Vol 4 Chapter 10: Allies' Strategy

After working hard for more than half a month, Ferdinand finally finalized the main outline of the "three five plan", but after seeing the final total investment, the finance minister Kennedy fry!

"Your Majesty, is this number too large? 800 million levs, this is to invest all of Bulgaria's financial revenue in the next five years!" I saw Kennedy said in horror.

Ferdinand's face remained unchanged, all of which were within his expectations. Based on Bulgaria's current fiscal revenue, let alone 800 million levs, even if it was a half-fold, the government would not be able to come up with it!

Even in 19o7, Bulgaria's fiscal revenue reached 18.6 Lev, but the income increased and the expenditure increased!

After Ferdinand thought about it, he and Kennedy settled an account and said, "This is very clear to us! From the current economic situation in Bulgaria, the fiscal revenue in 19o8 will be the same as in 19o7. This shows that After the Russian War, our economic transformation is still going well! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Under normal circumstances, according to our economic growth estimates, fiscal revenue in 19o9 will at least exceed 200 million levs, and by 1914 it will be normal to exceed 300 million levs!

On average, it is not difficult for the government to take 500 million levs from fiscal revenue each year and invest in the "three-five-year plan"?

This is 2.5 billion levs. In addition, we can put a batch of national debt! Based on the current situation in Bulgaria, a dozen or two billion levs can be sold? In the international market, it is not a problem to sell a dozen or two billion levs in five years?

A little bit more optimistic, this has more than 6 billion levs! The remaining funding gap of a dozen or two billion levs, can your Ministry of Finance go to lend money to foreign consortia? The British and French must be happy now-to do this business! "

Compared to a dozen years ago, the situation is much better now! At that time, the Bulgarian government had a headache for tens of millions of levs. Now any project is not this number! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In the past, tens of millions of Lev's bonds had to be accurately calculated. Now Ferdinand has opened billions of dollars, not for no reason!

In terms of economic aggregate, Bulgaria's economic aggregate in 19o8 was already more than ten times that of 1888. This is the benefit of a larger basic market!

Increased population, increased resources, increased market capacity; reduced imports of resources, exploitation of the Ottoman Empire; improved traffic conditions, and industrialization completed ...

Under this series of comprehensive factors, Bulgaria has formed a virtuous circle, and now it has formed an independent and autonomous "small economy" capable of producing blood!

In fact, is it really as simple as Ferdinand said? Chancellor of the Exchequer Kennedy can be sure, no!

Let's talk about military expenses! In addition to the daily routine expenses: 270 million levs of the 6th Army (approximately 10.8 million pounds), 60 million levs of the Navy (approximately 240,000 pounds) & 1t; i> & 1t;

These only include a series of overheads such as daily training, staff salaries, equipment maintenance and minor upgrades, as well as research on new weapons!

In this five-year plan, in order to cope with changes in the international situation, the 6th Army will expand 200,000 troops within five years, with a financial allocation of 860 million levs (approximately 3.44 million pounds). Two fearless ships, four destroyers, two cruisers, and eight submarines, with a financial allocation of 300 million levs (about 1.2oo million pounds).

These are ideal conditions. Once the arms race escalates, the Navy can stop them to play soy sauce, but who dares to stop them?

Where will the money come from then? These are the issues that the Treasury has to consider. Wouldn't it be strange if Kennedy wasn't worried?

"Your Majesty, in this way, we have just improved the finances, and we are going to bear huge foreign debts. The annual interest rate is not a small number? Can we not slow it down?" Kennedy continued to fight hard and said 1t ; i> & 1t; / i>


Ferdinand sighed and said, "Don't wait for me! Let's release the news of our military expansion first, and then drag it on the grounds of insufficient military expenses!"

After the situation in Europe further escalates, the British and French will take the initiative to come to your door, and you should be able to save some interest by then! "

Oh, Ferdinand still decided to learn about the Russians. Historically, the expansion of the Russians was constrained by finances, a rogue move that came up.

If Britain and France don't give loans, I won't expand the army. The military pressure on the European Big Six, the French will fight it out!

Anyway, with the contradiction between Germany and France, the first is the French. The Russian Empire has a vast territory as a strategic buffer. Even if the war breaks out, they can afford it!

The situation in Bulgaria is even better now. In any case, you don't have to face the Germans directly. Ferdinand can also play rogue. Without money, we will not expand! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Even if the war breaks out immediately, Bulgaria is not the main offensive direction of the Allies. Defending the offensive of a partial division of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Serbs have resisted in history!

With regard to the current strength of the Bulgarian 6th Army, once it is mobilized, it will be easy to kill this partial division. What is there to be afraid of Ferdinand?

Although the British now join the Allies, the pressure of the Germans on the French 6 has not been reduced, and the Royal Navy cannot go ashore again!

Moreover, the British do not assume military obligations to the Allies. After a period of time, politicians in France will certainly respond. At that time, the French will naturally come to your door and ask France and France to contribute!

Anyone who knows Ferdinand knows that this kind of thing will come later, and it is estimated that it will often be born!

He has already made up his mind to use the loan from Britain and France to carry out military expansion and war preparations, so as to avoid poor troops and affect the domestic economic exhibition! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

As for the loan owed as a result, as long as the war is won, the compensation of the defeated country will be used to pay it. Ferdinand will not have any moral pressure on this!


