Vol 3 Chapter 4: Short cruise

The birth of the little guy, for Ferdinand, not only brings joy, but also a lot of troubles!

A single name will allow Ferdinand to cut through the scalp. The name is not random, and he also gives it a strong political meaning.

取 Whether to adopt the German style, the Russian style, or even the Bulgarian style will affect the direction of Bulgarian politics, and Ferdinand needs to weigh the advantages and disadvantages.

If the name can be coped with, then religion is even more headache. Ferdinand is a Catholic. The main religion in Bulgaria is Orthodox. Which religion is the real trouble for the little ones to convert?

Choose the Catholic Church, the Orthodox people are not satisfied; choose the Orthodox Church, the Catholics are not satisfied, it is estimated that many people will still doubt the fertility of Ferdinand's faith!

Even now it is not the Middle Ages, religion still occupies a very important position in Europe.

斐 For Ferdinand, being suspected of ungodly is a serious political crisis. Even if it does not shake his throne, the blame from all parties is enough for him to drink!

The "Ferdinand" in history has suffered in this regard, because his son, Boris III, had a direct relationship with his uncle, Ferenz-Joseph I, and a group of relatives and friends. Face!

Forced by helplessness, Ferdinand had to make a decision and hand it over to the little guy to decide for himself, let the little guy have a similar weekly ritual of picking, and choose the faith by himself. For this reason his mother and wife also started A baby faith battle!

There is no way it is still in the 19th century. The religious atmosphere on the European continent is still very strong, and there are believers everywhere.

Look at the reaction of his mother and wife, they know that they have been deadlocked for the baby's beliefs. Ferdinand went to mediate, and the two of them jointly attacked his ungodliness!

For this reason, Ferdinand had to choose and thin mud. Although many people were dissatisfied with this, Ferdinand blocked everyone's mouths on the grounds of "Let God choose".

Although all parties are not satisfied, they can accept it. After all, is it God's choice? As a believer in God, you will not question God's decision!

This is also the status of Ferdinand has been consolidated, otherwise it is necessary to let the little ones convert to the Orthodox Church, as in history, in order to get more Orthodox Christian support!

It is much simpler than the religious name. Ferdinand directly named him by his own name, called Ferdinand Little, which means to inherit his family business. This is equivalent to declaring the little one to be the crown prince to the outside world. .

小 Anyway, the little guy is also his eldest son. According to European tradition, the little guy's crown is Dai Ding under normal circumstances.

This time is much better. At least it has been unanimously approved by the two mistresses in the family. After all, this kind of thing has happened many times in the European royal family!

Twenty-first, second, and more ... a dozen generations, so many crowns continued, and there was nothing more Ferdinand generations could not accept.

I settled on two major events. Ferdinand fled in the murderous eyes of his wife and mother, and fled for a few days, even fewer times to see the little ones.

To alleviate the awkward atmosphere, Ferdinand decided to conduct a nationwide cruise. In fact, he had this plan last year, but considering the instability in various places, the time has been pressed to the present.

In nominal terms, he toured the country. In fact, Ferdinand can only run a few places. At least until the railway is open to traffic, it is impossible for him to run all over the country.

Otherwise from now on, in the next century, it is estimated that he is still on the road.

出发 From Sofia, take the Iskell River to Pleven, then take the train to Silistra, then to Dobro, then take the boat along the Black Sea all the way to Constantinople.

He then set off from Constantinople, headed to Slivan via Edinar, and returned to Sofia via Plovdiv.

Obviously, this is only the first phase of Ferdinand's national cruise. Except for Constantinople, most of the time it was in the original boundary of Bulgaria.

This is in line with Ferdinand's fear of death. If it were not for the political significance of Constantinople, he would not intend to go.

的 The purpose of this parade is to inspect the industrial development of the country. Constantinople has been hit hard as a result of the war. Now there is a ghost industry.

There are many industrial remnants in the rubble, but I don't know how long it will take to recover. However, the industries outside the city have been preserved. Unfortunately, most of them are traditional handicraft industries, and industrial upgrading is now underway.

Uh ...

Golden autumn in October, the sky is blue, cool and comfortable. The wildflowers on the road swayed in the wind and seemed to be telling pedestrians.

At this time, Ferdinand set off from Sofia again and set off for the second national cruise. Unlike the previous trip, Bulgaria's industry was just beginning and was almost blank.

At this time, the development of industry and agriculture in Bulgaria has begun to take shape. Water conservancy projects are blooming on all sides, the highway network is criss-crossed, and factories are standing up.

Pleven is located on the banks of the Tuceniska River in the Danube Plain, and is one of Bulgaria's rich agricultural centers. At the same time, textile, ceramics, cement, tobacco, canning and other industries have also developed in recent years.

Plutonium is one of the investment priorities of Bulgaria's "Two Five-Year Plan" and the first stop of Ferdinand's inspection.

数量 From a quantitative point of view, the total industrial investment in Pleven region amounts to more than 70 million levs, which is more than the total industrial volume of the Kingdom of Montenegro at this time. It occupies a very important position in Bulgaria's industrial system.

Looking at the rows of tall chimneys, the thick black smoke was discharged into the sky, which was very inconsistent with the sweeping wheat fields around.

Jeff Ferdinand felt weird and inexplicable, and he was somewhat implicated in inspecting unqualified township black factories.

However, this is the 19th century. These things that even small township enterprises will be eliminated in the later generations are the most advanced productive forces in the contemporary era.

From time to time, there are officials who introduce Ferdinand to the advanced technology of France, or the advanced technology of Germany, and the advanced technology of Britain ...

