Vol 3 Chapter 3: And elections-children born

After the annexation of Serbia by Austria and Hungary, the situation in the Balkans changed again. & 1t; /

The Balkan landscape has become unfamiliar, and things are so wonderful. The countries of the two Allied camps in the history of World War I have now boarded the ships of the Allies, and the countries of the Allied camps have joined the Allies! & 1t; /

In order to resist the pressure of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Kingdom of Montenegro was forced to move closer to Bulgaria, only one step away from the alliance; and Greece and Romania moved closer to the Austro-Hungarian Empire in order to compete against Bulgaria. It is sooner or later that the three countries sign a treaty! & 1t; /

Regarding all this before him, Ferdinand said very calmly! His attention has now focused on the country, and Bulgaria's new parliamentary elections have been completed. & 1t; /

The results are self-evident. Since Ferdinand reformed the electoral law, the contribution to the country has been used as the main election criterion. Naturally, there will not be any moths in this election. & 1t; /

After more than 90 percent of the members of Parliament, all of them appeared in the original Bulgaria, while the newly added territories only accounted for less than 10 percent. & 1t; /

And this ten percent was taken over by retired soldiers who had relocated from the country. This is to say that there is no black box operation, and it is estimated that no one believes it! & 1t; /

However, this time Ferdinand really did not have a black box operation this time! For example, there are only over 10,000 voters in Albania who have voting rights, and 90% of them are immigrants. & 1t; /

Eligible candidates are even rarer, with few local people contributing to Bulgaria! & 1t; /

Based on equal rights and obligations, there is no right to stand for election without contribution. Except for these retired officers and soldiers, everyone else can only watch the crowd as a crowd! & 1t; /

After this election, Ferdinand's control of the parliament has become even stronger. Last time, there were a few gang members from the political party who joined in. This time, the party participated in the parliamentary election, and it came directly to the army. & 1t; /

From now on, Bulgaria has entered the non-partisan era again! Of course, Ferdinand also did not forget to take the opportunity to introduce the party control regulations, and came to a bottom-line draw to restrict party exhibitions. & 1t; /

For example: a political party can only exist as a social group, it must not engage in any business activities, and it must not accept social fundraising; people joining the political party must be financially public, and they must not do business within three generations ...

Anyway, ordinary people are scalp when they see a series of restrictions, let alone join. & 1t; /

But it doesn't matter. It was introduced by the parliament itself and joined the Bulgarian Constitution. Want to modify it? At least in Ferdinand's lifetime, it is impossible! & 1t; /

The next cabinet election was even smoother, and there were no turbulences. The vote was passed by the Constantine government to stay on! & 1t; /

Even the so-called democrats have not raised any objections. After all, the cabinet has a dazzling track record, and no one can question it! & 1t; /

Want to change people, Bulgarians will not agree! Who can guarantee better substitutions if they are replaced? & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

After he was busy with the election, Ferdinand once again devoted his energy to his queen. Now he is almost inseparable beside Chenia, and he is next door to do business. & 1t; /

According to the doctor, it was just a few days before the basin was born. At this time, Queen Shenia had already lived in the delivery room, and it was possible to give birth at any time. & 1t; /

The production of the queen is a major event for the whole of Bulgaria. Everyone is watching the news. The Cabinet has consciously reduced the number of reports to Ferdinand. & 1t; /

"Your Majesty, the queen is about to give birth!" A maid rushed in and said & 1t; /

Ferdinand, who was working on his business, dropped the documents in his hands and rushed over without receiving the news. & 1t; /

At this point, Princess Clementina was waiting outside the delivery room, and Ferdinand hurriedly stopped her. & 1t; /

"Don't go in and mess up. There are doctors and nurses inside. What can you do when you go in?" & 1t; /

Ferdinand thought about it, and this is the truth, he really couldn't do much. & 1t; /

In fact, Queen Senia has moved a few times, but at the last moment stopped again, maybe the little guy inside was unwilling to come out and wanted to stay in the mother's belly for a few more days. & 1t; /

But this time it's different. The doctor has already determined that this time it is really about to give birth. & 1t; /

In the 19th century, women gave birth to children and walked around the gates. Fortunately, Queen Shenia's body is very good. In history, she was the mother of seven children, which reassured Ferdinand a little. & 1t; /

Not only was Ferdinand anxious, but even Nicholas II, who was far away in St. Petersburg, was very anxious. He was also very concerned about the production, and came over to ask by telegram. & 1t; /

In recent days, there have been several telegrams a day, which made Ferdinand's call back all formulaic words-"almost", "not yet", "everything is normal". & 1t; /

In this era, women have always been a high-risk job. Whether it is out of siblings or the relationship between Russia and Russia, Nicholas II has to care! & 1t; /

The little guy who hasn't been born is undoubtedly the crystallization of the friendly relations between Bulgaria and Russia. Before he was born, there was a golden rice bowl waiting. & 1t; /

It 's not just the Russians who care about it. In fact, there are quite a lot of big men who care about the birth of the little ones. London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna, Rome ... In recent days, almost all big men in Europe have come to send telegrams. & 1t; /

Ferdinand finally realized what it is like to have relatives as ox hair, not only big men, but even some small nobles, came to join the fun. From the Big 6 in Europe to the Big 6 in America, Ferdinand estimates that except for Antarctica, which is uninhabited, this earth has its own relatives everywhere. & 1t; /

People were not telegraphing relatives, they just came to the telegram, everyone is indeed relatives, but the relationship is a bit far away, of course, it has something to do with the expansion of Bulgaria. & 1t; /

The greater Ferdinand's power, the larger this network of relationships. Without the conflict of interest, everyone is willing to mix and match. & 1t; /

Time elapsed from minute to second. From the afternoon until midnight, there was a cry in the delivery room. & 1t; /

"Congratulations, Her Majesty, mother and child are safe!" A nurse ran out and congratulated & 1t; /

Hearing this news, Ferdinand's heart finally fell, and he could no longer care so much and rushed directly into the delivery room. & 1t; /

Ferdinand glanced at the baby and looked at the tired wife lying on the bed and said excitedly, "Senia is our child!" & 1t; /

Shenia looked at the baby with soft eyes, then smiled slightly. & 1t; /

Waiting for Ferdinand to reach out and hug the baby, Princess Clementina had taken the baby from the nurse and hugged it to the bed, saying kindly, "Good luck, Senia!" & 1t; /

"No, mother, this is what I should do!" Shenia said with a smile & 1t; /

... & 1t; /

The atmosphere in the delivery room was so warm, the doctors and nurses consciously retreated out of it, leaving space for the family of four. & 1t; /

The news of the baby's birth was quickly passed from the palace. Each telegram traveled from Sofia to other parts of the world. As long as someone else asked, Ferdinand politely returned the call. & 1t; /

Well, Carl is responsible for these calls. Ferdinand is still in the delivery room. He can't remember these little things. & 1t; /

In the middle of the night, Sofia's printing house was still brightly lit. Obviously, the newspapers in Sofia were making newspapers overnight! & 1t; /

It's a shame that they didn't get the pictures of the little ones, not only that, they don't even know their names. & 1t; /

However, this did not prevent them from spreading the good news. At this point, the people of Bulgaria have been waiting for a long time. & 1t; /

Now Ferdinand had to have a headache for the little guy's name. Before that, he had come up with a lot of names, but none of them had been recognized by his mother and wife. & 1t; /

Ferdinand once wanted to give up the child's naming rights and leave it to the mother and wife. As a result, they ushered in unanimous accusations that they did not pay enough attention to the children! & 1t; /

But what name should it be? This is too embarrassing for Ferdinand! & 1t; /