Vol 4 Chapter 6: , Tickets?

Jeff Ferdinand knows that since the cheap version of the car has already come out, will the automotive industry continue to develop?

For the needs of future development, Ferdinand decided to split the Bulgarian machinery factory.

To be honest, the current Bulgarian machinery factory is too big to be ridiculous, ranging from hardware accessories to steamship engines for battleships.

Bulgaria's machinery manufacturing industry, more than 80% of the output value, are contributed by the machinery factory!

The current Bulgarian machinery factory or group has a total of 1.468 million employees, has 186 large and small subsidiaries, and 756 processing and manufacturing plants of various types, covering the entire Bulgarian industrial system!

Although Ferdinand also reorganized the machinery factory into a group company, it is still a bit weak to manage in the face of the increasingly large industry!

After all, so many bright and complicated industries are enough to be dazzling, let alone manage.

There may be such a versatile person, but for Ferdinand, don't look for it!

Countless examples of later generations told him that monopoly was conducive to promoting social development and saving resources at the beginning of socio-economic development; but in the later period, monopoly enterprises will become increasingly prominent due to lack of competition and internal contradictions, which will reduce production efficiency!

"Born in sorrow and died in peace"!

This sentence is not only applicable to a country, but also to a company, otherwise there will not be so many big companies in the next generation, and in the later period it will not be able to keep up with the development of the times!

This point is especially prominent in state-owned enterprises and monopoly enterprises! Due to the lack of market competition and the lack of awareness of crisis in the leadership of the company, those who are slowly degrading will only fight for power and gain profits, and will not be aggressive!

This is absolutely not allowed by Ferdinand. How can their industry ruin a group of maggots?

Now Ferdinand has decided to split. According to his plan, the Bulgarian Machinery Group after the split will be transformed from a giant to six small giants!

After the split, the six small giants will have a clear strategic division of labor, each focusing on one aspect of development, and will also be involved in other industries to compete with each other, promote the discovery of productivity, and accelerate industrial upgrading!

The unknown car company was also independent, and a group company, Bulgaria Volkswagen Group, was also formed separately!

Since it is a group company, of course there will not be only one automobile manufacturing plant. It also includes an engine manufacturing plant, more than ten spare parts manufacturing plants, and an after-sales service company covering major cities in Eastern Europe.

Of course, this is the current stage. In the future, Ferdinand will gradually throw out all the low-profit parts factories in order to reduce management costs!

From the name, it is clear that Ferdinand is ready to promote civilian cars. However, this civilian refers to the middle class and the rising military aristocracy. The ordinary people still can't afford it!

Even the cheapest car, the market price may not be less than 5,000 levs, and the initial sales may be more than 8,000 levs!

This number, in theory, an ordinary worker does not eat or drink, five or six years of effort can be saved!

But Ferdinand knows that this is actually impossible. Bulgarian workers can save 500 levs every year after removing the daily expenses!

And this part of people's congresses are all skilled workers, or the backbone of the business of the enterprise! Most people have a balance of two or three hundred levs, even if it is good, after removing the expenses, the premise is still not to be ill, otherwise debt may occur!

This was also a problem that the working class around the world faced at the time. A good one like Bulgaria!

Basically, larger factories are still equipped with medical staff under the pressure of public opinion. Basically, minor problems can be solved internally, otherwise this problem will be more serious!

Jeffrey Dinan is very clear that he wants to solve this problem, and it will not be possible until the productivity has reached a certain level!

Otherwise, at the level of industrial production in the early 20th century, even if Bulgarian capitalists were saints, they would not be able to do it without taking any profit!

Alas, in accordance with Ferdinand's usual style, problems that cannot be solved are put on hold for a while, so the issue of universal medical care has been put on hold by the Bulgarian government indefinitely!

Uh ...

In 1908, the good news in Bulgaria was one after another. Just now Ferdinand received another good news: the Bulgarian-built fearless ship was launched on the platform of Dicksf Shipyard!

This also benefits from the selfless dedication of the French!

Because of internal problems, the French responded slowly in this era of naval battleship revolution, and the French artillery and big ship faction fell behind in the internal struggle!

But the artillery and warship factions in the French Navy were not willing to fail. After receiving Bulgaria's help, they regarded the Bulgarian warship as a testing ground for their new technology!

They try to prove their own ideas through actual actions!

Therefore, the Bulgarian fearless ship can be regarded as the crystallization of the industry of the Netherlands, France, and Bulgaria. Therefore, the manufacturing speed of this warship is a little faster than Ferdinand expected!

Since Ferdinand approved the construction of the warship in 1907, by April 1908, the construction of the shore part of the warship was completed.

日 On April 6, 1908, it was successfully launched at Dicksf Shipyard No.1. According to this speed, by the end of 1908 or early 1909, it may be completed!

At that time, Bulgaria is likely to become the second country in the world to have a fearless ship after the British!

Alas, although the weak status of the Bulgarian Navy cannot be changed, it is still very good to stimulate morale!

In the era of sea power, the influence of the navy is greater than that of the army! Just like Germany is now the world's first army power, and its economic strength has surpassed Britain, but everyone still thinks that the British are world hegemons!

Similarly, Italy, as a rising star, is considered to be the sixth largest power in Europe because it has a good navy, even if their army **** arrives at home!

On the contrary, Bulgaria is also a rising star. It is aligning with Italy in terms of economic aggregate, and it surpasses Italy in the field of heavy industry. The Army also has the Prussian name of the Balkans, but because the navy is too weak, it is considered a quasi power!

Therefore, Ferdinand is willing to spend such a large price to build this fearless ship. In addition to strengthening the navy's strength in the military and inspiring the morale of the people, it is more important for political influence!

Simply put, is just to get a ticket to join the power club! In addition to the established powers, it is not easy for rising stars to get this ticket!

The Germans defeated the French and rose strongly; the Americans chose the Spanish to settle down and got tickets; the Japanese first defeated the Manqing and the Russians in the Far East before joining Go in!

Obviously, none of this can be done in Bulgaria! Although they also defeated the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman status is no longer sufficient as a stepping stone!

And two continents have formed in the European continent, and the whole body is affected by a single strike. In short, Ferdinand is afraid to touch!

In addition to this direct and rude method, the rest is Italy, and the battle has been fought. Unfortunately, the record is not good, and then a strong navy was established before it was gradually accepted by the powers!

After careful consideration, Jeff Ferdinand decided to learn Italian, otherwise Bulgaria would not want to join the power clubs before World War I!

The problem of the partition of the colonies is small. Anyway, the world is almost divided; but the status of the allies is serious!

This is related to the future distribution of Bulgarian interests, the treatment of the great powers and the treatment of ordinary allies, which are completely two concepts!