Even if Fei can't see where these Dongdongs are advanced, he still answers with a signature smile, making the introduced officials enthusiastic!

Well, the so-called pretend B to face, he has no chance to learn. All Ferdinand's places were notified in advance. Security measures did not know how many floors there were inside and out.

I want to go and see the folk life, forget it, Ferdinand's courage is always small. History tells him that TV shows are deceiving, and anyone who visits the public through micro-services and private visits ends up dead terribly!

He especially entered the age of hot weapons. No matter how high his prestige in Bulgaria, anyone who wanted to assassinate the king was never missing.

Yuan Yuan did not say that the fuse of World War I was not the unlucky prince of the Austro-Hungarian Crown Prince. Want to play with the people? He was greeted not only by flowers and applause, but also by flying bullets!

Before him, King Alexander I of Serbia and King George I of Greece were all pretending to be too aggressive, and taught the world a lesson with blood education!

A good king is wrong, but he wants to go deep into the people. As a result, he has seen God in advance.

This is not as simple as stated in the history books. Basically, as long as a king does not die, the possibility of being successfully assassinated is very small.

It 's like Ferdinand travelling. Martial arts have been martialized for a few miles. It is even closer to a living person within a few hundred meters. If there are still assassins coming in, it is definitely a must for life!

What's the actual situation, Ferdinand has already understood clearly through various channels. Come out and see for yourself, but just confirm it again, or to urge officials to work harder.

As he walked along, Ferdinand had not encountered any unusual circumstances, and there was a vibrant scene everywhere.

Other things can be faked. The farmland on both sides of the road cannot be faked.

What's more, Ferdinand's trip was also suddenly set. The places visited were only notified two or three days in advance. Under the conditions at that time, the local government was able to conduct a cleaning at most, and it was estimated that nothing could be done.

Jeff Ferdinand's good mood didn't stop until Constantinople. At this time, this international metropolis should be more accurately described in terms of ruins!

The broken wall remains, and the former magnificent high-rise buildings are poured into the dust, and the once glorious civilization was destroyed in its collapse!

At this time, there are still a large group of workers working hard to clear the ruins and work for the reconstruction of the city.

Destruction is also the beginning of a new life. At this time, how many historic cities were destroyed in the war, Ferdinand has decided to rebuild this ancient city. Of course, this is the future, and now its role is more military port!

Ferdinand did not stay in Constantinople for a long time, but left in a hurry after meeting with the senior members of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Now it is still the site of the Russians. Since it was decided to hand it over to Russia as a military port, Ferdinand has done it thoroughly, and even the city administrators have not been sent.

So the heavy task of rebuilding Constantinople now falls on the Russians. It seems that they are willing to accept this burden. Except for a little inefficiency, other things are still very good.

After leaving Constantinople, Ferdinand once again set foot in the Sliven New District. This newly-rising city was established with the promotion of Ferdinand.

All the industries in Tancheng are inseparable from Ferdinand. Whether it is real estate or property, it is his industry.

Franz introduced with a frown, "His Majesty, since the establishment of the Sliven Development Zone, it has developed rapidly and is now one of the top ten metropolises in Bulgaria.

Now the city has more than 230 large and small enterprises, more than 120 factories of various types, and more than 200,000 workers.

光 The rose industry chain created by our rose group has 13 supporting factories and more than 80,000 workers, covering all the processes from rose cultivation to processing to finished products and bringing them to the market!

Uh ... "

At this time, Franz has been appointed as the head of the development zone, and is the only person in Bulgaria who is a city manager as a businessman.

Of course, the most important thing is that he is Ferdinand's family member, otherwise it would be impossible for him to cross-border development like this!

Fei Feinan fluttered softly: "Your health care products from Songlai are good. Both the queen and the queen like it!"

Directly using the highest quality rose essential oil for health care products, such a luxurious thing, only Ferdinand can do it, without taking a little vacation, can the effect be bad?

If you know that the price of rose essential oil is not low in the world, think of the highest quality rose essential oil, at least tens of tons of the highest quality rose petals per kilo can be refined, you know!

东西 The international price of this thing also started at thousands of pounds, and it was still in short supply. Even if Bulgaria is the world's largest producer of rose essential oil, the quality of the rose essential oil produced is not dozens of catties!

Of course, ordinary rose essential oils are sold on the market, and high-quality products have long been monopolized by nobles. Even ordinary essential oils cost hundreds of pounds per catty!

After listening to Ferdinand's words, the joy in Franz's heart suddenly reached its peak, which is undoubtedly the greatest affirmation of his work When the former Sliven New District was established, the government's goal was only five An industrial city with a population of 50,000 was established during the year. Due to lack of funds, under the mandate of Ferdinand, Franz resisted the heavy task and contracted all the management and construction of this new district.

At this time, Sliven New District is already a metropolis with a population of more than 300,000 and more than 200,000 industrial workers.

Even if the preferential policies of many enterprises have not expired at this time, the taxes paid to the government each year can now be ranked among the top three in the country.

Because the results were too bad, when Ferdinand nominated Franz as the new district governor, there was no objection from the Bulgarian government. (Administrative level and regional equivalent)

Because of the rapid development of the new district, Ferdinand's investment has also received a generous return. Now the city's rent and property management fees are all collected in units of ten million levs!

Franz made such a great contribution, of course, Ferdinand will not treat the heroes. In the previous ceremony, Franz successfully completed the leap from civilians to nobles and became a Viscount in the Kingdom of Bulgaria!

The position of Sunda District Chief was also appointed by Ferdinand after becoming a nobleman. Otherwise, according to Bulgarian law, businessmen have no right to serve as officials, and nobles are certainly not subject to this restriction.