Chapter 60

Jim got to work Monday morning still angry about Ryley's suspension. Leigh had got hold of Jen McCrey and she would watch Ryley for the three days. The change in Ryley's routine upset him, but as long as Jen had a TV, he'd be fine.

He took a moment in his office to review the files on his desk. They'd run into a dead end on the murder of the American hunters. Roger Dupreis was the last person to see them alive. He had been their guide and presumably watched them shoot a white moose. Darren explained a white animal was a spirit messenger for many of the First Nations peoples and Roger would have been very upset they shot it.

They couldn't find Roger Dupreis at any of the places he normally lived. He hadn't been home to see his girlfriend, he wasn't at the lodge, none of his relatives had heard from him. It didn't feel like they were covering for him either. Darren insisted they looked genuinely worried.