The folk customs in the Balkans are tough and not blown. Any nation living here is a fighting nation. Few are afraid of war, or are they mercenaries?

Since Bulgaria has paid a lot of money, it is justified to give them their lives, not to mention hitting the **** Ottomans, which can make money and revenge, this mercenary is worth it!

It took only three days from the start of the conscription to the completion of the reorganization, and Bulgaria once again showed the world what is called efficiency!


When the First Army recruited troops to buy horses, the Ottoman Empire was not idle at this moment. Within a few days, Edel Pasha had received three additional divisions.

However, Edel Pasha was not happy at all. Although the Bulgarians have not launched a general offensive these days, the small-scale offense has not stopped, and the shells are dumped on them without money!

In just a few days, the Ottoman army lost another division's strength, which was based on the premise that the hundreds of heavy artillery were not fully developed!

It 's not that the husband does n't want to continue to attack, mainly waiting for ammunition! Bulgaria's own artillery regiment, that one is not to worry about. Seven or eight million ammunition reserves have not yet consumed half!

However, the heavy artillery provided by the Russians was pitted, and Bulgaria could only produce a small number of shells, and the rest had to be delivered by the Russians. There is not enough ammunition to suppress the Ottoman shore guns!

Of course, the Ottoman army was not much better. Etoel Pasha stormed into the headquarters with an angry expression and asked with a loud voice: "General Edel Pasha, where is our artillery, why not fight back?"

When he heard this, Edel Pasha was also angry. He patted the table and said, "Enough. What is this place? Let's go wild and go back to our command!

Where are our artillery, don't you know? Why not fight back, you are deaf, can't you hear? "

Ettor Pasha reluctantly said: "I was asking shore guns, and now there are hundreds of field guns fighting back. What about our shore guns?

You must know that the Bulgarian army is equipped with new artillery. Their 75mm field guns can only support us with a number of field guns. Without more powerful shore guns, they are not their opponents at all! "

Edel Pasha sneered and said, "Shore gun, you **** think I don't want to use it! What about terrible ammunition? The Bosporus has been calm for decades, and the ammunition that was previously stored is in Constantine Inside Edinburgh, don't need me to explain it! "

Ettor Pasha sighed and said, "In that case, then simply put the abandoned positions outside the city and use the fortress in the city to defend it! The casualties now are too great!"

Edel Pasha gave him a cold look and said, "Don't dream! Last year's Armenian riots, many fortifications in Constantinople were seriously damaged and are being repaired. Your task now is to repair Fortifications, fight for time! "

Eto's Pasha asked angrily: "We've been abandoned, right? Don't forget it, Chattargia was captured in a day!

Once the Bulgarians launch a full-scale offensive, our position can't stop them and pay the price of tens of thousands of people just for the two or three days. Is it worth it? "

Edel Pasha said coldly, "This is the order!"

Ettor Pasha was sent away. At this moment, Edel Pasha didn't know whether his decision was right or not. He said in a low tone: "The lieutenant sent a report to the country, the Bulgarians have completed the expansion, and the general offensive is about to start. They demand immediate reinforcement. ! "


A new round of general offensives started again. Under the baptism of artillery, the Ottoman army could only use the remaining fortifications and trenches to defend the Bulgarian army's attack.

The husband calmly said, "It's almost there. Let's meet with the newly formed temporary division!"

With the order of the husband, under the cover of artillery, the newly-provisioned temporary divisions 1, 2, and 3 screamed and rushed up. In the eyes of ordinary soldiers, the Ottoman army is the land in front of them, waiting for them to harvest!

On one side was a high-tempered Bulgarian temporary division, while on the other hand they fought for the Ottoman army. The **** fight between the two sides was killed!

Over time, more and more Bulgarian soldiers rushed up, and the Turkish army gradually fell into a disadvantage. The battle continued until the night came, and the Ottoman army covered the retreat by night!

After checking the results of the battle, the husband shook his head and thought to himself: The Wuhe people are the Wuhe people. If they were replaced by the regular army, the battle would have ended long before the army would run away!

However, he still appeared in person to appease the soldier. In fact, it was only exposed, and ordered the officers to count the military achievements of the soldiers during the day!

Those who were still sad for their comrades-in-arms were soon dispelled by the forthcoming rewards. Someone who has been harvested is gathering to discuss how much land they want to obtain; those who have not harvested are secretly annoyed on the one hand, why they have not rushed faster, and have made up their minds. They must be fast next time, and they cannot be robbed. Own land!