While Ferdinand was planning a British and French loan, neither the British nor the French were idle. Everyone was an elite of this era. How could they not have their own plans?

Bulgaria can reach this point. How could it be possible without the secret push of Britain and France?

Just look at the Germans who wanted to intervene when the Balkan war broke out.

Of course, there is Ferdinand's advance arrangement in it, which provokes contradictions among all parties. Why not push the boat along the way without the English and French, and deliberately cooperate?


In fact, after entering the 20th century, the British Empire's life was not so good. In addition to the world hegemony was challenged by the late powers, because the gap between the rich and the poor was too large, domestic conflicts began to intensify during this period! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Since the Liberal Party came to power in 19o5, the London government has carried out an internal reform.

Free lunch at school in 19o7;

In 19o8, Asquith drafted an old-age insurance plan;


At this time, the Germans have replaced the French and Russians as the new confidant of the London government, but the Asquith government still has not forgotten its predicament against the Russians!

At the European State Consultative Conference, the Foreign Minister proposed:

"Mr. Xiang, despite our efforts, the Bulgarian-Russian alliance is still unbreakable now.

The pro-Russian strength within the Bulgarian government is too great, and it may be difficult to change it in the short term. The Russian government also attaches great importance to relations with Bulgaria, especially after the Russo-Japanese War broke out, the two countries' relations are closer. It's up! "& 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Asquith frowned, then said, "Don't worry, our main enemy is now the Germans. The Russians and Bulgaria have joined forces to block the Germans' expansion in Eastern Europe, which is what we need!

Now that Bulgarians and Russians have common enemies, and there is no conflict of core interests between the two sides, the alliance is certainly strong!

But the future is not certain. Once the allies fall, Bulgaria and Russia will border. As long as we push it, the best relationship between the two parties will become fragmented because of conflicts of interest!

Don't forget that our principle is that we can't let the Big 6 of Europe dominate the world. The Germans now are an example!

Because of our previous strategic mistakes that made the Germans bigger, now we dare to challenge our supremacy. In order to suppress them, we have to give up even the isolation policy! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

This kind of mistake, we must not make a second time! Now in the Big 6 of Europe, France, Russia and Russia are still not opponents of the Allies, so we have to support them!

However, we all know that although we are trying to avoid the Big Six, we are trying to ensure the balance of Big Six!

However, this situation is unlikely to last. Once the big 6 fight in Europe, this situation will change!

Either the Allies defeat the Allies or the Allies defeat the Allies! The latter case is something we try to avoid. Even if we don't let it happen by ourselves, it will be a disaster for the British Empire!

And after the allies defeat the allies, they will become our new enemies, so the Russian-Russian alliance must be dismantled! "


Well, when the Germans were planning to use the fleet to force the British to compromise, and even if there were still some people in the German government dreaming of a "British-German alliance", the British were ready to kill the Germans! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

By the way, even after the World War, they are thinking about it! No wonder after the outbreak of the First World War, the German government was unable to accept the fact that the British participated in the war. It can only be said that John Niu 's diplomatic deception was too strong!


The British have plans, but why not the French? At least Ferdinand knows that there is always a saying in France that the Allies have killed the Allies, and France once again dominates the Big 6!

This is the core reason why the French government simply and painstakingly accumulated the technology it accumulated to its utmost care to Bulgaria!

If it is only for the purpose of pulling Bulgaria into the water, they will not be able to learn from the British support for Japanese money and equipment. There is absolutely no need to strengthen Bulgaria's overall national strength!

At least when it comes to technical support for the Russians, the French still maintain a restrained attitude and even require confidentiality with Bulgarian technology transfer! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

And Ferdinand's performance was very in line with their expectations, decisively refusing to disclose technology to Russia, as if to tell the world that the relationship between Russia and Russia is not so unbreakable!

After all, the Russians 'chassis is too big. If they were to get these technologies again, what would the Heavenly Way produce? At least Ferdinand didn't dare to gamble!

Obviously, the more important purpose of the French is to provoke the contradiction between Bulgaria and Russia, to force the two countries in Eastern Europe, and to prevent the French from growing bigger in Europe!

In order to achieve this goal, French talents will support Bulgaria's growth, so as to block the Russians from entering the Mediterranean! Before that, both Romania and parts of the Austro-Hungarian Empire could be bait!

Only when Russia and Russia are opposed, Bulgaria will need French and British! The premise is that Bulgaria's own strength is not weak, otherwise it will directly become a Russian brother!

It can be said that none of the old empires are simple! These are all conspiracies on the bright side, but everyone hasn't challenged them!

Ferdinand is sure that the St. Petersburg government also knows the plans of Britain and France, but they are still willing to enter the game, and they know that the Tsar government must have its own plan!

Now that it's started, it's up to you who can do it better! Anyway, Ferdinand's purpose is very simple, that is, to find fish in muddy water and get benefits! You can also be a thug, but you have to pay!

Combining the information in his hand and the trend of parallel space-time history, Ferdinand has already cleared his thoughts. He has made a decision. Regard him, he will swallow the bait first, then talk!