Vol 3 Chapter 2: Serbian Destruction

At this time, in the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Franz Josef I was furious. Of course, this has nothing to do with Ferdinand. It 's not a small matter in Bulgaria that is worthy of his anger, mainly because the frontline army has lost again!

I ca n't say that he was defeated. The Austro-Hungarian army just returned without success, but for the Austro-Hungarian empire, it is equivalent to failure!

With a disabled Serbia, the 200,000 army was not able to handle it, and the face of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was almost lost.

I must know that Bulgaria only sent 200,000 troops in the period of the Bulgarian War. If it were not for the intervention of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Serbia would be dead.

Now that is good, a Uzbek group temporarily pulled up by the Serbian Revolutionary Party will be able to fight the Austrian-Hungarian army for half a pound, even if Joseph's cultivation is as good as he can't stand it!

告诉 "Tell the gangs of rice buckets, whatever they have any reason, they must give me a solution to the messy parties as soon as possible ..."

Of course, Franz Josef I was still very well-educated. After a few sentences, I was probably annoyed after a while.

Joseph I asked sternly: "What plans does the military have to resolve the Serbian unrest as soon as possible?"

The named Army Minister flushed and said in distress: "Now the rebels are mainly in the mountains of southern Serbia. They have the support of local mountain people and the assistance of international forces. Relying on the defense of the mountain, there is no harmony at all. Our army is decisive.

To solve them completely, the best way is to cut off their foreign aid and directly drowsy and starve them!

If we storm directly, our loss will be great! "

Joseph sneered, "Is that true? Is it really the case? Your military is not responsible? The list of supplies obtained by Serbia, should I give you a copy?"

The Austro-Hungarian Empire has been operating in the Balkans for so long, and it is very simple to get some simple intelligence. Of course, this is also built without Ferdinand's confidentiality!

The key is that confidentiality is useless. Now the Kingdom of Montenegro is surrounded by the Austro-Hungarian Empire on three sides, and the only external communication line is Bulgaria. As long as the Austro-Hungarian Empire is not stupid, you know where these weapons come from!

No doubt Ferdinand is not a generous person. Of course, what was provided to the Kingdom of Montenegro was second-hand goods seized during the Balkan war!

The Chief of Staff explained: "His Majesty, although the rebels' weapons are backward, they rely on favorable terrain to make up for this loss!

In fact, not only us, the British also suffered a lot in South Africa because of this reason. As long as they cut off their channels of receiving aid from abroad, the rebels will not be able to support it for long! "

I think of the British. Joseph I was in a much better mood. After all, it was not so unacceptable to have the world's boss accompany him.

怎么 说 "What does the Kingdom of Bulgaria and Montenegro say?"

Of course, the persimmon needs to be soft. Even if it is known that there is a shadow of the Russians behind, Joseph I did not ask the Russians. He did not ask and knew that the style of the bear is nothing more than death and no recognition. !!

The Minister of Foreign Affairs said cheerfully: "The Kingdom of Montenegro does not recognize the fact that they support the rebels and has rejected our goodwill;

The Bulgarian government made it clear that they would not support the rebels and would temporarily impose a arms embargo on the Kingdom of Montenegro, but they also refused to send troops. "

When Nicholas I was here, he would definitely spit on his face. What kind? Obviously threats! There is no lure, at least the Austro-Hungarian Empire must give him a step, such as lifting the embargo?

I said again, now that the Kingdom of Montenegro is too late to withdraw, how can the Austro-Hungarian Empire not let them go.

Instead of that, it is better to support the Serbians to see if there are unexpected gains!

Joseph I's face slowly eased and said: "This is also expected. With the hatred between the Bulgarians, it is impossible for Bulgarians to do right with us in order to support them!

However, we have thrown out all the southern Serbia. The Bulgarian government still refused to send troops to Serbia. This is not the character of Ferdinand. It seems that the Russians put a lot of pressure on them!

We must resolve the rebels as soon as possible, otherwise we may change things! "

Joseph's worry is not unreasonable. He who knows you best will always be your enemy. He is very clear about the style of the Russians.

Now that the Russians have the advantage in the Balkans, if the rebels are frustrated, who knows that the Russians will find cheap to occupy, will they change their plans again?

