Vol 3 Chapter 1: The arrival of the age of imperialism

The history of Balkans has been completely changed because of Ferdinand's chaos, but the track of world history is still moving along the original track!

In order to persuade the Germans to give up their support for the Boers, they were neutral in the English-Burmese war. On May 28, 1898, the British signed a proposal with Germany to divide up the Portuguese-African colonies. This time is more than 5 months earlier than in history.

The treaty stipulates that when Portugal's financial crisis, the British and German loans will be jointly provided, and the Portuguese colonies in Africa are the collateral.

Southern Mozambique and central Angola are owned by the British; northern Mozambique and southern Angola, and East Timor Island on the Pacific Ocean are owned by the Germans.

Well, now the Portuguese government's financial crisis, the usury empire has begun lending, and even some loans have been issued.

But confident William II believed that as long as Britain and Germany joined forces, the French would surely yield!

Obviously the Germans miscalculated, and the British were just white gloves in the air. Immediately after the agreement was signed, the British took the proposal and found the Portuguese government. Under intimidation, the British successfully defeated the Portuguese government.

On June 7, 1898, Britain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Windsor, which is similar in content to history, except that the time is 16 months ahead of parallel time and space.

The treaty stipulates that: 1. The British have an obligation to protect all Portuguese colonies; 2. The Portuguese government has cancelled its neutral position in the British-British War and allowed the British to use Portuguese Mozambican ports; Material transportation line of the Boer Republic!

While forcing the Portuguese to compromise, the British once again found the French government with the agreement.

John Niu took advantage of the French-German contradiction, and the French did not want Germany to continue to expand their strength, and successfully convinced the French government to remain neutral in the English-Burm war and give up support for the Boers.

Of course, this also involves that the British have made substantial concessions to the French on certain issues in North Africa and ensured that the French's interests in Portugal are not affected!

There is no doubt that the Germans were fooled by John Bull this time!

One of William II's inattentive, signed a draft agreement, was used by the British, and successfully broke the European boycott of Britain!

The Germans have fallen victim to the British 's diplomatic game. However, the German government is powerless against the British 's betrayal.

When the French withdrew from the operation against the British, the Russians followed suit, and this is the rapport brought by the "French-Russian Alliance"!

Earlier on the issue of the Near East, the French supported the Russians, and now the Russians naturally have something to pay back!

Of course, Bulgaria also withdrew from the operation. Ferdinand has not had the courage to challenge the British's tigers, and then Belgium, Denmark and other countries have also withdrawn from the operation.

Knowing that he was pitted, William II can only sip a few throats on his mouth. After all, at sea, the German, Austrian, and Italian alliances are not the opponents of the British.

Without the support of the European nations, the Boers once again embarked on the old path of history. Of course, we still can't see now. In the previous wave of support from various countries, the Boers now have more tens of thousands of mercenaries than parallel time and space. This will still weigh on the British lobster soldiers.

Even though the British have blocked the port, bold capitalists have smuggled supplies into the Boer Republic.

As for any other forces in it? Ferdinand can say for sure, of course! Germans, French and Dutch are all indispensable. If it is not too far from Bulgaria, Ferdinand would like to participate!

Anyway, these small movements can't be on the table. Even if they are found by the British, they can let the Russians do the same!

In the English-Burman war, Ferdinand can no longer care. Anyway, there are no two or three years, and the supplies of the Boer people will not be exhausted.

Ferdinand even suspects that if the European continent can continue to give blood to the Boer Republic, it may be another war of independence.

In this war, the appearance of the lobster soldiers was unrecognizable. However, there is no harm without comparison. The performance of the US Army in Cuba has even shocked Ferdinand, and can only sigh that this is a worse time!

Of course, the Spanish Army is not much better, and even the Cuban Revolutionary Army can't figure it out. Even so, they can still beat the US Army.

However, the fighting scale of the Cuban Army was not large. Seeing that the Spaniards were not easy to deal with, the Americans flickered the Cuban Revolutionary Army into charge, and as a result, the Spaniards were naturally over, and the main force of the Cuban Revolt was almost consumed.

After the Americans eliminated the Cuban fleet in Spain, 24,000 Spanish troops surrounded by Cuban rebels on July 10 surrendered to the U.S. forces.

The American-Spanish War was called by Lenin one of the signs of the advent of imperialism, and it was not without reason. (Also the British-British War, the Japanese-Russian War, and also the symbol of the era of imperialism)

During the surrender ceremony, the Cuban insurgents were excluded. Of course, this is a small section. With a little grievance, the Cuban rebels can still stand it!

On December 10 of the same year, the United States and the West signed the "Paris Treaty", which stipulates that the Kingdom of Spain renounces all rights and interests in Cuba, Cuba gains independence, and the island of Cuba will be occupied by the U.S. military; the United States will invest 20 million US dollars to purchase the Philippine Islands ...

When the U.S. troops occupied Cuba, the Americans immediately turned their heads, first forcibly dissolving the Cuban insurgents. Under the conspiracy of the Americans, after the dissolution of the Cuban insurgents, US imperialists raised a butcher knife to the high-level Cuban insurgents, and the Cuban independence movement declared defeat.

