Vol 4 Chapter 5: And development of the automotive industry

The days of April are full of flowers and trees. Ferdinand, who is in the spring, received good news.

"Your Majesty, we have already developed the low-cost car you asked for. Come and see it with me!" Allen-Heidelberg, like a child, ran over and offered a treasure.

At the beginning of the 2o century, cars were not new. No matter whether they were practical or safe, they had greatly improved compared to the 19th century. They had begun to ban carriages and become a new toy for giants.

As early as 1769, the Frenchman n · J · Junieu produced the world's first steam-powered three-wheeled car, which began the era of human cars.

But the steam engine car, because of its poor performance in all aspects, was not universal. It was not until 1897 that German Rudolf Diesel successfully trial-produced the first diesel engine.

The emergence of the diesel engine was a great breakthrough in power engineering. Its emergence not only found a place for diesel, but also it was more fuel-efficient, more powerful, and less polluting than gasoline. It was one of the best power systems for automobiles at the time. .

On August 15, 1883, Daimler and Maybach identified gasoline internal combustion engines. In 1885, the German Gottlieb Daimler identified the first four-wheeler and started a new era of automobiles.

Before 19oo, after Germany, France, the United States, Britain, and Italy appeared a number of such workshop-type car production companies. In 19oo, Europe and the United States produced a total of 95o4 cars.

Ferdinand, who knows the importance of cars, certainly followed up! In 19o1, Bulgaria independently developed the first car-Bol!

At the time, the performance of "Bohr" was considered to be the world's advanced level. It was able to drive for 3.5 hours at 15.1km, and it was also equipped with clutches, steering wheels, transformers and other equipment that are familiar to future generations!

Unfortunately, like the cars of this era, its stability is extremely poor. Basically, it has to run for hundreds of kilometers and needs to be repaired once. And both the production cost and maintenance cost are very high and not universal.

However, Ferdinand did not give up, but continued to increase capital investment. After all, in this era, the automobile industry has just started, and the world is a manual workshop, all crossing the river by touching stones!

People's attention to the automobile industry is not enough. Basically, individuals are promoting the exhibition of the automobile industry. The consortia have not noticed the huge profits contained in it!

There is a saying that progress in science and technology is piled up with endless resources!

With the continuous investment of Ferdinand, Bulgaria's automotive industry has finally achieved impressive results and has reached the forefront of the world!

After "Bohr", in 19o4, "Boer II" was born, and the performance of the second-generation Boer has been greatly improved.

It has carried out a series of improvements, taking into account passenger comfort, optimizing the structure of the car, and the aesthetics of the car has also been significantly improved!

And in terms of stability, it has also been greatly improved, and finally got rid of the trouble of repairing the car every day! But its superior performance is based on the premise of increasing costs!

So this car is not what Ferdinand wants. Its high production cost of 16,000 levs is enough to make people prohibitive!

Coupled with research costs and profits, the final luxury version of the "Boer II" requires a price of 50,000 levs (about 2ooo pounds), which is doomed to be a toy for the rich only. If you rely on it to promote the exhibition of the transportation industry, forget it!

There is no way, the research cost investment is too high, the market is too small, the output is too low, how can the production cost not be reduced!

By the end of 19o7, Bulgaria had produced more than 8ooo "Boer II" in more than three years, so it has also become the best-selling car brand in Eastern Europe!

The times are constantly improving. In 19o7, the "Bohr Three Generations" were also developed. This is also a rich man's toy. It has greatly improved both comfort and safety. Unfortunately, its cost is still Is high!

In this context, Ferdinand proposed to the designers: design a low-priced model without decoration, sturdy and durable, easy to drive and maintain, low road requirements, and meet the needs of the mass market!

In fact, Ferdinand's expectations for this car are not high. The birth of this popular version of the cheap car will not benefit Bulgaria the most, even if Bulgaria is the number one car manufacturer in Eastern Europe!

With the birth of cheap cars, only the oil-producing countries will gain the most benefits. In Europe, the Russian Empire and Romania will be the winners of this transportation revolution!

