Vol 3 Chapter 19: New era

Under the influence of the Admiralty, Ferdinand suddenly opened up his thoughts. It is too difficult for Bulgaria to climb the technology tree alone!

But there are too many countries like Bulgaria that hope that the country can grow and develop without sufficient strength, such as Spain, Portugal, the Netherlands, Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland, Denmark and so on!

Separately, either lack of funds or lack of technology, everyone has insufficient strength to compete with the powers in various fields.

Ferdinand believes that there will always be people in these countries who are unwilling to continue this way, watching the gap between the world powers widening, and then working together with each other has become a way to consider!

However, mutual trust is also a big problem. In the short term, it is not realistic to integrate the scientific and technological forces of various countries!

However, for mutual benefit, cooperation in a certain field is still feasible!

Once the cooperation between the small European countries can be reached, Bulgaria can be independent in many areas and shake off its resistance to the great powers!

It may not be possible to catch up with the powers, but keep up with their pace and don't be pulled too far, it is always okay!


History took another turn. In 1903, it became a new era of Bulgarian diplomacy. Ferdinand's original "cooperation and win-win situation, climbing the tree of science and technology" became the theme of European diplomacy in the middle and late 20th century and laid the foundation for the establishment of the EU!

Following the order of Ferdinand, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs acted, showing goodwill to foreign countries in the diplomatic field, and domestic companies began to go abroad to find partners.

These cooperations have both successes and failures. At the same time, with this series of actions, the diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and European countries have significantly improved!

This is good and bad!

Now is the age of the 20th century, when imperialism is expanding globally, and these small movements of Ferdinand have also attracted their attention.

If we cannot coordinate the relationship with the world's major powers, this plan may end at any time because of the intervention of the powers.

As for whether you can coordinate the relationship with the powers? Ferdinand's answer is: No!

No one is a fool, would they not see the purpose of doing so in Bulgaria?

The reason why no one has intervened now is because Ferdinand has not achieved great results. If it is only a small trouble, everyone may open one eye and close one eye, and then pass!

There is no one who is willing to be the first bird. After all, this is very hate value, and it will pull so many European countries hate value at once!

Without sufficient benefits, the major powers will not take the lead. Conversely, when they perceive that their interests are large enough to threaten them, it is time for the powers to intervene!

This is an embarrassing question. If there is no conflict of interest between the partners, then naturally they must be far apart. At the same time, if you are too far away, there is no way to unite with each other and resist the pressure of the powers. !!

The "Plan to Build an Alliance" hasn't even started yet, and here at Ferdinand is dead!

In the principle of suffering alone rather than others, not only Ferdinand has a headache, but also Bulgarian cabinet officials have a headache with him.

"Your Majesty, if we want to solve this problem, we may not be able to do it now. After all, we can resist the pressure of the big powers. They can't!

But it is still possible to delay time. When the powers intervene, we may have got what we want! Foreign Minister Metiev said with some hesitation

Ferdinand asked, "What should I do?"

Mettev thought for a while and said, "First, find a way to divert the attention of the powers. Our cooperation with other countries should be carried out as secretly as possible to reduce the attention of the society! Even if there are results, they must be kept secret first. How long can they be delayed! "

"The Russo-Japanese War!" Ferdinand suddenly remembered these four words in his mind.

Is this destiny? Someone sent a pillow to sleep!

The hidden dangers of the Russo-Japanese War had been planted seeds more than a decade ago. And the "Anglo-Japanese Alliance Treaty" signed by Britain and Japan on January 30, 1902, even watered and fertilized the particles, and now it has started to sprout!

In response to the "British-Japanese Alliance", the Russians hurriedly pulled the French and issued a tit-for-tat "Joint Declaration" on March 16.

This time, even Bulgaria did not run away. It is probably that the Russians felt that Bulgaria also had some influence in the Mediterranean and was also carried away!

Oh, Ferdinand readily agreed to the Russian request. Anyway, he knew that the two sides would not really fight, and the British-Israeli war had not yet ended. How could the British start a new war?

Even if it does, Bulgaria is also a soy sauce product, except for waving the flag on the side, it has nothing to do with them! The navy can only send people away, but the British did not dare to come over!

With just two throats, Ferdinand is certainly not stressed! Moreover, now Bulgaria also needs to pull the tiger skin of the "French-Russian Alliance" in order to protect its interests abroad!

As for the Russo-Japanese War? Ferdinand said very calmly that as long as the group of idiots in the Japanese Army have not changed their cores, they will definitely take the initiative to provoke war!

The current British-Japanese alliance has given them enough motivation, even if the Japanese government does not have the idea of ​​starting a war with the Russians now!

