Vol 4 Chapter 12: ,fuse

Kavala is Bulgaria's most important port in the Thracian Sea. Going out is the Aegean Sea and one of Bulgaria's tobacco industry centers!

On January 3, 19o9, the port of Kavala brought together senior officials of the Bulgarian government, as well as envoys of various countries, as well as journalists who arrived to hear the news!

"Everyone is here, now the ceremony can begin!" Ferdinand said with a smile

That's right, today is the test sailing ceremony of Bulgaria's first fearless ship-Sofia. With the order of Ferdinand, in the exclamation of the crowd, Sofia began its performance!

At this time, the British ambassador to Bulgaria, Christie's, looked a bit unnatural. The British Empire originally wanted to use the Dreadnought to get rid of European countries and avoid arms races. It's up!

And it is Bulgaria's rising star, of course, he also knows that there are also French and Dutch contributions! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

But this also means that the leading edge created by the British Empire by Dreadnought is no longer there! Now that Bulgaria has the technology to make fearless ships, the Dutch and the French naturally have them too!

The manufacturing technology of the fearless ship has three owners at once, so the leading edge naturally disappears!

Now that these three countries can be reached, the Germans, Americans, and Italians ... can't make it out for no reason, at least it's a little bit late at night!

What is it that rocked my own feet?

The British have now felt that after receiving the news of the trial of Sofia, the senior officials of the London government have lost many people's Christmas Eve, and have become dim!

No matter what he thought, the trial of the Sofia was still successful. The Bulgarians present were celebrating, and the envoys of different countries also had different moods! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

At this point, Ferdinand quietly left the field and went to the lounge. Strangely, his lounge was actually inside the gun-proof hole!

There are tens of meters of reinforced concrete protection wall around, there is a huge steel plate on the top, and there are multiple layers of protective measures on it! It can be said that at the beginning of the 20th century, no artillery could shake it in the slightest!

This is very abnormal. In the celebration of Sofia, Ferdinand actually ran into the air-raid shelter, which seemed to indicate that something unknown was about to be born!

"Are you ready?" Ferdinand asked lightly.

The man in gray answered affirmatively: "Everything is ready. Just wait for your Majesty's order and you can start!"

"Well, very good! If this thing is successful, your intelligence department will take the credit, and Morka this time you did a good job!" Ferdinand slightly said & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

After listening to Ferdinand's words, although the man in gray is trying his best to suppress his excited expression, his body is still shaking!

That's right, he is the Bulgarian intelligence chief lurking in the Ottoman Empire, Murka Valdo. He has been in the Ottoman Empire for more than ten years, and this time he was activated!

After Ferdinand thought about it, he asked, "Petrov, what's the navy's preparation?"

"Your Majesty, please be assured! The 15,000 officers and men of the Navy are ready to go into battle at any time!" Petrov said excitedly.

To wait for this day, the Bulgarian Navy has been waiting for three years! As early as 19o6, the Admiralty felt that the strength was sufficient, and was ready to operate on the Ottoman Empire, but Ferdinand was overwhelmed by the immature timing!

However, the Admiralty did not give up. The hatred of Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire is much greater than the contradiction between Germany and France. There is no possibility of relaxation on both sides! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Especially after the Balkan War, the distance between the two countries will always be an excuse!

After the signing of the "British-Insurance Agreement" in 19o8, the main faction in Bulgaria could not bear it anymore, and proposed to Ferdinand many times the battle plan against the Ottoman Empire, but it has never been successful!

However, after this tentative proposal by the Admiralty, Ferdinand agreed directly! There is no reason for it, the time is ripe, Bulgaria has become the second country in the world with a fearless ship!

Sofia parameters:

Displacement: Standard displacement of 19,2 tons;

Full-load displacement 23,589 tons;

Dimensions: 162.3 meters long / 25.3 meters wide / 8.4 meters draft

Power: main engine output power 235oo shaft horsepower, 4 shafts; maximum altitude: 21.25 knots; endurance: 594o nautical miles / 1o knots & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Weaponry: 1o door, 5 dual-mounted / 45x 12-inch main guns, 16 single 4 "/ 5ox secondary guns, 3 18-inch underwater torpedo tubes

Armor (inches): main armor belt 5-1o.5, deck o.5-4.5, turret 11-4, turret 11 and command tower 11.5

Crew: 758

Due to the service of Sofia, the total tonnage of the Bulgarian Navy has exceeded 80,000 tons, which is the same as the current Ottoman Navy, but the combat effectiveness is not at the same level.

