Vol 3 Chapter 20: Is the fault of interest

In a hurry, the fleet entered St. Petersburg, which was the fourth time Ferdinand set foot in the city.

I came to this city a few times before, all in winter, snow and white, Ferdinand really didn't have the heart to observe the city!

"This is a rare opportunity, maybe this is the last time I came to this city!" Ferdinand thought to himself

At the beginning of the 20th century, St. Petersburg was already a bustling international metropolis. You can't see it in winter. After entering the summer, you can look far away through the window, and you can still see the disturbing flow of people!

In ordinary people's lives, Ferdinand never had the opportunity to contact again. Since putting on this crown, there have been two worlds ever since!

Just when Ferdinand was thinking wildly, the team had entered the palace.


After several days of banquets, Ferdinand had the opportunity to have a secret talk with Nicholas II.

In fact, at their level, a lot of things are going straight. It 's the diplomat's ability to go round and round!

"Nicholas, don't you really plan to fight the British for the Far East, right?" Ferdinand half joked

Nicholas II asked in full confidence: "Do you think this is possible? The British have not even settled the Boers in South Africa, and they will start a new war?"

Besides, there are still three-nation alliances on the continent, how can we fight for Japanese monkeys? "

Ferdinand smiled, thinking, "The Japanese dwarf you look down on now will soon interrupt your ocean dream and drive the Russian Empire into the abyss!"

"Of course, as long as the London government has not been stupid, they will not provoke a new war here!

However, I think it is necessary for you to continue to keep communication, so that the people below are not jumping! "

This is not what Ferdinand talked about. Now the Russians and the British see each other's chief enemy. In case of the butterfly effect of Ferdinand, it really hits, Bulgaria will block the gun for the Russians!

Nicholas II smiled slightly and said: "The contradiction between us and the British is a strategic conflict, and it is difficult to resolve it!

But don't you think the contradiction between English and German is more troublesome? Can the capitalists in London tolerate their markets being robbed by the Germans? "

Ferdinand was a little hesitant. It is right from the viewpoint of future generations that economic contradictions are secondary contradictions, and strategic contradictions are the core contradictions.

That is because the productive forces have developed to a certain extent, the people have awakened, everyone has recognized the dangers of war, the strength of capitalists has been limited, and countries will exercise restraint among themselves!

But now? Capitalists don't care about national interests, they only know that their interests have been lost!

Ferdinand suddenly understood why the three conflicting British, French, and Russian parliaments in history suddenly came together. All this was the result of capitalists pushing their hands behind it!

Why can't the "German-French contradiction" be reconciled?

Is it hatred?

To know the hatred between Britain, France, and Russia, which is not greater and deeper than Germany and France?

In addition to the British's stumbling blocks, the core factor is that the Germans robbed the French market and harmed the interests of the capitalists!

Thinking about it that way, Ferdinand made everything go smoothly. The core contradiction of the First World War was the market battle between capitalists. Britain and France had the most colonies and controlled the world's largest raw materials and markets. The Germans can only choose to flee for food if they want to continue to develop!

As for the battle for hegemony in Britain and Germany, it is undoubtedly a continuation of the struggle for interests!

"It seems that I think too much! The conflict between Britain and Germany has intensified, and when it erupts, it depends on how long the London government can resist the pressure of the capitalists!"

Nicholas II also said scornfully: "The French government is now completely controlled by the capitalists, and if it is not in their interests, they will immediately step down.

How long can the British constitutional monarchy resist? After all, Edward is not an old Victorian grandmother. I'm afraid he won't be able to suppress the group for how long!

This is what is called freedom, and governments are infiltrated by capitalists! Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, it must be in their interests, but what is the national interest? "

Ferdinand wanted to say, you think wrong. Edward's ability is stronger than you think. People still firmly suppress the capitalist, but his successor will not do it!

Ferdinand acknowledges that Nicholas II's words have some truth, but history is written by the victors, and the capitalists have won the final victory, then their claims are the truth!

Ferdinand also found that Nicholas II's overconfidence seemed to think that everything was under control, as if he had eaten his opponent!

And I do n't know anything about Russia 's current situation. It 's true to suppress the capitalists and the nobility. Even the Tsarist government has won the support of the peasant class, but he forgot that the working class is on the rise!

Once the working class suppressed by the capitalists for a long time, it will be enough to change the world! Even the tsarist government that suppresses the capital class will become the spokesperson of the bourgeoisie under the guidance of the people who are interested in it, and will be pushed out to pull hatred!

Knowing to know, Ferdinand did not remind him, after all, an overly powerful Russia is not in the long-term interests of Bulgaria!

