Vol 4 Chapter 13: War that has to be fought

"The Germans let us compromise with Bulgaria," said the Foreign Minister. "The Germans said that this incident was very bad for us diplomatically, so ..."


The Sudan sighed with disappointment and said, "How to compromise? Bulgaria is obviously prepared this time. This is all their conspiracy. Shall we still satisfy their conspiracy?"

"This, the Germans also said, if we are not willing to compromise, then we must prepare for the war immediately. This time, the Confederate Congress will try to contain other members of the Allies!" The Foreign Minister added

Sudan's face improved slightly, and he thought for a moment and said, "Does the German mean that we should face Bulgaria alone?"

"Yes!" The Foreign Minister replied

He then added: "The current situation is very unfavorable to us. Most of the big powers' attitudes are inclined towards Bulgaria. The Allies will definitely support Bulgaria this time!

Even the Austro-Hungarian Empire was very dissatisfied with us because of the death of the ambassador, and we have lodged a severe protest with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, asking us to surrender the killer and compensate for the loss!

The British, French, Russians, Spanish, Belgian and other twelve countries also protested to us, demanding that we be responsible for this! "

The sultan's expression had just eased, and he suddenly became embarrassed again, saying angrily, "Is the murderer identified?"

What he wants most now is to find the killer and prove that this incident has nothing to do with the Ottoman Empire, so as to get rid of the diplomatic dilemma!

Xiang Xi smiled bitterly and said, "I found it. The troopers of the Ottoman Empire stationed in Thassos were led by several young officers, all of whom were nobles!

They are all patriotic youths. After the Balkan War, the aristocracy repatriated by Bulgaria, and Bulgarians are deeply at odds with each other. They have also publicly stated on many occasions that they will hit Sofia and let the Bulgarians pay their blood!

Motivationally, they are entirely possible to plan this event! "

"Patriotic youth!" Sultan gushed his teeth and said these four words

He knew that this time the Ottoman Empire was tormented by the so-called "patriotic youth"! These noble officers are hostile to the Bulgarians. It is impossible for them to be bought by the Bulgarians. Now he just does n't want to shake the pot!

If it cannot be confirmed that this incident was planned by Bulgaria, no matter whether it is related to the Ottoman government or not, the active forces of the Ottoman Empire are all involved, and the Ottoman Empire must be responsible for this!

"Give me the whole family who got out of here, and I'm going to beat their nine families!" The Sudan war said

Quickly discouraged: "This ~ great sultan, domestic public opinion is very sympathetic to them, especially after knowing that they killed three Bulgarian generals, many people regard them as heroes. If they now arrest their family, May cause ... "

After hearing the words, Sudan's face became even more ugly. He sneered and said, "Huh! Ignore public opinion and cause so much trouble. If you just let them go, wouldn't everyone follow suit?"

The Foreign Minister hesitated again and again, and said, "Great Sudan, this is not so simple. Countries have sent representatives to interrogate the killers arrested in Bulgaria!

It has been determined that these people have participated in multiple domestic political groups, including the United Progressive Party, the Avengers Alliance, and the Youth Corps, and many other radical groups. It seems that these groups are also involved in this incident! "

Everyone's face changed, that's right! Several young military officers certainly did not have the ability to plan this operation, and at least some people provided them with coordinates, otherwise they would not have been able to hit the target so accurately!

"Catch! Any group that may be related to this incident, no matter what it is, we all arrested me!" This is Sudan's first response

Now that he has locked the black hand behind the scenes, how can he let it go? Even in order to be accountable internationally, the Ottoman government must act!


The Sudanese government, through brain supplementation reasoning, finally locked the black hands behind the scenes on civilian radical groups. It was only their urgent hope that they could wage war, and they thought that as long as they wage war, they could recapture Constantinople!

At this time, Kavala was also under martial law throughout the city, and the military police mobilized to arrest co-conspirators who provided coordinates.

Of course, the real culprit must not be caught, but the suspects have caught a lot of them, including street messes, spies from various countries have been caught in the pond fish.

Most of the spies were taken back by others. After all, this time the diplomatic corps had an accident, Bulgaria's security work was not in place, and it was also a loss-making party. Now it is naturally difficult to catch people, and everyone is leveled Now, the complementarity is the matter!

As for the rest? The mine is their best destination!

Is it really fierce? There is no doubt that the Ottoman Empire is lurking in Kavala-come out! At the request of everyone, all of these people were struck!

Ferdinand also personally visited the injured ministers and government officials and made it clear that he would let the Ottoman Empire give a satisfactory answer!

In this sympathy, the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also requested the Ottoman Empire to order the Sudanese government to surrender the killer within ten days, and to compensate Bulgaria's economic losses and casualties for a total of 92.16 million pounds, and compensatory ministers of various countries for 16.26 million pounds!

According to Ferdinand's algorithm, the dead Bulgarian general, 60,000 pounds for general, 1 million pounds for general, 1 million pounds for each injured, and 50,000,000 pounds for other dead compensation, as well as the mental loss of the people present It costs 5oo pounds to ooo ten thousand pounds!

