Vol 4 Chapter 19: Domineering

While the Second Fleet was struggling with the Ottoman Navy, the First Fleet had already completed its pre-determined goals, successively won Rhodes and Karpathos, and controlled the Karpathos Strait.

The problem of Crete is imminent. On April 17, the First Fleet issued an ultimatum directly to the "Ottoman Guards" on the island, either surrendering or being destroyed!

Oh, the Greeks on the island have been circled. When did they become the Ottoman army, the nimble people have guessed, the Bulgarians are looking at Crete.

As for the sentiment of war, it is only an excuse. In theory, the sovereignty of Crete belongs to the Ottoman Empire, and George I served as the governor of Crete. It is also reasonable and reasonable for Bulgaria to clean up the unstable factors during the war!

After receiving the news, the Greek government exploded. It was too bullying. As for the relationship between Greece and the Ottoman Empire, it was good to not drop the rocks. How could it be possible for them to catch fire?

George I scolded, "Bastard! Ferdinand, this rogue, is he going to fix us? Anxious Laozi he fight ..."

On this plane, George I did not live so well in parallel time and space. First, he suffered a defeat in the pk with the Ottoman Empire, then was betrayed in post-war negotiations, then the government went bankrupt, and the finances were taken over by the powers.

At first, this was nothing, and he was not an unacceptable person. The key was that Ferdinand was next to it. The strength of Bulgaria and the decline of Greece formed a stark contrast.

Despite his means of political struggle, it would not help to get rid of Ferdinand Streets! The public only saw the failure of Greece and the success of Bulgaria.

"The reform is strong, Greece must now be strong!"

This is already the consensus of all circles in Greece, and the neighbors next door are a good example. Twenty years ago, Greece and Bulgaria were still bad brothers. Everyone is almost the same. Now the national strength of the two sides is tens of times different. Doesn't this explain the problem?

Fortunately, Bulgaria also has a constitutional monarchy. If it were a republic, George I would have been precarious for a long time. Even so, his king would soon be suspended by the people below him!

Xiang Xiang said earnestly: "Your Majesty, calm down for the way of King! You are so rushed ..."

George I yelled, "Enough! Let's say, what should we do now?"

He couldn't help being angry. He has been the king for so many years. The current courage dare to teach him the way of emperor so carelessly. You must know that the previous ones were tamed by him. The blindness in front of him has long let the other side get away, but now that Luoluo Pingyang is being bullied by the dog, he can only endure!

"Stop the phase"? George I can only think about it. The current Greek government can't afford toss, a throne that is not good for him will be unstable!

How to do? In fact, I do n't know. The difference between the strengths of the two sides is too big. If you fight, you ca n't win. If you concede, you ca n't explain it to the people.

I think so, but I can't say so. As a politician, acting is an innate gift, and when he was right, he said, "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately protested to Bulgaria, letting the Bulgarians see our determination to defend Crete, and we invited the powers to intervene, Intervent! "

After hearing the words, George I rolled his eyes, which is exactly the same as not saying!

Protesting to Bulgaria is definitely useless. Since the army is about to start, it is naturally ready! Bulgaria is not the Sun Country in the Far East. The army is capable of kidnapping the government!

Invite the powers to intervene? As long as anyone who understands the current international situation knows that the two major alliances of the allies and allies dominate the world, the United States and Japan are playing soy sauce.

Could the Greek government still say that it would be impossible for the Allies to support them? Otherwise, the big powers split into two groups. Can diplomatic pressure scare Bulgaria?

With the rise of Bulgaria, Greece's status has been gradually degraded. It is not that the powers do not want to support them, but everyone knows that Greece cannot support it at all!

The population, land, resources are nothing, and there is an astronomical external debt. The Ottoman Empire next door is 100 times more valuable than their support!


Discussing and discussing, in short, this time the Greeks were angry and protested the most severely to Bulgaria.

However, Ferdinand shamelessly ignored the Greek protests, saying that this was a Bulgarian war with the Ottoman Empire. If any Greek army appeared on the battlefield, it was deemed to have declared war on Bulgaria!

Then two Bulgarian 6 army divisions still boarded 6 in Crete, and the "Ottoman garrison" crackled for a while, now they are not opponents at all, and they surrendered decisively!

This is definitely an Ottoman garrison. Doesn't it make sense to look at the Greek government?

