Vol 2 Chapter 63: Spartan Warriors Reappear

Time passed quickly, and three days passed. The Second Army has swept the Macedonia region. Except for a few fortresses and the Turkish army resisting, the entire Macedonia region has been won!

Ferdinand received the war report, his mouth was crooked. The Macedonian area in this era can be much larger than the later Republic of Macedonia (257.13 million square kilometers)!

It also contains four regions of later Greece: 141.57 million square kilometers in East Macedonia, 19.147 million square kilometers in Central Macedonia, 9.451 square kilometers in Western Macedonia, 9,200 square kilometers in Epirus, and parts of Bulgaria and Serbia. It is over 80,000 square kilometers.

Coupled with 10.98 million in Kosovo and 7.52 million in Thrace (including 24.476 million in East Thrace, 08.78 million in West Thrace and 42.155 million in North Thrace). Albania is about to reach 28.748 million and Istanbul is 5,343 square kilometers.

Taken together, these areas have a total area of ​​more than 200,000 square kilometers, which is almost twice the territory of Bulgaria today!

Once Bulgaria has annexed and digested these regions, the Balkans will create a medium power with a territory of more than 300,000 square kilometers and a population of more than 10 million!

If you make use of the rich resources in these areas and develop them, you will have to add a new member in the future power club!

While Ferdinand was dreaming, he was interrupted by a message!

"What? The Ottomans surrounded Athens, and the Second Army sent troops to Thessaly, ready to rescue Greece!

Tell Dante Kristof to be honest with me, without my order to forbid soldiers to enter Greece!

And ask him for me, is the second army the Bulgarian army or the Greek army? What happened to the Greeks?

Was their Second Army too busy? Nothing to do, let 's win Albania with the Third Army! "

Ferdinand's sudden anger frightened everyone. The second army only made a suggestion, and did not really kill the soldiers without cutting first and then playing!

But since the boss is angry, then Dante Kristof deserves them!

Constantine said in distress: "Prince, now that the Ottoman army has surrounded Athens, the Greeks are afraid that they will not be able to withstand it. Do we really not send troops to rescue it?

In terms of international public opinion, I am afraid it will be very unfavorable to us! And it's easy to cause worry for our other allies! "

Ferdinand thought for a while and said, "Well, the Greeks have repeatedly asked for help. If they don't really send troops, they can't be justified, but now we are also short of troops!

So, order Dante Kristof to reinforce Greece as soon as possible, tell the Greeks that we have sent troops, and let them hold on!

In addition, considering the needs of the war, the Second Infantry Division, the 16th Infantry Division, and the 17th Infantry Division are now transferred from the Second Army to reinforce the front line of Constantinople; the Fourth Division is then transferred to the Albanian theater. "

Obviously, the crowd was defeated by Ferdinand's shamelessness, and the idiot will believe that this is to rescue Greece. The Second Army was reduced by half of its strength, and it was also necessary to defend the large Macedonian region. What?

This is not to tell the Ottomans, rest assured, I am here for soy sauce!


Dante Kristof was depressed immediately after receiving two different telegrams.

He said with a bitter smile: "The chief of staff, you guessed it, there is no intention to rescue Greece at home, it seems that these Ottomans have escaped!"

The chief of staff laughed: "Isn't this obvious? If you can't stand the harassment of the Greeks, send a telegram to ask, it is estimated that the country will continue to be confused!

Our battle with the Ottoman Empire is almost over, and it is time to divide the spoils. Now you are going to save the Greeks, not one more spoils of war! "

Dante Kristof said incredibly, "No! These territories were all laid down by us. Why did the Greeks fight?"

The chief of staff sneered: "How can there be no reason? For example, the Greeks said that the Macedonian region is their homeland, and we can never rob the allies' territory!

In other words, they dragged down the main force of the Ottoman army, wiped out tens of thousands of Ottoman troops, contributed to the alliance, and so on. There are many reasons!

So even if we are going to rescue them, we have to wait until we have eaten all these sites into our stomachs! "

Dante Kristof thought about it and said, "Forget it, politics is not for me. I'll fight honestly! Order the 15th Division to attack Laptsani and rescue our allies!"

