Vol 2 Chapter 69: , The potboy-Russian

To solve the currency problem, it can't be done in one day or two. Bulgaria's top priority is to conquer Constantinople as soon as possible, completely eliminating the thoughts of the Sudanese government!

Ferdinand raised this issue now, mainly to allow the government to prepare in advance, but also to put pressure on the bureaucrats to force them to come up with a solution as soon as possible!

If there is no better way, then let Royal Bank and United Bank get the right to issue notes, their only option!

At this moment, the Battle of Constantinople has entered a critical moment. After a half-month storm, the First Army has occupied half of Constantinople's area.

The Command of the First Group Army has advanced forward several times, and the husband looked at the map with a happy smile. Obviously, the speed of the advancement of the army in recent days has made him very satisfied!

Judging from the advance speed of the troops in these days, he came to a conclusion: "The Ottoman Empire is almost unsustainable!"

The husband said with a smile: "It's time for the chief of staff to report to the country. Now it's time for the navy!"

Petrov nodded and said, "Yes, judging by the amount of Ottoman artillery fire, their ammunition reserves have been almost consumed. Now it is time for the Navy to pass the Bosphorus!"

Under the dark sky, the Ottoman fortress was hit by lightning and thunder, and there were few sparks of counterattack.

The continuous war of attrition has failed to support the Ottoman Empire, especially the weapons and equipment made by the nations, and the messy ammunition caliber, which has seriously weighed on the fragile logistics supply system of the Ottoman army!

During the half-month siege battle, the First Army consumed more than 3 million rounds of various artillery shells and hundreds of millions of bullets. However, the price paid is worth it, and the results obtained are also brilliant!

Captured half of Constantinople, annihilated more than 30,000 Ottoman troops, and captured more than 50,000 enemy forces. If you add the casualties of previous battles, this number can be doubled!

Of course, the price paid by the First Army is not small. Counting the newly formed cannon fodder casualties, more than 30,000 casualties have been paid during the siege!

If you add the previous part, the first group army has already lost nearly 50,000 casualties in the battle of Constantinople!

Of course, there were n't that many people who died directly, otherwise the husband is already crying and fainting in the toilet!

Thanks to the establishment of a comprehensive battlefield emergency medical team in Bulgaria, most of the casualties still saved their lives, and the number of deaths was successfully controlled within five figures!

At this stage of the battle, the defenders of the Ottoman Empire Constantinople, the veterans have almost lost, and now most of them are recruited new recruits!

After all, they are not very peaceful in Asia, and the local army can't be transferred at will! At present, the insurgents in the Ottoman Empire that can be named have exceeded double digits, and the remaining unknown bandits and bandits are even more numerous. Of course, they are distributed on their millions of square kilometers of land. Don't punch your eyes!

And their ammunition reserves in Europe have long been consumed! Don't talk about weapons and ammunition now, even food and firewood must be mobilized from Asia!

The material consumption of more than 100,000 people is definitely an alarming figure. It is undoubtedly a huge challenge to the poor logistics system of the Ottoman Empire.

At this moment, Edel Pasha is thundering at the headquarters.

"Asshole! Do you forget the time in the country?

Fortunately, Lao Tzu is desperately working **** the front line. You can only detain the army. Now even weapons and ammunition have to play drifting?

Does it mean that Constantinople is really hard-hitting, and the Bulgarians really can't break it? "


After venting for a while, Edel Pasha shouted loudly: "Deputy, report to Lao Tzu to the country and tell them that there is not enough weapons and ammunition on the front line, let them replenish immediately, otherwise Lao Tzu will be collected!

Edel Pasha, who was mad to be mad, had no regard for the aristocratic style. With the gradual advancement of the Bulgarian army, his pressure was getting stronger!

The supplies that just arrived from the country are half less, even if it is well conserved, he can't stand it!

Of course, this time he was wronged by the person in charge of the logistics department, the corruption of the Ottoman Empire, when the official warehouses in all places were full, if one day it was full, it must have been moved for private use!

Weapons and ammunition are no exception, and rebates are not my Daqing patent. The amount of deductions is naturally not enough!

The reserves are even worse. Each person in charge is divided a little. The longer the time, the fewer the materials will be!

The previous batches of supplies can be enough, it is enough to show that the bureaucrats of the logistics department have performed very well!

At this time, the Ankara Royal Palace was not peaceful. Time passed so long. The continuous failure of the Ottoman Empire in the Balkans has spread in the country!

The Turkish Al-Shabaab, which has just been suppressed by Sudan, is once again active, encouraging patriotic students to march and calling on the people to participate in the anti-imperialist and anti-feudal movement!