According to the estimate of the Admiralty, only one Sofia can defeat the Ottoman Navy!

In theory, as long as you use the kite flying method, relying on the superiority and firepower advantage of the old-fashioned iron armored ship, you can slowly exhaust the Ottoman Navy!

This is why Ferdinand has to do it now. Since it is applicable to the Ottoman Empire, it is also applicable to other countries. Even if there is a conflict with the allied navies, the Bulgarian navy will not suffer! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

In addition to the fearless ship Sofia, the Bulgarian Navy is also equipped with two pocket shore defense battleships, an armored cruiser, two ordinary cruisers, five destroyers, and ten torpedo boats, three submarines, and various other auxiliary warships. Some!

This is the entire family of the Bulgarian Navy. There are several training ships, but the combat effectiveness is negligible and it is not counted in the fleet!

In military history, the saying of "hundred years of navy" has been circulating. This is not a joke. To build a strong navy, it really takes hundreds of years of accumulation!

But there is no way to shorten this time. The simplest way is to fight! Like the Japanese Navy, it is a successful example. Through actual battles on the battlefield, accumulate combat experience and quickly form combat effectiveness!

Ferdinand is also ready to learn. As it happens, the Ottoman Navy is an ideal sparring. How weak and how weak, don't worry about jumping! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Ferdinand jokingly said: "Since everything is ready, then Morka will start, so as not to miss the time!

I hope the Sudanese government will not disappoint our good intentions. Haven't they always wanted to recapture Constantinople? Give them a chance, depending on whether their teeth are good enough! "

"Yes!" Morka replied forcefully.

After speaking, he went to a telegraph machine prepared in advance to convey the news, and a plot against the Ottoman Empire began!

Thassos is located at the northern end of the Aegean Sea, with an area of ​​378.8 square kilometers and a coastline of 95 kilometers. It is only 4 nautical miles from the nearest 6th largest island and is the closest island to Kavala!

Because of the limited strength of the Bulgarian Navy in the previous Balkan wars, it did not operate on it, and Thassos is still in the hands of the Ottoman Empire. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

However, because it is too close to Bulgaria, the Ottoman Empire still deployed a large number of troops in the beginning, but in the later period, the Sudanese government realized that once the war broke out between the two countries, Thassos would not be able to hold it. Not many troops!

Because Thassos could threaten the port of Kavala, at the time the Ottoman Empire also deployed several shore guns on the island, threatening the Bulgarian shipbuilding industry at any time!

At this moment, five young people were on the island of Thassos gritted their teeth and looked at the opposite. Yes, they were expelled back to the Ottoman Turks by Ferdinand.

Before the deportation, they were still the noble masters, but after returning to the Ottoman Empire, their good life will be gone forever. If they had not been aristocratic, they might not even have a bowl of rice!

Therefore, they are extremely hostile to Bulgaria and always hope that the Ottoman Empire can return to the Balkans and recapture everything they have lost! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Then they were absorbed by an organization called "Avengers", whose purpose is to avenge all the enemies who had invaded the Ottoman Empire, and the manipulator behind this organization happened to be Morka-Valdo!

In order to provoke the war between the two countries again, the "Avengers Alliance" has acted many times, successfully destroying many dirty trades that the "sulting Sudanese government" attempted to converge with the imperialist countries!

This "Sofia trial test ceremony" was also seen as an opportunity. At this time, high-level Bulgarian government gathered in Kavala, as long as a few shells can cause heavy losses to Bulgaria, and may even get the Bulgarian king directly -Ferdinand!

Therefore, this glorious and arduous task fell to the five of them, and at this time their identity was exactly the defensive grassroots officer of Thassos!

Lex Pasha is the team leader of this operation group. He is waiting for the intelligence personnel lurking in Kavala to give them coordinates, otherwise there is no approximate location. Who knows where the shells will fly? & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

"Mr. Lex, the coordinates have been determined, you see?" A teenager said as he handed in an accurate coordinate parameter

"Well, guys, for the Ottoman Empire, do me the Bulgarian miscellaneous!" Lex Pasha said excitedly.

His long-awaited opportunity finally came. Lex Pasha believed that as long as the shells were hit, the Sudanese government would have to fight again against Bulgaria even if it was weak again!

