Challenger (Florence POV)

Florence was awoken by Captain Harlow's voice, "Okay guys, time to wake up." She said, rather loudly. Several groans were heard from around the room as the girls got up to change.

Once everyone was done getting ready for the day, they went to the dining hall for breakfast. Florence decided to sit with Lily, Tuesday, Remi, and Celeste again, "So, what's your mentor-lackey situation?" Asked Tuesday curiously.

"Is that all you talk about?" Florence answered, half joking, "Umm, I think I'm probably going to end up with Olivia Trapp, do you know her?"

"Uh yeah, everyone knows her." Celeste said, picking at her oatmeal, "She's the third year who's second to none, except maybe Captain Harlow."

"Yeah, I've heard about that." Said Remi, "I just don't know why Harlow won't go for it. To have you as her lackey would boost her reputation."

"It's been confusing for me too. If she just lets Trapp have me, it's kind've like admitting defeat. Trapp would take over as the best in the school by default."

"Speaking of the devil." Lily said as Olivia got up from her table nearby and walked towards them. The girls who had been sitting next to her stood up to watch whatever was about to happen.

"Hey Flor!" Olivia patted her head playfully. Florence cringed away from her touch, "I'm just going to assume that no one is gonna challenge me. Do you wanna be my lackey?"

"Do I have a choice?" Florence sighed, already knowing the answer.

"Nope!" She grinned, revealing her perfect smile.

"I'd like to challenge you for the position."

Olivia whipped around to see who it was, "Oh, the Silent Ghost wants to step up?" Florence noticed a flash of annoyance in her voice.

"You could say that." Captain Harlow kept a serious expression, not letting her emotions show.

"Well then. How's today, at five on the southern field?" Although she sounded confident, Florence could see a hint of nervousness in her amber eyes.

"Sounds good." Captain Harlow walked back over to her table, where a curly haired blonde patted her on the back.

"You heard her," Olivia announced to the dining hall, "today at five we'll be on the southern field! Anyone is free to come watch!" Excitement flared throughout the room as Olivia returned to her table, where her group of friends were waiting.

"This is gonna be awesome!"

"Tues, you need to calm down, it's not that big of a deal." Said Remi, trying but failing to hide the visible excitement on her face. Florence wasn't entirely sure how she felt about the situation, but she didn't think she liked it.