After getting the news, in the Greek capital Athens, the Greek government is arguing about whether to move the capital!

Of course, the insult to Bulgaria was indispensable. George I sat there with no expression, and knew that he had been miserable!

When he remembered the gambling agreement signed with Ferdinand, his face collapsed, and the battle has now reached, and the Greek army has occupied a Cretan island, and the Ottomans have already entered Athens!

Think of the treaty that belongs to anyone who takes it first. George I has the heart to die. It's a **** routine!

There is no doubt that the Ottoman Empire is already the biggest loser in this war, and Greece is about to become the second largest loser!

As far as the combat effectiveness of the Bulgarian army is concerned, George I knew that it would be impossible for Bulgaria to spit out the meat that was eaten in his mouth. Anyway, in the 19th century, fist is justice!

"Can Athens hold up?" George I asked coldly

The controversy stopped, and this question brought everyone back to reality. Now there is no other army in the city except for a high morale Wu He!

The Minister of War said with a complex expression, "It's difficult! Now the army in the city are just recruited, they have not undergone regular training, and they have not even equipped their rifles!"

Although morale is high now, it does not change the nature of low combat effectiveness! "

George I said coldly: "Then move the capital! But where can we go now? Although the Peloponnesian peninsula is still in our hands, it can't stop the Ottoman front!

Bulgaria has now made up its mind to do wall observations, but it can't be expected! It is estimated that they will remember our ally after they have conquered Constantinople! "

The Minister of the Interior said with a bitter smile: "I propose to move Sparta to the capital. Under the current circumstances, the Ottoman Empire will not last long!

Except Constantinople, the territory of their Balkans was basically occupied by the Bulgarians. When the offensive and defensive battle of Constantinople is over, the battle is over regardless of victory or defeat!

We must now guarantee that Greece will not die before the war ends! Participating in negotiations as a member of a victorious country can keep our interests! "

Everyone laughed bitterly. In fact, it is in Greece's best interest to end the war with the Ottoman Empire as soon as possible. The Germans have already stated that they can end it as long as Greece is willing to pay no cost.

Anyway, the interests of the Balkans, there is no Greek! In the victory of the alliance, Greece can get at most the name of a victor, plus a Crete, it is more likely that nothing can be obtained. Who told their native land to be in the hands of the Ottomans?

But the sharp blade of nationalism has already started, and it will be difficult to stop it!

George I smiled bitterly and said, "Well, move to Sparta! Tell the Bulgarians that Greece will persist, but our interests must be guaranteed!"

The Foreign Minister smiled wryly, "Yes!"

What is guaranteed? It is nothing more than guaranteeing the homeland, expecting the Ottomans to cede compensation and stop dreaming! Unless the Alliance can reach the Asia Minor Peninsula, don't expect the Ottoman Empire to yield!


After receiving the news from Greece, Ferdinand was quite cried!

On the one hand, he hoped that the Greeks would reconcile with the Ottoman Empire directly, so that Bulgaria has a reason to look for the Greeks' obscurity at the right time in the future. Dead with the Ottoman Empire, consuming each other's national strength, weakening two competitors!

Ferdinand laughed suddenly, he was too greedy, there is nothing perfect in the world!

At this moment, George I was summoning the legendary Spartan warriors on the Peloponnesian Peninsula. Simply put, the Greeks conscripted again!

After deciding to move the capital, the Greek government simply dropped Athens and ran, and the garrison, with the support of the navy fire, persisted for three days, and finally announced the fall of Athens!

In order to defend the Peloponnes Peninsula, George I concentrated his forces in the narrow strip connecting the peninsula and the mainland. At the same time, the Greek Navy was also transferred over to use naval guns as fire support!

The Ottoman army's offensive was temporarily blocked, but the crisis of the Greek government has not been lifted!

The population of the Peloponnes Peninsula is limited. No matter how hard the Greek government works, it cannot provide enough troops. Now the navy has become the last reserve of the government!