Of course, Bulgaria is not a disadvantage. Thanks to Ferdinand's butterfly effect, Bulgaria's domestic road network is now among the best in Europe. Basically, the road network covers every township!

Anyway, Ford is about to explode. Instead of being preempted by the Americans, Ferdinand still doesn't mind being the first to board!

"So fast?" Ferdinand said in surprise.

This car only took more than two months from the time he ordered the design to the finished product. He was worried that the designers had misunderstood it. It would be a cheap car if it was deleted!

After all, the cheap car Ferdinand required was not cheaper than a thousand dollars, and that production cost had to be reduced to at least one-third, or even one-fifth!

"Of course, can you please what we ordered?" Alan Heidelberg said proudly

"Go, take me to see!" Ferdinand said happily

At present, most of Bulgaria's scientific research tasks are completed by Bulgarian universities, and some of them are responsible for the newly established Sofia University and research institutions distributed to various enterprises!

Allen-Heidelberg is Ferdinand, who has dug into the field of machinery from the University of Vienna, Austria, and serves as the director of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Bulgaria, mainly responsible for power system research.

After arriving in Bulgaria, he also achieved remarkable results. He has made many remarkable achievements in this field, and occasionally can take a short car copy.

Bulgaria can bite on the tail of the powers in the field of power. He has made great contributions, almost as soon as others came out, and the team of Allen-Heidelberg could come up in the past few years!

Therefore, this IQ broke the table, the EQ is almost zero, and the old man who didn't buy anyone's account still sat firmly in the position of director of the mechanical department, even Ferdinand respected him very much.

This is also in Bulgaria, a country that attaches great importance to scientific research personnel. If it is left in several major powers, this treatment is not available, and there is no shortage of talents!

In fact, before Allen-Heidelberg came to Bulgaria, his position at the University of Vienna was very awkward. A guy who has achieved many results has only an associate professor position, and even the scientific research funding is incomplete!

After all, there is no shortage of talents in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and it is not without him that the Vienna government does not pay much attention to it. Basically, they are letting science and technology exhibitions, and people with insufficient emotional intelligence will naturally be confused!

The annual research funding of 100,000 pounds, and must not interfere with its use, is the price paid by Ferdinand! In the temptation of this huge sum of money, Ellen Heidelberg also put a foot on the shelf, and after a lot of grind, came to Bulgaria!

Of course, other treatments are also indispensable. Villas, cars, maids, chefs, and bodyguards are all provided. Even the assistants are allowed to choose among college students in Bulgaria!

In addition to these treatments, the Ministry of Education has also set up a problem treatment department at Bulgarian University to help foreign scientists, including him, coordinate interpersonal relationships. How many times!

Basically this kind of person with strong ability and bad mix is ​​a master with low emotional quotient, otherwise Ferdinand will not be able to find a corner, and they can be mixed everywhere they go!


Soon, Ferdinand saw the real thing. Allen-Heidelberg directly opened the door to the palace. If it was not stopped by the guards, it is estimated that he would not mind letting people move directly to Ferdinand!

The car in front of me is really simple and ugly. Ferdinand swears that he has never seen such an ugly car, even if it has been discarded in the junkyard, it looks better than it!

This car uses a 4-cylinder 2o-horsepower internal combustion engine, which is placed in the front of the hood, two forward gears and one reverse planetary gear converter, pneumatic tires, and a double-seater canopy-shaped body.

As for comfort? Sorry, this is not considered!

Ferdinand did not even see any traces of decoration. Many areas did not even polish the polishing, and some areas had uneven marks!

The equipment inside is even simpler, except for the car itself which must be equipped, there is almost nothing else! From thrift to seats, cheap wooden products are used, and even the windows are too lazy to install glass!

Ferdinand is powerless, after all, this is the cheap car he asked for!

Oh, Ellen-Heidelberg talked about the introduction, and depreciated this cheap car that Ferdinand asked for, as if to tell: Your Majesty, I 'm here to give you face, only to bring people to do this, Otherwise, I ca n't afford to lose this person!

