Vol 3 Chapter 15: Buy buy buy

Ferdinand combined with the actual situation in Bulgaria, and after a rational analysis, he made a number of cuts and successfully completed the large industrial plan that the Ministry of Industry had tinkered with.

Originally it needed 60 million pounds of procurement funds and was successfully discounted in half. Even so, the finances of the Bulgarian government are still not complete!

Industrial equipment is not just a matter of purchasing it. It is also necessary to build a factory building and recruit manpower. These expenses are not a small number!

According to Ferdinand's estimation, if it is an ordinary engineer, now is the time of economic crisis, it is a lot.

But if it is a senior engineer, even in the economic crisis, people can still survive. Britain and France have a strong foundation and colonial support, and there are not a few large companies with strong strength. These big companies do not mind accepting several high-tech talents now!

To dig people, we have to go to a few small countries, such as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium and other countries. Although the overall industry is not as strong as the big ones, some high-tech talents are still available!

Their domestic enterprises are much smaller, and their strength is not so strong. In the economic crisis, most of them are too busy to take care of themselves. Naturally, they have no strength to spend talents to retain talents!

In this case, the language is a difficult problem. Almost every engineer must be equipped with a translator. It is estimated that these translators must be hired externally. Bulgaria does not have so many foreign language talents. It is terrible to think about Ferdinand!

He also had to be grateful that fortunately, Russian can be used in Bulgarian, otherwise even so many translations are incomplete!

There is always a price to pay for overtaking quickly!

As a last resort, ordinary engineer Ferdinand can only dig into the corners of the Russians, at least not worrying about language problems!

As for senior engineers and designers, Ferdinand said that he is not fussy, and any country can do it. Isn't it a translation? It's a small problem, as long as you can dig everything up!

This time, Ferdinand 's spirit of digging people is much greater. As long as it is a scientific researcher, whether it is physical chemical engineering or biometallurgy, it is all coming!

No laboratory? It doesn't matter, what do you need, we will get it for you right away! No funding? The Bulgarian government has allocated you! treatment? Good discussion, luxury homes, beautiful women, famous cars, banknotes are not a problem!

The premise is that you are strong enough!

Obviously Ferdinand's goal is to attract dismal scientists or young researchers who have not yet become famous and are eager to make a name for themselves!

Like those who have already made a name for themselves, there is no shortage of these things, and Bulgaria can't offer the chips that make them tempted!

Just like Nicholas Tesla, the most outstanding scientist in the early 20th century, it's awesome. Unfortunately, Ferdinand became famous as soon as he passed through people. Ten years ago, he was a scientist with a worldwide reputation. Not to mention solicitation, even the kidnapping of tickets will not work?

Fortunately, although Nikola Tesla is great enough, Bulgaria's scientific research results can still be used directly.

As for train fees? The international patent fees in this era depend on the mood of the users, and it is a big lawsuit!

Ferdinand said that there is no lawsuit in Bulgaria for anyone, and he does not advise!

Don't blame him for being greedy. This is the case in this era, and international patent fees are almost never collected for a few dollars.

Even the "Department Store" that Ferdinand tossed out has registered a patent. It has passed more than ten years. The patent fee he received is less than 100,000 pounds. This is still based on the fact that others give face!

In the European region, everyone gave a little more or less, meaning a bit. As for the American continent, Ferdinand said that he didn't know what the patent fee would look like?

In addition to this Danah, Ferdinand also aimed at another Danah in the scientific community-Albert Einstein.

In August 1900, 21-year-old Einstein graduated from the Federal University of Technology in Zurich; in December he completed the paper "Inferences from Capillary Phenomenon" and published it in the Leipzig Journal of Physics the following year and became a Swiss citizen.

Well, young people, Ferdinand thinks it's still better to fool. A graduate who has just graduated from the school is still very likely to dig up the high price. If it doesn't work, he will be tied to the ticket. Anyone who has just started will not attract much attention!

The only trouble was that he seemed to be part of an extreme antiwar group. Before the First World War, he was the director of the Institute of Physics of the Emperor William Berlin and a professor at Humboldt University in Berlin, and was elected a member of the Prussian Academy of Sciences.

However, he still joined the anti-war group and signed the famous anti-war declaration-"Secret to the Europeans", which was a hindrance to Germany in World War I!

From Ferdinand's point of view, however, these are all minor problems, as long as they come to Bulgaria these things will not happen.

Gathering people in groups and groups, even if there is a similar declaration in Bulgaria, it is impossible to publish it. The Information Agency is still very deterrent!

"Starting in three years, the highest death penalty!" This is the Bulgarian press law, and anyone must be responsible for his own words and deeds!

