Torrance hated coming home to a house empty of his family. His business had wrapped up quicker than he'd expected. He'd been tempted to stop by the palace to pick up the children, but he couldn't offer them the same excitement they'd have at the palace.
"Letter came, my Lord." Illandria handed over a somewhat grubby envelope.
He tore it open and a swatch of blue fabric fell out.
"Isn't that the colour..."
"...of my lady's dress." Illandria finished. He would have pitied anyone she turned that gaze on, but this person had dared attack Marriette's person.
"I will go north and find her." Illandria turned on her heel.
"Hold on, please." Torrance lifted a hand to ward away her glare. "If the letter was delivered here, she may be in the city as well."
Illandria nodded reluctantly.
Torrance scanned the letter that came with the swatch.
Meat me at te Frisky Badger. Com alon. Moonrise.