At that time, he can return to Thrace's hometown again, regain everything he lost, and lead an enviable aristocratic life!


It is no use telling them that the difference in strength between the two sides is not worthwhile. Besides, the Balkan war was a decade ago. They are still little kids. How can they know the cruelty of the war?

Their purpose now is to provoke the war between the two sides again. As for whether they can win, the great Ottoman army is invincible and will definitely destroy all enemies! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

With the encouragement of Lex Pasha, several young Ottoman officers did a major event that shocked the world-shelling Kavala!

And achieved world-famous results, killed Holman-Berg, Austrian-Hungarian official in Bulgaria, and three members of the Bulgarian Military Commission, as well as two London Times reporters and more than a dozen attendants. Dozens of dignitaries including Minister Christophe were injured!

It can be said that these Ottoman officers set a world record and killed three Bulgarian generals at one time. Two of them were generals and one was lieutenant general!

Their results have passed the highest result of the Ottoman army killing Bulgarian officers in the Balkan war. However, after receiving this heavy result, I wonder if the Sudanese government will cry now?

Immediately after the bombardment, the Bulgarian Navy launched a counterattack, went directly to Thassos, cleared all military personnel on the island, and arrested a culprit! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Of course, things can't end like this. Ferdinand has used a bitter plan. How could it be so easy to end?

Moreover, Bulgaria also needs to give an explanation to all countries! You can't let the minister of your family have an accident on your own site. Don't you say anything?

After receiving this news, the response of the senior officials of all countries was very consistent: First, it was considered impossible! Then I thought the Ottoman Empire was crazy!

No way, who said that the shells fell so coincidentally? They fell to the position of the mission. If they were not close, Bulgaria also lost three generals and injured many dignitaries. They would still suspect that it was What about the Bulgarian government's conspiracy?

Okay, do a full set! In order to ensure foolproofness, Ferdinand directly kept the cabinet in Sofia on the grounds of ensuring the smooth implementation of the "Three-Five Plan", but instead took a group of high-level military personnel to attend the ceremony. & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Of course, this is also in line with the rules. It is also possible for the cabinet not to come with the king in person!

It is normal for the 6th army to choose to retreat during the trial trial of the navy. Anyway, there are so many generals in the military committee that are enough to represent!

To lie to others, of course, to lie to yourself! So unfortunately, Ferdinand was used as cannon fodder by the generals who spent the heat in this military committee!

In fact, even though Turkish youths are in Form Two, they also know that if they accidentally hurt the ministers of various countries, something will happen!

Therefore, they had to wait until they got the exact coordinates before they started shelling!

There is no doubt that this coordinate was provided by Ferdinand Jean Morca. In order not to cause doubt, the position of the coordinate is not very accurate.

It 's just a little closer to the mission, otherwise the mission may be blocked. In that case, Bulgaria would not want to break off the relationship! & 1t; i> & 1t; / i>

Now this situation is undoubtedly the most ideal. On the bright side, the boss of the Bulgarian military is now dead, injured, and the military committee is basically abolished!

The official mission was only the unlucky egg of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and several others were injured, which is in line with the scene of being caught in the pond fish!

As for why the artillery deviates, this very simple artillery of the Ottoman Empire is not enough! There is also the artillery of this era. It was not strange that it was fired a few miles away, tens of meters away!

As soon as the "Kavala shelling" broke out, the Ottoman Empire was attacked by public opinion from all over the world. Ferdinand successfully made Bulgaria the image of a victim and gained public sympathy.

And the politicians of all countries know that the Ottoman Empire is going to be in bad shape this time, especially Bulgaria has occupied Thassos and has the evidence that the Ottoman Empire shelled the port of Karava!

Even Germans can't make it for them now!

In addition to international public opinion Because the Austro-Hungarian Empire was hit by a pond fish this time, a minister was killed, and now he is clamoring for revenge?

The Germans are busy soothing the mood of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Unfortunately, they can stabilize the Austro-Hungarian Empire, but they cannot stabilize Bulgaria.

Suddenly attacked by enemy forces and killed so many high-level Bulgarian government officials. If Bulgaria can tolerate it, Ferdinand will be embarrassed to be a power by itself!

So now, unless the Ottoman Empire is willing to pay enough, war between the two countries is unavoidable. This is known to all European countries!

At this point, the Sudanese government has become an ant on the hot pot, anxious to spin!

"What did the Germans say?" Sudan said with a pale face.