Vol 3 Chapter 16: ,population

Ferdinand is now responsible for digging scientists and government departments are responsible for digging engineers. After all, ordinary engineers talk more about treatment with them than they talk about ideals!

Now the Bulgarian government basically follows the principle of buying equipment in large countries and digging talents in small countries!

There are many small nations in the European continent. Many small nations have been overwhelming in modern times. In history, the United States developed in the early 20th century by absorbing the talents of these small countries!

Countries such as senior engineers and warship designers are indispensable in Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal. Although they are not necessarily capable, they are sufficient for the foundation of Bulgaria.

In Ferdinand's view, the bottom-selling of industrial equipment during the economic crisis is the second, and talent absorption is the key. For this reason, Ferdinand also specifically approved a Bulgarian Talent Introduction Law.

As long as they are qualified personnel, they are all treated favorably, and the restrictions on naturalization are all reset to zero. One can join unconditionally, and there is also a settlement fee that the government tastes!

It can be said that Ferdinand took great pains to introduce talents!

The payout and return are directly proportional. By the end of 1903, the Bulgarian government had spent up to 8 million pounds in introducing talents and introduced more than 2,000 talents of various types.

Of course, most of them are ordinary engineers, and there are still very few high-level talents. Only twenty or thirty people can enter Ferdinand's eyes!

However, the price paid by Ferdinand is worth it. By the end of 1904, the industrial equipment purchased from various countries was operating normally. The total industrial volume of the Bulgarian Kingdom directly exceeded that of Belgium, and was equal to that of the Spanish Kingdom!

Of course, this number is full of water. The Kingdom of Spain is not in the state at all. It was first repaired by the Americans and lost a large colony. It has not slowed down, and then caught up with the economic crisis and suffered great vitality!


These are the things of the future, and now Ferdinand is busy dealing with domestic issues.

At the end of 1901, Bulgaria's annual immigration work conference.

Prime Minister Constantine reported to Ferdinand: "His Majesty, our exchange of population with the Ottoman Empire has now been completed.

As of August this year, we have received all Bulgarians living in the Ottoman Empire, a total of more than 4.38 million; repatriated more than 2.74 million Turks to the Ottoman Empire.

This part of the returnees have been scattered throughout the country. So far, their employment problems have been basically solved.

Since 1897, we have spent a total of 860 million levs on this immigration.

This also includes 120 million levs for the repatriation of the Turks. Due to the inaction of the Ottoman Empire, this part of our expenses was also paid by us!

Of the remaining expenditures, immigration costs are approximately 260 million levs, employment resettlement and housing issues for immigrants, and living subsidies issued by the government total 480 million levs! "

This population figure is significantly different than previously expected, but Ferdinand did not find it problematic. Previously, it was estimated using the demographics of the Ottoman Empire, and there were only hundreds of thousands of errors. This shows that the Ottoman officials responsible for this work are already very conscience!

Ferdinand asked, "What's wrong with immigrants' lives?"

"The immigrants before 1901 have normalized their lives. Although the living standards of some of them are still lower than the national average, they are also higher than they were in the Ottoman period. It is no problem to eat enough now. ! "Constantine replied

It is true that Ferdinand's resettlement standards are based on eating enough food. As for the issue of getting rich, he is not thinking about it now!

"Did the demographics be completed?" Ferdinand asked again

Constantine thought about it and said, "It's almost done, but the numbers are still being sorted out.

According to our preliminary judgment, as of the end of 1901, the total population of Bulgaria was about 13.4 million.

Mainly include: the original 4.3 million in Bulgaria; after the Balkan war, more than 7 million new territories, as well as 4 million immigrants from the Ottoman Empire, and natural population growth, of course, we also migrated 300 More than ten thousand people.

After the Balkan War, our total population was 11.43 million. After the war we transported 360,000 people to the Kingdom of Montenegro and repatriated more than 2.74 million people to the Ottoman Empire.

So we need to subtract this 3.1 million people, but we also received 4.38 million immigrants from the Ottoman Empire.

In addition to the natural population growth, in the four years from 1897 to now, our new population is about 700,000.

According to preliminary calculations, our current total population is about 13.39 million. Of course, the actual situation may be different, but the total error will not exceed 50,000! "

Ferdinand nodded with satisfaction. This population figure has reached his initial expectations. As long as this part of the population is digested, Bulgaria's strength will definitely change dramatically!

Of course, it takes time to truly digest all this. On the surface, all the immigrants from the Ottoman Empire are the main ethnic group-the Bulgarian ethnic group, it is easy to digest!

In essence, no one knows how many other peoples are mixed in!

In the last census, there were 1.8 million Bulgarians in the Balkans. How much water there is, Ferdinand can still estimate it, and a 40% discount is almost the same.

Well, on the surface, of the more than 13 million people in Bulgaria, the Bulgarian ethnicity alone exceeds 10 million. The majority of the people are the majority, and the proportion of the population is very healthy.

Ferdinand is sure that this number is the result of water injection after water injection. If seven or eight of these layers are original goods, thank God!

However, knowing and knowing, Ferdinand has absolutely no meaning to expose. Anyway, if you tell more lies, it will become the truth. After a dozen or twenty years, a new generation has grown up, and they are the real Bulgarians!

Ferdinand nodded and said, "Well! The next step is to issue a new ID card to the whole country. In principle, we follow the voluntary principle to register the nation!

In this regard, governments at all levels must be prepared to go deep into each village and count the national composition of our country as accurately as possible. This has a bearing on the long-term stability of Bulgaria in the future! "

Well, Ferdinand is going to be Bulgarian again. According to the current standard of classification in the History of the Origin of the Bulgarian Nation, there are really few people in Bulgaria who do not belong to the big Bulgarian!

Sending government officials to the countryside is of course brainwashing. Let the people instill a concept that everyone is a Bulgarian. The reason why multiple ethnic groups appeared was created by the Ottoman Empire for the convenience of rule!

Anyway, ordinary people in this era are also fooling, taking novels as history, they can't figure out the truth. Don't say them, even some historians have been tricked into it!

"Yes!" Constantine answered affirmatively

Everyone now supports Ferdinand's enthusiasm for building a large Bulgarian nation. The endless national uprisings in the Ottoman Empire are a proper example of the opposite!