The Greek government persuaded, but the relationship between the two countries was completely over, and anti-guarantee demonstrations broke out in Greece, and it almost hit the embassy!


At this time, with the addition of the second fleet reinforcements, the naval battle outside the port of Karaburun also came to an end. From the beginning to the end of the battle, this naval battle lasted for more than six hours, and two rookie navies conducted a very Funny war!

Yes, it's funny! Both sides made a series of mistakes. From the beginning, they fired blindly before entering the range of the artillery. Many soldiers in the battle showed turbulence, but it was even more disastrous for the Ottoman Navy!

With the addition of other warships of the Second Fleet, the commander of the Ottoman Navy, Ahmed Pasha, knew that he was unable to return to the sky. Due to the difference in the degrees of warships between the two sides, he could not run, and he had to fight decisively.

Holding the mortal heart, he directly ordered the dissolution of the formation, fighting separately, and even took the flagship directly to the Constantinople, all of which could not change the fate of the entire Ottoman navy!

However, the Second Fleet did not achieve any benefit. The earliest Constantinople who participated in the war became a victim of this war. Because it was hit by six shells before, its power system was severely damaged. It was time to withdraw from the battle, but because the officers responded a little slower, they were hit by the flagship of Ahmed Pasha again and sank directly.

In addition, the Harmony Coast Defense Battleship was also severely damaged and needed to be overhauled. Several other warships were more or less damaged. In the next three months, the second sub-fleet lost its combat effectiveness!

After receiving the casualty report, Ferdinand was very dissatisfied and originally occupied an absolute advantage. As a result, when the decisive battle was over, half of the main force was not there, and the other half suffered a direct defeat with the opponent!

Of course, on the surface, the Bulgarian navy is a real victory. The tonnage ratio of the sunken ships on both sides is 1: 9, and the Bulgarian navy has a big advantage.

In fact, after analyzing the actual battlefield internal conditions of the Admiralty, at least half of the warships in the Ottoman Navy were found to be inadequate, and even the one that originally sunk was not hit by any shell, but was caused by the recoil of the cannon, which caused the hull Crashes!

After specific identification, it is an embarrassing fact that the Ottoman Empire naval ships were basically wounded with one shot, and the two were sunk. Due to the quality of the warships, their due combat power was not released!

Moreover, most of the Ottoman naval officers and soldiers were recruited temporarily. Many people were still forced sailors. Such a solitary soldier, coupled with a garbage fleet, had hit half of the Bulgarian navy's main force!

Could it be that the Big Six nations are inherently unsuitable for playing the Navy? Ferdinand's malicious conjecture

Oh, he completely ignored that the Ottoman navy had had combat experience. Although it was the experience of defeating the battle, was that the experience?

It hasn't been long before, although the soldiers have changed, but the grass-roots officers are still mixed in the days, and there are still instinctual reactions on the battlefield, not a rookie!

However, this does not prevent Ferdinand from propagating the power of the Bulgarian Navy everywhere. After all, although everyone knows that the Ottoman navy trash, the tonnage number is also placed there.

Moreover, no one knows that their warship maintenance is not enough. It is a paper tiger that is bursting. This time the Ottoman navy directly came to an entire army and was overwhelmed. There was no chance to call Qu!

Therefore, the outside world still gives a good evaluation of the Bulgarian Navy, infinitely increasing the combat effectiveness of the Bulgarian Navy!

Affected by this, Ferdinand had to announce the reconstruction of the Constantinople, and this time it was not an armored cruiser, but a fearless ship.

After all, according to official propaganda, the Constantinople is also a hero warship. Its warship has almost tripled its tonnage, which is rare in naval history! Without reconstruction, Bulgarians will not agree!

Oh, the ship that the Ottoman Navy tossed and sunk by itself was also counted as the record of the Constantinople. After all, it was there, no matter how much it had to do with it, it could only be counted on its head In addition to the ship, Ferdinand is more concerned about casualties. After all, the warship stuff, as long as you have money, you can have as many as you want, and naval officers and soldiers with combat experience are rare. Is the most precious wealth!

"Are the casualties counted?" Ferdinand asked

Petrov said with a heavy heart: "A total of 5,967 officers and men participated in the naval battle, including 1,63 casualties, including 987 soldier casualties, 76 officer casualties, and 23 missing. Search and rescue are still being organized!"

Ferdinand nodded and said, "Well, this time the casualties are a bit large. Compared with the naval power, it seems that our navy still has a long way to go!"