Chapter 39: Page Of Wands

 "You are welcome to store harvest in the barn at the manor, even use the ball room in the manor. The place isn't going to fall down anytime soon."

"We are used to storing our harvest in our own barns," Seth said. "What is to keep you from claiming any harvest we put in you barn or your house?"

Joan rubbed her eyes. 

"I am not ordering you to store anything anywhere. I am making an offer. Just as I offered to let you use cut stone from the wall to repair homes in the village. Just as I am offering to broker the sale of your excess harvest in the city so you can get a better price for your crop. If you don't want to get a better price - if you want to spend the money building new barns instead of using buildings which already exist, you are welcome to do so."

She lifted her head from where she'd carefully been staring at a spot on the table so the holders didn't see the frustration Joan held back.