Vol 4 Chapter 9: Join the arms race?

In addition to the industrial plan, the most important thing is transportation. According to the requirements of the "Three Five-Year Plan", the total railway mileage of Bulgaria will reach 39,000 kilometers in the next five years, completing the comprehensive coverage of all important Bulgarian towns!

You must know that in 19o1, the total railway mileage of Bulgaria was less than 13,000 kilometers. By 19o7, the total national railway mileage reached 27,000 kilometers. You know how much Ferdinand attaches importance to railways!

Next is the highway network. "Village to Village" is the slogan of this plan. To achieve this strategic goal, the total highway mileage of Bulgaria will reach an amazing 120,000 kilometers.

Well, the highways of this era are still not picky. Asphalt roads are all myths, and concrete roads are treated as strategic roads. It can be used in other places. What highway levels are considered?

Even the maintenance of highways is done by local governments organizing the people and volunteering for free, otherwise the maintenance costs alone will make Ferdinand collapse! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

What was the total mileage of Bulgarian roads in 19o1? Only just over 20,000 kilometers! By 19o7, the total mileage of Bulgaria's highways reached 68,000 kilometers, and it will reach 120,000 kilometers in five years!

No way, this is all driven by World War! After all, when it comes to mountainous areas, the construction of railways is really difficult. In some areas, the current technology can only be opened to traffic when the year of the monkey is known. This can only be made up by roads!

The experience of previous lives tells Ferdinand that as long as there is enough manpower, it is not difficult to repair the highway. As long as you are willing to invest, people can carry it out!

Besides, Bulgaria is also an industrial country. There is nothing else, but the standard equipment such as excavators, bulldozers and road rollers commonly used in future generations is still indispensable!

Although the performance is still very poor, it is still much stronger than humans! Otherwise, Ferdinand would not be able to request that the transportation department build more than 10,000 kilometers every year! It would be crazy if it depended on manpower alone! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Well, the Bulgarian transportation department stated that there is no pressure, and their road repair experience is arguably the richest in the world. From 1887 to the present, they have been in the road construction for more than two decades!

Because European and American countries reach their transportation, most of them are mainly based on personal investment. There are not many government-led transportation projects!

But Bulgaria is different. The domestic economy was not good before. Road construction is a loss-making business, especially highways!

Now the main roads have been repaired, and the rest are in remote areas or branch lines. Obviously, no economic benefits can be seen. There is no consortium that will stupidly do this loss-making business!

This has enabled the Ministry of Communications to cultivate a group of road construction madness. In their words, as long as they have money, road construction is not a problem at all!

... & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Mr. Chekov talk about the plan of the Ministry of Education!" After listening to the report from the Ministry of Transport, Ferdinand continued.

"Yes!" Chekov answered.

"This time the Ministry of Education's plan is divided into three parts: higher education, compulsory education, literacy education

1. Two new comprehensive universities will be built. After completion, our four comprehensive universities can accommodate more than 30,000 college students at the same time, which can basically solve the future talent gap!

As the number of our technical colleges has reached 36, we can basically meet the demand, and there is no need to continue to expand.

However, according to the actual situation, we will continue to expand enrollment and plan to train 200,000 engineers within five years to solve the gap in domestic grassroots technical talents!

2. Promote nine-year compulsory education throughout the country. All citizens of Bulgarian nationality, aged 7 to 15 years, must receive compulsory education! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

3. Continue ... "

"What about funding?" Ferdinand asked lightly.

Education is not the same as industry and transportation. After all, investment in industry and transportation has a return in the short term. After three or five years, it can always be fed back to the economy and increase overall national strength in the short term!

However, investing in compulsory education is a long-term job. You will not see gains for a long time in the future, and you will not increase overall national strength in the short term!

"It's mainly financial appropriations, as well as private donations. Of course, tuition fees can also be collected!" Chekov said as a matter of course.

