Chapter 59

The police constable showed up while Leigh was chopping vegetables for the variety of meals she cooked on Saturdays to heat up through the week. That explained her answering the door with a large knife in her hand. The police officer took several steps back and put his hand to his gun.

"Sorry," Leigh said, and put the knife on the step. "If I leave a knife on the counter Ryley likes to play with it."

"That sounds dangerous, ma'am." The constable took his hand away from the gun.

"Not really, but you haven't seen a dull knife until you've tried to cut with one someone's used to cut up lego blocks." She backed away from the door. "Come on in."

He picked up the knife and carried it into the kitchen and put it in the sink. Leigh rinsed it off and placed it in the knife drawer. It clicked when she closed it. Ryley wouldn't open that drawer.

"What can I help you with?" Leigh asked once the knife was safely stowed away. "You're Cam Turcott, right?"