Preparing For Battle (Reese POV)

Amiya was thrilled about the match ahead. All throughout the day, she tried to come up with strategies for different scenarios, Reese outsmarting each one every time, "We don't even know what type it's gonna be. One on one is way different than capture or two v two."

"I know, but I'm sure that you'll win no matter which type is chosen." She grinned, before heading to her next class.

Reese had to go drop something off by the shooting range and turned in the opposite direction. A few first years were testing some of the paintball guns, most missing by a long shot, except one. Although Reese couldn't see her face, she was sure that she was a girl from her dorm. The girl's overall demeanor while shooting looked very practiced, and most of her paintballs were shot with the precision of an advanced second, or an early third year. A short girl approached and tapped her on the shoulder. The girl put down her weapon and turned around. Reese stopped, mid-walk, when she realized that it was Florence. Reese continued walking and dropped off a small box inside the armory. She wondered how Florence had been able to shoot so well without any previous military experience and was genuinely impressed by her skill. She tried to remind herself that whatever Florence did or didn't do was none of her concern, and she walked on to her next class.

Before she knew it, it was already four thirty. She headed towards the third years' armory and suited up. A few minutes later, Olivia walked in, "You don't give up, do you?" She asked, grabbing her own pads from her locker, "You go through all this trouble just to try and prove something Charlie said years ago wrong."

"Don't even mention her name." Reese said aggressively.

"Oh, did I hit a nerve?" Olivia poked at the subject, "Doesn't really matter, does it? Charlie can't save you from any bullied this time around. Oh wait, did what she said mean that even if she could, she wouldn't? Ha, it only proves that she never gave a d@mn abou-"

"Shut up!" Reese yelled, about to lose it, "Stop your bullsh1t! Charlie's words nor actions define me, so back off!" She grabbed her gun and stomped out, Olivia smirking at her wickedly from behind.

Reese tried to calm herself as she walked over to the southern paintball field, where a good amount of girls were already congregated. As she approached, the small crowd erupted into excited chatter. A third year, named Bella Boxford, had been appointed as referee and was standing by the nearby sideline, "Surprised you made time for this with your job." Reese chuckled.

"C'mon, don't you have a little faith in me? I wouldn't miss a good paintball battle for the world! I'd rather reschedule a shoot, or even cancel it than bail on you guys!" Bella said cheerfully as Olivia walked over, "Let's go over the rules, shall we?"