That ooo ten thousand pounds was made by Ferdinand based on his own value. The specific reference is the price quoted by Nicholas II to the Japanese that year, which is already very conscience!

Don't feel expensive, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said: This incident caused heavy losses to the high-level of the Bulgarian army, and it was almost endangered. Isn't it worth the money?

The most important thing is that we almost hurt our great king, and only charged you 30 million pounds of mental loss, which is very small!

As for the compensation to the ambassadors of various countries, if you think they are not worth the price, you can talk to them!

Oh, in fact, for the Ottoman Empire, economic compensation is easy to handle.

The problem is to surrender the killer. Everyone knows that the killer is either dead or in the hands of the Bulgarians. Where can the Sudanese government go to find them?

The most important thing is that once the Sudanese government surrendered the killer, it was equivalent to acknowledging that the incident was planned by them, and diplomatic troubles would be enough to collapse them!


Although the Sudanese government knew that the chances of a settlement through negotiations were low this time, they went to the Germans to mediate, and the two sides reached the negotiating table.

This time the Sudanese government was very embarrassed. Because the diplomatic ministers of many countries were injured, they were all bitter masters. At the beginning of the negotiations, it became a criticism meeting against the Ottoman Empire!

Well, everyone is aware of people, knowing that this incident was not planned by the Sudanese government, but it does not prevent them from finding trouble in the Ottoman Empire!

The plan to "divide the Ottoman Empire" has been in more than one country. At least the British, the French, the Russians, and the Italians have made it!

If it weren't for the Germans doing their best and trying to persuade Austro-Hungary and Italy, the Ottoman Empire might now be divided up, let alone talk about it.

Although the Allies have reached an agreement for strategic purposes, the Allies are now interested in dividing the Ottoman Empire!

It's just that the French were pinned down by the Germans in the European Big Six, and Mao Xiong is busy with internal reforms. As long as the Bulgarians and the British have enough power, the multinational joint forces have now been formed!


Negotiations are back to negotiations. Ferdinand's military preparations have not stopped. Bulgaria is no longer what it used to be, with his orders.

Within a week, half a million troops had been mobilized across the country, and the standing army had already exceeded 800,000!

During the life of the Kavala shelling, public opinion in Bulgaria exploded, and all classes clamored to declare war on the Ottoman Empire.

However, Ferdinand is still waiting for the outcome of the negotiations. After all, there is nothing impossible in such a magical country as the Ottoman Empire. What if the people agreed stupidly?

If there are tens of millions of pounds into the account, Ferdinand said that this war can not be fought!

Big deal, make excuses next time! Anyway, if you want to start a war, you will never lack excuses, but this war excuse is not so perfect!

At this time, the German government is also very embarrassed. There is no way for the younger brother to worry, and the boss is also worried!

Don't look at them temporarily persuading Austria-Hungary and Italy, but if the Allies really divide up the Ottoman Empire, these two younger brothers don't mind going for a share!

Don't even think about fighting for the Ottoman Empire and the Allies!

The Italians have long been jealous of the Ottoman Empire, and the diplomatic minister of the Austro-Hungarian Empire has died. If no reasonable explanation can be found at home, how can it be possible for them to fight for the Ottomans?

But can Germany abandon the Ottoman Empire? The answer is: No!

Regardless of the Germans 'interests in the Ottoman Empire, strategically, the Ottoman Empire could contain Russia and Bulgaria at the same time.

They can also close the Black Sea Strait at any time and cut off the Russian sea channel.

There are still a large number of islands in the Aegean Sea, and even the Germans only need to deploy a submarine force to separate Bulgaria from the Russians, divide the Allies into three, and strategically defeat them one by one!

Everyone knows this, so Ferdinand will rush to war now!

After all, history has changed. During the Balkan wars in history, the Greeks gained most of the islands in the Aegean Sea, and the Allies were added. Later, Britain and France moved the battle of Dardanelles in an attempt to open the line of communication with the Russians!

But now? Despite the addition of Bulgaria, it is known from the map that Bulgaria's estuary in the Mediterranean Sea may be blocked by the Italians at any time;

Then after the outbreak of the World War, the passage of the Aegean Sea is still the lifeline of the Russians' maritime transportation, and also the lifeline of the Bulgarian maritime transportation!

If you do not seize these islands Ferdinand is very suspicious that after the war broke down, Bulgaria will only be able to pretend to be a grandson and be a tortoise until the victory of the war!

No way, now the basic market in Bulgaria is so big. Once the World War breaks out, the consumption of strategic materials will go to the sea!

According to the estimation of the General Staff, the strategic materials that can be provided in the country, coupled with the advance reserves, can support the defense of two or three million troops.

If it's offensive? The material distress faced by the Russians and the Austro-Hungarian Empire during World War I will also be felt by them!

Although the Germans have not considered the outbreak of the World War, they still hope to keep the ally of the Ottoman Empire so as to alleviate the pressure of the Allies on the Big 6!