Chapter Fifty

Georgia came with her Dad and Paul to bring blankets for her friends. She set the phone recording as soon as she got there. She had maybe twenty minutes of battery time even at the minimal quality she set the video at.

She watched Ms. Taladut confront the Sergeant. Georgia was impressed. She wouldn't have the nerve. The army woman terrified her even from a distance. Then the Sergeant shot Ms. Taladut and the world went crazy. People screamed, some boys tried to attack the soldiers. She shot them. Then she shot a mother and her baby. Georgia wanted to run, but her feet wouldn't move. People died in front of her and she stood like a statue.

It was over and the Sergeant gave orders to the soldiers. They started putting guns beside the bodies and taking pictures. The Sergeant threw up in the snow. Georgia didn't think soldiers would react like that. Then the woman looked at Georgia and pointed her finger.