Then they ordered pro-Americans to form the Cuban puppet government, and then signed an extremely harsh treaty with the United States.

The Cubans had just become independent from the Kingdom of Spain, and immediately became American colonies. The act of imposing an unequal treaty on such a neighbouring country by the United States as so naked is rare in modern diplomatic history.

At the same time as the Spanish-American War broke out, the Germans were not idle. Prior to this, the German government had discussed with the Kingdom of Spain the purchase of the Philippine Islands and other Pacific Islands.

When the Spanish-American War broke out, the British, German, and Japanese navies were in Manila Bay. The Germans who were unwilling to lose the Philippine Islands were ready to interfere. At this time, Germany's five warships in Manila were stronger than the US fleet, but with the arrival of the Japanese and British fleets, the Germans did not dare to act rashly.

Ferdinand conjectures that the Japanese in the later generations must have regretted their deaths. It had long been known that the Germans had a plan to take action. They would not go to Manila Bay if they were killed. They would even have to find a way to help tune up the British!

But history is not the case, the Japanese just put the Americans in!

Otherwise, if the Germans had acquired the Philippine Islands, the Japanese would have acquired the Philippine Islands in World War I and mastered their gateway to the Pacific. There would be no risk of a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor in World War II, and the world's structure could happen. change!

Of course, the German government did not give it for free. They still spent five million dollars to buy some of the archipelago in the western Pacific, which was regarded as the appearance fee for this operation.

The impact of the Spanish-American War was far-reaching, with the immediate result that the United States government directly annexed the Kingdom of Hawaii after the war. As for the original indigenous people, all future generations have disappeared into the long river of history!

Immediately afterwards, the US government flagged "open door" and joined the plunder of China. ... (10,000 words omitted here)

Ferdinand really watched a good show as far away as Sofia. The wonderful game between the powers made Ferdinand refreshing. In contrast, the battles in the Balkan countries can only be pediatrics.

Of course, Ferdinand was not idle, and his inability to stop Americans did not mean that he could not stop his neighbors!

The first is the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Being a neighbor with the powers is also a challenging job, even if this power is very vain!

Since the Austro-Hungarian Empire sent troops to Serbia, the Bulgarian military has had to mobilize and stare at the border line.

No way, now that the international situation is changing so fast, who knows whether the Austro-Hungarian Empire will go crazy to Bulgaria.

However, the performance of the Austro-Hungarian army soon reassured Ferdinand. The Austro-Hungarian Empire now has more than 200,000 troops in Serbia, but facing the Serbian Revolutionary Army, they can only defend the plains in the north and some major cities!

For the mountains of southern Serbia, they have attacked many times, but in the end they ended up losing their troops and returning without success.

It can't be said that there was no gain at all. They still killed a lot of Serbian revolutionary forces. After all, Serbia is so big that the revolutionary forces can't escape if they want to hide!

Of course, the combat effectiveness of the Serbian Revolutionary Army was also built on the selfless dedication of the Kingdom of Montenegro, and a large part of this was paid by Ferdinand!

Of course, Bulgaria is working behind the scenes, and the Russians are the ones being attacked. Ferdinand is afraid to come out and fight the heroes!

Every time Nicholas I asked for Bulgaria's support, Ferdinand asked him to convince the Russians first, and then waited for a telegram from St. Petersburg. This telegram was the weapon Ferdinand used to deal with the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

Ferdinand also yelled at his uncle in Vienna several times, urging them to get the Serbs up soon, or the Russians, or make it difficult for him!

Well, the contradiction between Isaac is enough to make him believe that he is unwilling to support the Serbian Revolutionary Army. It was done by Russia and the Kingdom of Montenegro. Bulgaria is only responsible for soy sauce. Even so, the pressure from the Vienna government is increasing!

At this time, the Austro-Hungarian Empire also had a hard time riding a tiger, and they also wanted face. Now all the newspapers in Austria and Hungary are scolding Serbia for being ungrateful and want to teach them a lesson.

If they step back now, where will their faces rest? If this retreats, do they still have a foothold in the world? At least, the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire in the Balkans will be devastated!

Foreign Minister Metev hurried over to and said, "Her Majesty the King, the Minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire just sent an invitation letter inviting us to join Serbia!"

"What? Inviting us to join Serbia, and the Vienna government is flooded?" Ferdinand asked incredulously.

Metev smiled bitterly and said, "Yes! The news is indeed shocking, but the invitation of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is indeed true!"

Ferdinand calmed down and thought for a moment, then said fiercely: "No! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs politely rejected the Vienna government and told them that we have no interest in Serbia!"

What's not interesting? Ferdinand is self-aware. The most important thing for Bulgaria now is to digest the fruits of the war, not to grab a land in Serbia!

The Austro-Hungarian Empire enticed Bulgaria to send troops, mainly because they suspected that Serbia's southern mountainous areas were troublesome to manage, and now the Revolutionary Army is still entangled.

It is presumed to be in the thought of losing the burden, otherwise I really think that the Austro-Hungarian Empire has become fierce, and maybe it is a crippled Serbia?