Chapter 27: Separate Issues, Part 2

They walked in silence the rest of the way to the restaurant. There, they shook out their coats while the owner fussed over them. Lunch was delicious, but awkward. Joe had planned to strategize, but Maggie's announcement had thrown him for a loop. He tried to make small talk, but felt like a Younger on a first date. When lunch was done he paid, and called a cab to take them back through the now pouring rain. The driver insisted on holding an umbrella over them as they climbed the steps. Joe and Maggie were silent down to the basement.

"Good bye, Joe." She said as they reached her office. "It really has been great working with you. Don't let this last week spoil it."

"What are you going to do now?"

"I bought a club. You know the one. Come down and see me sometime." She kissed him on the lips then turned away.

Joe trudged with a heavy heart to his office and let himself in. He spent the afternoon pretending to work.