Since the establishment of the News Agency, newspapers that have been closed have been three-figure because of false advertisements. The editors and capitalists who have been imprisoned are not lower than the four-figure number. Now there are still people fighting in the army.

As for political news, let alone, the stuff is even more cautious. Those who dare to work against the government have long ceased to exist!

Of course, some news is also allowed, such as seeking senior officials to embezzle and accept bribes, and social celebrities to lose their personal ethics can be exposed casually. This is also considered a Bulgarian tradition to combat corruption.

Ferdinand firmly believes that even if one slap does not make a sound, even if there are one or two thinking jumping, in the context of the whole society, he can complain at most and can't make a big mess.

In addition to this, Ferdinand is also following the famous Curie couple in later generations, and now they are downcast.

In order to study radium, they now have neither experimental equipment nor funds to purchase research materials and are worrying!

And they also lived in a leaky shed in a physical and chemical school that wasn't even suitable for putting dead bodies, and they were doing hard work.

It is said that this shack is as hot as an oven in summer, but can be frozen in winter, and the unventilated environment forces them to put many refining operations in the yard under the open air.

In Ferdinand's view, this is a golden opportunity. For two research lunatics, what's the point of moving a house just for good experimental conditions?

With the addition of these three people, Bulgaria will definitely be at the forefront of the world in the research of nuclear physics, which will be of great help to the future atomic bomb research!

Therefore, the letter of appointment of the Bulgarian University was issued through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Of course, the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs must do ideological work. This is also the most conventional method of recruiting talents in the early 20th century.

For those who conduct scientific research, they are basically invited to teach in the name of universities, or they must be invited in the name of the country. Many innocent scientists may really dismiss them!

Of course, in addition to these big names, there were also some scientists who had a certain reputation at the time and also received invitations from Bulgarian universities.

Based on the principle of spreading nets and fishing, Bulgarian universities issued more than 1,000 invitations to teach from 1900 to 1903!

Many scientists at the time, just joked and asked, did you receive an invitation letter from Bulgarian University today?

It has also become a benchmark for them to be recognized by the world. Basically, those who have achieved success in a certain field have received invitations!

Even though it is clear that many people are unlikely to come over, Ferdinand is still proud when he sends a teaching post. There was an invitation letter signed by him, the principal of the king, but it was enough to give these people a face.

In this regard, the invitees are very satisfied. Regardless of whether or not they came, everyone responded to the letter politely and collected the book, which is also an incomparable weapon to use as a pretense!

Ferdinand's goal has been achieved. At least Bulgaria's attitude to scientific research has passed this event and conveyed it.

Otherwise, why did I receive all the offers? Scientists, why not like writers, historians, etc.?

Facts have proved that Ferdinand's broadcast network is still beneficial, and many people have really chosen to teach at Bulgarian universities one after another.

After all, there are unsatisfactory mixes everywhere, and the time of Ferdinand's monographs is valid for life, and it is unsatisfactory. It is also a good choice for many people to try their luck in Bulgaria!

Especially after the outbreak of the First World War, after the fall of many small countries, many people chose to emigrate to Bulgaria. They are close and have job security! After all, with the king's personal commitment, it is impossible to easily repent!

Of course, these invitations were not filled out by Ferdinand himself, all written by the Personnel Department of Bulgaria University, otherwise how could Ferdinand know so many people?

It was just sent in his name, everyone assumed that it was an invitation letter from him!

When Ferdinand was digging around the corner, the Bulgarian government was not idle. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry almost came out and went to Europe for large purchases.

From Western Europe to Eastern Europe, they are everywhere, whether it is the powers of Britain, France, Germany, Russia or Russia, or small countries such as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Switzerland, are the scope of their activities!

This can also be regarded as an economic crisis. has a beautiful scenery, and Bulgaria's purchasing staff suddenly became a citron. Unlike previous purchases, this time it was the capitalists who asked them to buy. After all, in the economic crisis, everyone was short of cash!

Next, the procurement work went naturally smoothly. All the troublesome procedures, the capitalists said that they could do it all, as long as there was money to deliver the door-to-door service.

In order to successfully sell these equipment, some capitalists also helped dig their own corners, personally helped mobilize engineers to work in Bulgaria, and even lied to them that this was sending them to Bulgaria to work!

In short, if you go, you will have a job, and you will be treated favorably. If you do n't go, you will be unemployed! As long as you think you can find a new job now, you can refuse it!

This trick is very effective against middle and low-level technicians, but for top technicians, wherever they go, they are treasures, and unemployment does not exist!

These people need Bulgaria to dig it. Without sufficient benefits, people will not follow you!