After all, the Soviet Union in the future is very far away. Before the rise of the Soviet Union, there was still a gap of 20 years. This period was enough for Bulgaria to develop and grow. As long as it is strong enough, what can the Soviet Union do?

Ferdinand nodded and said with a smile: "It looks like the future international situation will be very interesting!"

Nicholas II sneered and said, "It depends on the performance of William's guy. If he can't wake up and continue to be led by the British, his good days will soon come to an end!"

Ferdinand shook his head and said, "Let's mourn for William Jr., he underestimates the impact of capital on a country, and now he estimates he still hopes for an alliance between Britain and Germany!"


Through in-depth exchanges with Nicholas II, Ferdinand found that the tsarist government was not as unbearable as stated in the history books. At least the judgement of the international situation was clearer than the Germans!

If Ferdinand was replaced by William II, he would definitely go all out to support the Russians' eastward movement, even if Russia occupied East Asia?

Can they have enough time to digest? Can't digest, then the huge territory can only be a load bearing, and eventually rob every Russian ruble of the state treasury!

What's more, the British still lost the most. After the Russians gained East Asia, the conflict between Britain and Russia could never be eased!

In the meantime, let Austria-Hungary collapse, forget about it, and reunify Germany to strengthen itself! What will happen in the end, although it is difficult to predict, at least German, Russian, English, French, American, and German have better chances than German, Russian, English, French, Russian, and American!

After more than a month, Ferdinand's trip to St. Petersburg was finally over, and he was still very satisfied with the results. The Russians will continue to die in the Far East!

At the same time, more in-depth cooperation has started between Bulgaria and Russia. The most important thing is that the Russian government is not restricting the technical exchanges and cooperation between the enterprises of the two countries!

Is the capitalist's pooping ferdinand unclear? Nothing can't be sold. If there is, it must be that your price is not high enough!

Regardless of how reluctant Senia is, Ferdinand dragged her to the next stop-Vienna. After all, this time to visit all Europe, Ferdinand didn't have much time to waste.

Ferdinand Vienna is still very familiar, even though it has been more than a decade away, the city has become more prosperous. Here are his childhood memories. Despite the former Lord's, he still feels very good!

Oh, and a bunch of friends and family. It should be said that he inherited it from his ancestors. Many aristocratic families are world-famous and are interspersed with each other. Without the conflict of interest, everyone is still a friend!

In order to reduce the entertainment, Ferdinand simply invited them all over, anyway, his castle in Vienna can still get a handle.


Compared to St. Petersburg, Ferdinand's gains in Vienna are very limited. Bulgaria, which the Austro-Hungarian Empire wants, cannot give; likewise, what Bulgaria wants, the Austro-Hungarian Empire refuses to give it!

The relationship between the two countries has not improved significantly. On the contrary, the relationship between their relatives is much better, especially Ferdinand Jr., who inherited their tradition and became a Catholic, which made his uncle Joseph I very satisfied!

Seeing that he could not get the result he wanted in Vienna, Ferdinand had no extravagance. There is nothing perfect in this world, and he quickly ended his visit to the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

Not to mention the next trip to Berlin, his relationship with nephew William II is not very good, especially after Bulgaria and the Austro-Hungarian Empire divided the Balkans privately!

In contrast, in the three Nordic countries, Ferdinand achieved everything he wanted and signed a series of cooperation agreements.

Especially with the military cooperation with Sweden, the unscrupulous Ferdinand took the fruits from the cottages of various countries and directly traded with the Swedes.

And the two sides also reached an agreement on warship research and development. Well, this time Bulgaria is paying tuition again! But Ferdinand is still very satisfied, it's good that people will take you to play.

Ferdinand is now able to cooperate with others to launch battleships The Japanese military industry that started at the same time is miserable. In addition to digging the corners, you can only buy British technology to develop independently!

Of course, the technology is about to be eliminated. On the contrary, the boatmen and technicians they dug from Manchu have helped their shipbuilding industry even more!

Well, Ferdinand admits that learning warship technology is just a cover! The real purpose is to steal the lessons and build the supporting technology behind the battleship!

After all, warships are the industrial crystallization of a country. It includes precision machinery, engine technology, high welding technology, fluid mechanics, and metallurgy and other fields.

If one field and one field goes to public relations, then the cost will be too great, it is better to learn together and pack together!

Anyway, as long as the cooperation starts, these areas must be contacted. Thinking about ways can always be done. Even in later generations, money can work, let alone in an era of inadequate technical blockade, it is even simpler!

This is the real reason why Ferdinand should be patient and run from country to country.