The Chief of Staff for a moment thought about it and said, "In this battle with the rebels, many problems have also been exposed, and great problems have occurred in the coordination between the various forces.

还 It's okay to deal with black people like the rebels. If you go against the Russians, I'm afraid they will lose a lot! "

Uh ...

Ferdinand does not know yet. Under his butterfly effect, the Austro-Hungarian Empire exposed problems in the army in advance. When the war broke out, a different Austro-Hungarian army might appear!

Of course, even if you know Ferdinand, you won't care. Finding a problem and solving it are completely two concepts. How could the Vienna government know nothing about the Austro-Hungarian army?

Unless the Austro-Hungarian Empire can unify the language, or let the officers learn eight languages ​​like the old emperor, otherwise the problem of command confusion still cannot be solved!

Although in this war, the Austro-Hungarian Empire will increase a group of officers with combat experience, there is no way to solve the problem of command confusion.

The combat effectiveness of the Austrian-Hungarian army may have improved in small-scale battles; however, it is still a question of how much they can exert in the battle of the General Assembly!

The ruthless Austro-Hungarian Empire broke out, not the crowds of the Serbian insurgents who could fight it! Even if the Kingdom of Montenegro acts as a nurse for them, this ending will not change!

When Joseph exploded, the commander-in-chief of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Konrad, whether or not it violated the sovereignty of the Montenegro Kingdom, swaggered through the territory of the Montenegro Kingdom and cut off the rear path of the insurgents.

Fortunately, when Nicholas I was young and full of vigor long ago, he stubbornly gave up this breath. Otherwise, the First World War will not erupt in advance!

Alas, Nicholas I couldn't bear it! The Russians stated that they are not available now, and that the Far East strategy has made progress in stages, leaving Montenegro behind.

Not to mention Bulgaria, Ferdinand said: If Nicholas I felt that he was the protagonist, he could go up against the Austro-Hungarian Empire and we will support you spiritually.

Considering the difference in military value between the two sides, Nicholas I resolutely chose to admit it!

Then, the Serbian insurgents fell bad. After the supplies were cut off, they were pinched back and forth. The nature of the Uighurs was fully exposed, and they began to retreat!

By the end of August 1898, the Serbian insurgents announced their withdrawal from the arena of history, and the rest of the missing fish was no longer a concern.

After calming down the Serbian insurgents, the Austro-Hungarian army did not withdraw, but scattered in Serbia.

The Vienna government announced the military control of Serbia, and placed under house arrest, only one step away from annexation!

Now King Alexander I of Serbia is negotiating with the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It seems that he intends to sell a good price.

What a pity, Alexander I looked at his influence too high.

In history, in the ten years he was in power, he carried out four coups, subverted the twelve governments, abolished the constitution several times, and took a ten-year-old palace maid before being assassinated.

In this time and space, although he didn't have time to do so much bad things, he also raised taxes to the people several times and led Serbia in an epic defeat, which has long been infamous!

With his father, King Milan, he was listed by Serbs as "the most unwelcome person. Now he still wants to keep his identity and become a member of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. How can Vienna agree?

Now the dual system of the Austro-Hungarian Empire is troublesome enough. If another Serbian kingdom is to become the ternary empire, it is estimated that Joseph will also have a scalp!

Seeing the smooth progress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Ferdinand all regretted it. If Serbia had not been beaten too badly in the previous war, the Serbs would not be finished so soon.

You should know that Serbia and the Austro-Hungarian Empire died for two years before the end of World War I. Now that's just started, it's over!

Well, the annexation of Serbia in the Balkans by the Austro-Hungarian Empire is undoubtedly a shocking event.

However, because they had traded with the Russians before, and there was another incident in Manqing, Mao Xiong was busy taking advantage, hoping that Europe would be stable and there would be no interference.

Without the Russians' intervention, Ferdinand knew that no one could stop Austria-Hungary from annexing Serbia now! But this is not a good thing for Bulgaria!

The good days in Bulgaria are gone forever! Of course, in the short term, the Austro-Hungarian Empire did not have the energy to look for Bulgaria's obscurity. It has just annexed Bosnia and Herzegovina and now eats Serbia. The internal problems they will face will only be greater than Ferdinand!