"How much financial allocation does your Ministry of Education need?" The Minister of Finance asked with great concern.

"In five years, a total of 1.8 billion levs will be needed for financial allocation, and basically this goal can be achieved!" Chekov said lightly.

& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy rolled his eyes and said sharply: "Impossible! Maybe at other times, but not now! The situation in Europe is imminent, we must invest a lot of money into military spending!"

After waiting for two quarrels, Ferdinand began to say, "Well, education is related to our future, but the situation in Europe is very serious now!

Whether we invest in industry or invest in transportation, we can see the return in the short term, but the return cycle of education is much longer!

Therefore, I hope you can reduce the time of compulsory education to five years! "

Yes, Ferdinand has only shortened the time, but did not let the Ministry of Education reduce the content of the course, which means that Bulgarian students must use five years to complete nine years of learning content!

This is obviously impossible! Then you can only cut some less important lessons! For example, those in art and music will disappear from the elementary school classroom! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Fortunately, this is the beginning of the 20th century. Knowledge of many disciplines is still very small. It is basically enough to reduce some difficulties!

Chekov nodded bitterly. Does Bulgaria value education? It can be said that it attaches great importance. The annual financial allocation of Bulgaria University is as high as more than 50 million levs!

According to the Admiralty Department, a university consumes one year's military expenses, and the cost of two universities is equal to the Bulgarian navy's military expenses!

This is really not a joke, who can't call the 6th Army the pro-son? The Bulgarian Navy has always been treated as a queen mother!

If in other countries, the treatment of their naval officers and soldiers is estimated to be n times higher than that of the 6th Army, but in Bulgaria, except for food, it is slightly better, and the salary is really not much different than the main force!

No way, Bulgaria's 6th Army has arrogant capital, but since the establishment of the Navy, it has not made any outstanding achievements! Is it still hard to speak without military skill? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

And the high cost of Bulgarian universities is the sequel of digging people. When scientists are digging in, can we still give less research funding? If you do n't give people money, what will happen?

The key is the investment in scientific research, which has already seen a return. At least now the scientific research level in Bulgaria can finally be seen out!

At least now Ferdinand is not afraid of the technical blockade of the powers! Oh, it seems that the technology is already available, and there is nothing to block!

But what about the Navy? If it were not for the era of sea power, their sense of existence would be even lower!

This is why Petrov is keen to promote the colonial plan. Anyway, let the people see that the navy is also useful!

Now that the arms race in European countries has begun, can Bulgaria withdraw? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

There is no doubt that Bulgaria must follow up! But look at the military expenditures of European powers in 19o7, Ferdinand knows what to do!

British Empire 58.92 million

French 4.55 million pounds

Russian Empire £ 53.28 million

German Empire £ 54.89 million

Austro-Hungarian Empire £ 22.13 million

18.57 million pounds in Italy

And what about Bulgaria? The total military expenditure in 19o7 was: 15.86 million pounds, of which 6 army accounted for 10.86 million pounds, and the navy was only 50 million pounds!

This also includes the cost of building this fearless ship, otherwise the navy could have a military budget of £ 30 million, even if it is good!

Not to mention in 19o8, the British have already played dumplings with the Germans. Will Bulgaria dare to follow up?

In this era, the cost of the construction of a fearless ship was 1.6 million pounds; the cheapest was two or three million pounds still spent!

With the strength of the United Kingdom and Germany, it would not be too much to have ten or eight ships, but for Bulgaria, if you dare to play like this, what should be done in other places?

The results are self-evident, the Navy still has to continue to play soy sauce, the 6th Army joined the arms race! This is also a helpless move. Who told the 6th Army to be cheaper?

At the same time taking into account the sea 6 is not impossible, provided that you have money, obviously this is not affordable in Bulgaria!

Warships are not just built, and the maintenance cost of personnel is also an astronomical figure!

Geographically speaking, the main threat of World War I came from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It is still Bulgaria 's national policy to give priority to the 6th Army!