A series of blows, it is no wonder that the Sudanese government can get better!

Sultan said grimly, "Let's just talk, what should we do now? Edel Pasha's rice bucket is calling for help again, and it seems that Constantine's battle is tight again!"

The Minister of War buried his head deep at this moment, it seems that I hope everyone can forget him, who can't tell the Ottoman Empire to lose all the way?

Not right, at least the Greek battlefield won!

It is a pity that Edhe Pasha is not only a military general, but also a politically savvy. The Sudanese government has repeatedly ordered their orders to reinforce Constantinople, but he rejected it because of the Greek war.

Not only Edgar Pasha, as long as there are normal-minded generals in the Ottoman Empire, no one is willing to lead troops to fill the bottomless pit of Constantinople!

This is why Constantinople, most of the reinforcements received are the core reason for recruits. After all, it is the last year of the dynasty, and the generals are no longer obedient!

The normal order can still be successfully completed, even if it is sent to death, the people will be mutinous if they are anxious!

The Foreign Minister smiled wryly: "The frontline is like this. Now even if the powers are asked to mediate, it is useless. The Russians will not give up the Bosporus this time!"

The Minister of Finance added: "Now the government's finances are very tight, and our newly issued bonds have become cold in the international market!

The major European consortia are not optimistic about us now. If the war continues, we will not even have the money to pay pensions! "

After hesitating for a moment, the Prime Minister said: "I am afraid that the situation is much worse than we expected before. Now we will be able to end the war decently.

We have contacted Bulgaria through the Germans, and now as long as the Russians do not let go, they will not give up Constantinople! "

The sultan said angrily, "Damn Russians, they will always be so greedy! Minister of War, tell me the war that follows, how are you going to fight?"

The named Minister of War said with a trembling voice: "This ~~~, from the current situation, the Russians have ended up in person, they disguised the soldiers as civilians, and then emigrated to Bulgaria. The main force of Constantinople!

Therefore, we are not actually defeated by the Balkan Alliance. The Russians who really defeated us! "

At the critical moment, the Minister of War had a clever idea and thought of throwing the pot to the Russians. Anyway, now it is impossible for the Sudan to verify with the Russians!

Losing to the Balkan Alliance is unacceptable, but losing to the Russians is normal!

Anyway, the Russian-Turkish war has been fought so many times, especially in the last few heads-ups, basically the Ottoman Empire lost!

After listening to the Minister of War, the treacherous prime minister discovered the problem for the first time, but he did not break it down. Now the Balkan war has clearly failed, and an acceptable reason is needed.

Just let the Russians carry the blame, Russia-Turkish relations are not good anyway, and they don't care much about it!

Moreover, they are not wronged. Bulgarian artillery was provided by them, let alone the navy fleet. Who knows the Russian Black Sea Fleet!

So cooperatively asked: "How much strength does the Russians have in the Balkans, is there any possibility of continued increase in troops, or is there any sign of an offensive in other regions?"

The Minister of War was dumbfounded, Khan! I'm just talking, just an excuse. Is there anything else to say at this moment, of course, continue to edit it down!

"We are not sure of the specific number, but from the beginning of 1891, to the six or seven years since then, the Russians have successively immigrated to Bulgaria from six to seven hundred thousand, and most of them are young and strong. It is estimated that it will not be less than four. 150,000 Russian troops!

Judging from the current situation, they have the upper hand on the battlefield. In the short term, they will not increase troops, and there is no sign of direct war against us!

However, they hoarded a large number of troops on the border with us, restraining a large part of our forces, making our strength unable to be concentrated, and one of the reasons for the failure of our Balkan war! "


With the cooperation of the Ministers of the Ottoman Empire Sultan was stunned. I really thought that the Balkan war was lost to the Russians, and now I have no energy to find them!


However, Ferdinand at the Royal Palace of Sofia is now in a bad mood, and the "Bulgarian Navy" rejected his order!

Well, the commander of the Black Sea Fleet still gave him face. He didn't directly refuse, but just offered to telegraph to St. Petersburg, and asked the Tsar to make a decision!

Ferdinand, who was humiliated by his conscious dignity, has blacklisted the navy in his heart.

If it weren't for the Battle of Constantinople, he was prepared to let the frontline troops overcast them and release water when suppressing the Ottoman shore artillery!

Ferdinand, stimulated, has decided to build a fully autonomous navy! Of course he is now busy protesting to Nicholas II. According to the original agreement, he also has command of this fleet!