But the brain-washed idiots don't think so much, they don't care about the terribleness of the bears. The Lord, who thinks he is invincible, probably won't care about the gap between the two countries' national strength!

Japan and Russia in history Now that the Russians are constrained by traffic and cannot exert their full strength, the army still fights the Japanese with half a pound!

The navy still forgets, this is not a bear's expertise, coupled with the tsarist government that may stick to its head at any time, Ferdinand is not optimistic about them!

However, the land battle is not certain, and it is not known whether Nicholas II was stimulated by the attack in Japan. After he returned to China, the progress of the Siberian railway was quicker, and it seemed that the traffic was about to open to traffic, at most. There are still two or three years left!

If the war had not ended after the railway opened to traffic, Ferdinand would like to know what methods could be used by Britain at that time to block the bears back?

But this also takes time. At least you need to find something for the media, and temporarily attract the public's spotlight. Don't run every day to watch Bulgaria and other countries' cooperation projects!

As for the newspapers that advocate his theory of "cooperation and win-win", he just wants to shut them up now! There is no way to a democratic society, it is much more difficult to suppress public opinion!

After Ferdinand thought about it, he said, "Well, diverting public attention, the problem is simple!

Big deal, I visited a European country once, strolled around from St. Petersburg to London, first set the public's attention away from the cooperation project, and talked about it for a year and a half!

The next cooperation will be carried out in the form of folk as much as possible, and the influence will be reduced as much as possible. Waiting for the Far East change, everyone will be busy by then! "


There is no way that the Bulgarian government is willing to keep a low profile, but other countries are not cooperating. People's ruling parties still want to use this as their performance to promote canvassing.

Even if Ferdinand doesn't like entertainment, but now he has to take a trip. Attracting attention is only a small aspect, and more importantly, handling the relations between Bulgaria and European countries!

The current international situation is obviously the French-Russian agreement against the British-Japanese alliance, even the contradiction between the three-nation alliance and the French-Russian agreement has been suppressed!

In other words, the agreement between France, Russia, and Bulgaria was in line with the British-Japanese alliance. According to the plan formulated by Russia, once the war broke out, Bulgaria 's port in the Mediterranean was their leading military base.

Oh, this one was automatically ignored by Ferdinand, mainly because it seems that even now the French-Russian alliance, the navy still can't do the Royal Navy. Mainly the Russians dragged their hind legs, and taking the initiative to attack was a dead end, so this one could not be completed at all!

Under normal circumstances, this kind of thing does not happen! Even if the British can win, after fighting France and Russia, the world hegemons don't even want to do it. The Germans have long been waiting to take over!

But everything is just in case. Do n't have an accident at that time. The Russians were really stabbed by half body. Bulgaria is passive in diplomacy. This boss helped to block a lot of bullets!

The main purpose of Ferdinand's visit is to find out what medicines are sold in the three gourds of St. Petersburg, London and Paris.

The three countries have been secretly connected since 1895. This is too much to hide from others, but it can never be hidden from Ferdinand!

Of course, Germany and Russia also have secret connections directly. The Bulgarian-Russian alliance is not only the Russians infiltrating Bulgaria, but in turn Bulgaria is also infiltrating the Russian government!


Oh, Ferdinand also brought the queen and Ferdinand Jr. to this trip to Europe. As for the younger son, he can only say sorry. Too young to take such a long distance is also risky and can only be entrusted to her mother, Princess Clementina.

Fortunately, it is summer this time to go to St. Petersburg. If it is winter, even if Senia repeatedly asks, Ferdinand will definitely not take this place as the first stop. The feeling of more than -30 degrees is not so wonderful!

Of course, now is a good time, along the way is beautiful and windy, the family of three is cheering and laughing Especially after entering the Russian Empire, Shenia immediately rejuvenated, and kept giving Fidi South father and son do science!

Of course, there is also a guard army of more than 3,000 people, with machine guns and cannons.

In terms of momentum, Ferdinand is also the leader of European monarchs, and there are thousands of people everywhere.

Oh, he would never admit that he was afraid of death, so he brought so many guards, this is definitely just to show his honorable status, and should be on the stage!

Of course, this big scene only refers to the Western European countries. If you go to the Russian Empire, it will be nothing. The scale of the tsar's travel is usually larger!

This trip to St. Petersburg is different than before, it is summer. Along the way, Ferdinand's family was warmly welcomed by the Russian people. It seems that Princess Shenia seems to be more popular. This is from the heart!

This shows that the Czar is still popular in Russia. It is difficult for Ferdinand to imagine that the tragic death of the Tsar's family will happen in more than ten years!