Vol 2 Chapter 70: The navy moved

The Hermitage of St. Petersburg, Nicholas II smiled after receiving the Ferdinand protest telegram!

Oh, these are not the points, mainly because the Russians waited for a long time and finally came!

Bulgaria requires the navy to participate in the war to cut off the connection between Constantinople and the Asia Minor Peninsula. After more than half a month of artillery battles, the Ottoman empire shell reserves have been reduced to a minimum!

At the same time, Bulgarian artillery can also suppress the Ottoman shore guns. After all, the Bosphorus is so wide, and cross-strait confrontation is not a problem at all!

The Minister of the Navy said excitedly, "Your Majesty, the Navy is ready to send troops at any time!"

The Chancellor of the Treasury proposed: "Will you wait any longer? Or simply wait for the Bulgarians to occupy Constantinople and then the navy will be dispatched. Is this more secure?"

The Minister of the Navy wavered in his heart and said, "Can't wait any longer, night long dreams! According to the news we have received, the Ottoman Empire has now ordered a batch of weapons and ammunition from the Germans. Once their weapons and equipment return to China , Our trouble is big! "

The Secretary of the Army hesitated again and again, or decided to help, and said, "Your Majesty, according to the judgment of the Frontline Observation Mission, we have now achieved an absolute firepower advantage, but this advantage is based on the countless consumption of shells!

Since the beginning of the war, Bulgaria has consumed nearly 3 million shells, more than 80% of which have been consumed in Constantinople, including hundreds of thousands of shells we have provided!

Now every day that lasts more than 100,000 shells, we can't stand it anymore, let alone Bulgaria!

According to the observation team's analysis, at most one week, the heavy artillery ammunition supplies we provided will not be available! "

In fact, even now the Secretary of the Army has to say, after all, most of the artillery shells that support Bulgaria are taken from the army's ammunition reserve, as long as a small part is provided by the Navy!

However, the shell capacity of heavy artillery is limited, and if it continues, it will easily cause problems!

As for what problem, of course, the tapeworm in the Russian Army, it is likely to be exposed! During the Russo-Japanese War, the Russians were miserable in the Far East!

Now the Secretary of the Army, don't want to open this cover, or he will offend more people! Anyway, after the Balkan war, some of them had a way to settle the bill, and they could add a zero to the ammunition that supports Bulgaria!

The words of the Secretary of the Army immediately shocked everyone, and the consumption of this war has greatly exceeded everyone's expectations!

In less than two months, the number of ammunition fired by the Bulgarians has almost exceeded the Crimean War!

Of course, because the times are different, the two sides are not comparable!

Nicholas II asked in doubt: "Why do Bulgarians have so many ammunition? I remember they only fought the Serbs a few years ago, and their artillery was not very good!"

The Secretary of the Army began to flicker: "Mainly Serbs are too weak, and they have not recovered after the first war of security over ten years ago!

In the second war, Serbia also used a large number of weapons left over from the last war. Bulgaria has just completed a replacement. Their Bulgarian 1891 rifle has the same performance as our Mogan rifle!

There is a big gap between the weapons and equipment of the two sides, and the morale of the military is not at the same level. Bulgarian artillery does not have much opportunity to play!

Moreover, the 75mm field guns they are currently in active service are a new type of rapid-fire guns that have been installed in the past.

This rapid-fire gun was also independently developed by the Bulgarians. Judging from this, the Bulgarians have reached the world advanced level in some military industries!

In recent years, the Bulgarians have expanded the arsenal many times, and now their army military production capacity has surpassed that of the Italians, and they are also ranked very high in Europe! "

Nicholas II nodded, this situation is not uncommon in Europe, the emergence of military power in small European countries, Bulgaria is not the first case, the development of the military industry in Sweden and Belgium is also good!

"That being the case, the navy will act now! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must pay attention to coordinating relations with Bulgarians, and no more trouble at critical moments!

Kill the Marmara Sea as soon as possible, kill the Ottoman navy, and take the fruits of victory into your pocket. Don't give the British a chance to intervene! "

Obviously, Nicholas II was more worried that the British would cause him chaos. This is the core reason to advocate immediate action!

In fact, the London government is also suffering. The Boers are really not so easy to deal with, especially in Europe there are a group of people who are nurses for them!

The British Empire sent five infantry divisions. The performance of these lobsters was really not good. Not only did they fail to complete the Boer Republic, but they were crushed by the Boer's National Defense Forces!

Of course, the British would not admit this. The Boer Army also gathered volunteers from all over the world. It would not be more accurate to use mercenaries to describe it!

Anyway, rich in gold and diamonds, the Boer Republic is short of everything, but it is not short of money!

In the face of interest, even the brand of the British Empire is not easy to use!

As long as profits are high enough, no capitalist dares!

There is nothing in this world, but there is no shortage of dead!

At this time, the British were busy carrying out diplomatic measures to get the Germans and French people. They did not have the energy to engage the Russians for the time being. They could no longer care about the Near East!

Well, the Russians have never been a fuel-saving lamp. In Central Asia and Afghanistan, the British-Russian conflict has not been seen, but for the time being to restrain the Bosphorus!

The London government does not want to open a new front with the Russians in Afghanistan in the case of South Africa and Germany pk, North Africa and France pk!


With the participation of the Navy, this war has entered a new stage!

Ferdinand's protests were somewhat rewarding. He still got part of the command of the navy. The specific situation will be understood!

On June 8, 1897, the main fleet of the Black Sea Fleet set sail in the port of Sevastopol in the Crimean Peninsula, headed to Burgas to join the "Bulgarian Navy", and then killed the Bosphorus in a mighty manner!

The Russians did not have a good manners. For the sake of insurance, they did not care if they would not be accused. They played the main force of the Black Sea Fleet and launched an attack directly on the Ottoman Empire!

Of course, they did not forget to change a national flag and cover up, indicating that the Russian Empire has not yet participated in the war, these navy are Bulgarian and it does not matter to us!

As for whether anyone believes, it doesn't matter, anyway, mercenaries have been popular in Europe! Although the navy is a different kind of mercenary, but that's all sidelines!

After the Russian Navy was close to the Bosphorus, it was soon discovered by the Ottoman Empire. Such a huge fleet could not be kept secret at all!

However, the Ottoman Navy seems to have made up its mind to the turtle! I didn't bother the Russian Navy at all, trying to rely on the strait defense!


At this time, Ahmed Pasha, commander of the Ottoman Navy, was not in a good mood. His family knew his own affairs, and now the Ottoman navy really cannot fight!

There are no months of maintenance, and the weapons and equipment on the fleet have not been matched up to now; most of the naval officers are named, and now they are on the ship, many people are still crying and crying; the soldiers are even more Needless to say, the numbers are all uneven!

These problems have nothing to do with him! No sufficient funding for more than ten consecutive years Warships have become old antiques, combat effectiveness?

If it was really combative, the Greek Navy would have been killed! Several times the tonnage advantage, did not get the Greeks, let alone the Russians!

"Send a report to the Admiralty and tell them to replenish our supplies quickly. We will rely on the Bosphorus to fight the Russians!"

A lieutenant hurried over, handed in a document, and said, "Report, General Edel Pasha's dispatch, asking for fire support!"

Ahmed Pasha said faintly, "How many times is this?"

The deputy immediately replied: "It's the sixth time, but we haven't given them any support other than the first two!"

Ahmed Pasha nodded and said helplessly: "I still remember that in order to provide them with fire support, we had two destroyers hit by Bulgarian artillery and are still under repair!

Tell General Edel Pasha that the Russian fleet has arrived and we have limited ammunition and cannot support them! "