Ferdinand only smiled a little. He always smiled at Ellen Heidelberg's grotesque. If he took it seriously, he would probably anger him!

Seeing Ferdinand still having a signature smile, Ellen Heidelberg still chattered: "Your Majesty, what's the use of your car so bad? You see, remove the carport at the back and use it directly to pull goods. It's still okay. If you sit down, you will almost lose my life ... "

Ferdinand suddenly had a clever idea, wasn't it? Just remove the carport and modify it, isn't it a pickup in the future?

Now for Bulgaria, letting ordinary people use cars is still too extravagant, which is far less applicable than pickups!

"You're right, just remove the carport in the back and modify it to pull the goods!" Ferdinand thought about it and said

Allen-Heidelberg stared at Ferdinand with a stunned look. Apparently he was taken aback by Ferdinand's decision. He just casually said that this is true!

Looking at the stunned Allen-Heidelberg, Ferdinand said with concern: "What's wrong, Mr. Allen? Rest assured, your design is still valid, the reward is unchanged, and the patent fee will not be less than yours! "

Allen-Heidelberg responded and quickly explained: "No! Oh, nothing! Your Majesty is still trustworthy, I am not worried about rewards! But can this thing really be sold?"

Well, Ferdinand thinks it's better not to talk to people with zero EQ, what they say can always make people angry!

Listen to him, as if Ferdinand's credit might have problems! Ferdinand dared to say that even if he breached the contract, he could not regret it for such a little money?

With tens of thousands of rewards, Lao Tzu's daily income is more than this number! Forget it, my grownups don't care about you! Ferdinand comforted herself.

Ferdinand said with some depression: "This is not a problem that you should worry about. If you don't think it can be sold, it doesn't matter. You can sell the patent directly to the Bulgarian First Automobile Factory!

Allen-Heidelberg nodded contentedly, as if he thought Ferdinand's words made sense!

Depressed and depressed, Ferdinand did not forget to ask: "Yes, how much does this car cost?"

"Not counting labor costs, the cost of light materials totals Lev!" Alan Heidelberg broke out a very accurate figure

Ferdinand hesitated, and as soon as he responded, he seemed to ask the wrong person. In this era of hand-made cars, the most important expenditure is labor costs.

Looking at the rough workmanship of this car, we know that the material cost will not be too high! But is it labor cost? Laboratory and production workshop are completely two concepts!

"Well, I see! Remember to report the list of designers and receive the reward!" Ferdinand said lightly

Allen-Heidelberg looked a bit complicated, and said embarrassingly, "This is the work of mechanical students!"

I was just bragging about how much attention I attached to this task, and it was immediately revealed!

But instead of being angry, Ferdinand was very satisfied. The students' ability to complete the design of this car is a testament to the success of the education in Bulgaria!

Perhaps in the next ten or eight years, these students can really grow up and change the tragic status quo of Bulgaria's research in the field of scientific research.

Maybe it was embarrassing, Allen-Heidelberg just pretended to be busy with work!

After a closer look, Ferdinand put away curiosity. The car design is too strange for the otaku who would not even drive a car in the past!

"Come here, put this car in the museum for people to visit!" Ferdinand said lightly.

This is also Ferdinand's collection habit. He also plans to leave some valuable collections to future generations, let people admire his great achievements!


The car was designed but it may not be produced anytime! After all, Bulgaria is not an oil-producing country. Now it is being marketed as a wedding dress for others!

Even if Ferdinand can make a fortune from car sales, what others make from selling oil is long-term profits!

Unless the global patent protection can be as deeply rooted in the future as the next generation, once this car is launched, it won't be long before piracy is everywhere in the world!

If you want to rely on patent money, stop dreaming! That is to say, from the beginning, the automobile industry has not been valued by the consortiums. It can make a fortune. In the later stage, it can maintain the current market share in Eastern Europe. Ferdinand will be content!