Chapter 47: Busted, Part 1

Jimmy sat at his computer console and sulked. He couldn't understand how Red would choose that helpless brainiac over him. The wuss wouldn't last twenty minutes outside. Jimmy kicked the desk. It wasn't fair. He was the one who kept going back to the street and taking all the real risks. All Trey did was sit and think.

Jimmy had spent the last few days with the security team retooling all the locks to the doors outside. They were all controlled by a central system isolated from the rest of the network. Even if someone did hack into the Underground's system, they wouldn't have access to the doors. Jimmy suggested they take the idea a step further and put other selected doors under the computer control, ones which could be used to direct or control traffic to certain parts of the underground. He put regulators on some of the doors in the training area. The brain was going to get a shock the next time the team trained.