Vol 4 Chapter 20: Allies 1

Due to the victory of the naval battle, the Ottoman navy was swept away. It was a matter of time before it landed on the Asia Minor Peninsula.

The Asia Minor Peninsula, also known as the Anatolian Peninsula, is a peninsula in western Asia with an area of ​​about 50 square kilometers. It borders the Black Sea to the north, the Aegean Sea to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the south, and the Armenian Plateau to the east. It is mainly composed of Anatolian Plateau and low mountain.

The Asia Minor Peninsula is about 1,000 kilometers long from east to west, and 400-600 kilometers wide from north to south. It is moderate in size and convenient for strategic control. The climate is suitable and the products are abundant, which is conducive to strategic support. It has both sea and land transportation conditions for strategic mobility.

Eastward can attack West Asia and control the oilfields in the center of the world island and the Middle East and the Caspian Sea; southward can occupy North Africa and the Suez Canal Area and control the world's shipping strategic routes; westward can press the heart of Europe and occupy the world's most developed economy Region; northward can threaten Ukraine and Russia, straight to European granaries. Deploying a strategic force here really has the effect of being a tiger and awe in all directions.

The Asia Minor Peninsula is an important place in marine military geography, and its importance lies primarily in its control of the Black Sea.

For Bulgaria, if the Asia Minor Peninsula is controlled, then it is strategically safe to sit on the two peninsulas. You can watch the European continent.

Under normal circumstances, Bulgaria should now attack the Asia Minor Peninsula, but Ferdinand does not mean to go to the Ottoman to die.

The reason is simple. If you want the Ottoman Empire to give up the Asia Minor Peninsula, unless you directly kill them, the Sudanese government will always die with you!

Don't look at the Ottoman Empire now occupying several million square kilometers of territory, but their core is still in the Asia Minor Peninsula, which has half of the Ottoman population and 70% of industry and commerce.

It can be said that once they land, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire will never die! Considering the secret support of the allies, Ferdinand is very doubtful that once Bulgaria jumps into this huge pit, can it still get out?

It's okay for a year and a half. If you drag it for three years and five years, Ferdinand can only cry! Based on the principle of finding persimmons soft, Bulgaria's primary goal now is Libya, an Ottoman enclave!

Oh, Libya hasn't found oil in this era, it's so poor, and its population is only a few hundred thousand. Except for the coastal area of ​​Tripoli, you can't find a decent city anymore!

It's easy to beat and easy to manage! Aren't they just a few nomadic tribes? When they bullied the Italians, they played at a super level. The Bulgarian Army said that the three infantry divisions and two cavalry brigades were completely hit with mosquitoes by anti-aircraft guns!

There is no good way for Ferdinand to deal with nomads, but I realized that there is one, and collective farms seem to be very suitable for them!

No matter how many people are, first arrest all the people, and then slowly teach them. Not a year or two, just ten or twenty years. What can't be educated can only be!

And on both sides of Libya are French Tunisia and British Egypt, Bulgaria. This operation has won the support of the two countries. All materials can be obtained from the colonies of Britain and France. Enough for Ferdinand!

On April 26, under the **** of the Bulgarian navy, 60,000 troops departed from Crete, and hurriedly killed Libya, landing in Tubruq and Tripoli, respectively.

The result was of course overwhelming. Although Bulgaria has been fighting with the Ottoman Empire for more than two months, the local garrison was still motionless and there was no preparation at all, and the Bulgarian army was caught by surprise!

Oh, even if it is ready, it is useless. It is more reliable to expect that tens of thousands of people can block the Bulgarian soldiers' front. It is better to expect the tsunami in the Mediterranean to swallow up the Bulgarian army directly.

After receiving the news of Bulgaria's attack on Tripoli, the Sudanese government seemed very calm, and anyway, the recent bad news continued, and it didn't care much about this one.

To the Ottoman nobles, what are Tripoli and Cyranica? If you lose it, you will lose it, as long as it does not affect their happy life!

However, the Italians fry. Originally, the war between Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire, they were still willing to be spectators, and even prepared to fall down after the Ottoman Empire failed. Unfortunately, the Bulgarians took the lead and took away Tripoli !!

Tripoli is on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea and across the sea from Sicily, which is a very important strategic place for Italy.

In order to seize Tripoli, the Italian government began to prepare several decades ago. The Treaty of Austria, Germany, and Italy signed in 1882, and the French-Italian Agreement of 1900. If there is no butterfly effect of Ferdinand Then, this year the Italians will sign the "Italy-Russia Agreement" with Russia.

Vittorio Emanuele III has long considered Tripoli as the meat in the bowl, but he was robbed by the Bulgarians first. He is not angry if he is not angry!

In fact, the Italians have long been ready to fight against Tripoli. It is just that after the failure of the expedition to Ethiopia, the strength of the Italian opponents is not self-confident, and there is still a bit of fear of the Ottoman Empire!

It's different now. If Tripoli's indulgence falls into the hands of Bulgarians, it will be difficult to get it back.

Captured by force? This one flashed in the mind of Vittorio Emanuele III. Now that the Mediterranean is still in control of English and French, it is clear that the actions of the Bulgarians have obtained the support of English and French.

Seizure by force will not work, then only through diplomatic means!

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs contacts Germany and the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and we want to give Bulgaria a bit of color!"

What he didn't know was that the Germans had the same idea, so the two sides hit it off. The Italians also considered themselves to be big and proud.


In the Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, Franz Josef I was still hesitating. He didn't know if he should join in.

Although the rise of Bulgaria may threaten the interests of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the two countries have maintained good diplomatic relations and cooperation has occurred many times.

Now once we participate in this operation, there will be no room for easing between the two countries. In the future, the military pressure of the Austro-Hungarian Empire on the European continent will increase. We must face both Russia and Bulgaria at the same time!

As for bringing Bulgaria down in one go? Everyone knows that this is impossible. Britain, France, and Russia can tolerate the weakening of Bulgaria, but they must not tolerate Bulgaria's end, otherwise the advantages of the Allies on the European continent will no longer exist!

But can they live in peace without joining together? No one can answer this question!

If Ferdinand was there, he would definitely say yes! Fighting is dead. Even if the World War breaks out, Ferdinand is still willing to fight fake wars with the Austro-Hungarian Empire!

If he can, he hopes that the Austro-Hungarian Empire can be kept, so that Bulgaria's military pressure from the European continent will be much less!

"The Prime Minister What do you think?" Joseph I asked

"His Majesty, the rise of Bulgaria is too fast. If it is not contained, it will be difficult to restrict them after they have annexed the Asia Minor Peninsula!" The Prime Minister thought for a while.

The world is so big. The rise of every country will face competition for resources. Even if Ferdinand has always recognized the fierce strength of the Ottoman Empire, it has attracted the attention of all countries.

It 's just that the Allies still need Bulgaria, and Bulgaria 's expansion direction is also in line with the Allies 'strategic needs. The three countries, Britain, France, and Russia, will support Bulgaria 's actions. Germany, Italy, and Italy will be different. Is that still imperialism?

"Well, I see! First lift the embargo against Montenegro!" Joseph I said lightly.