Mentor and Lackey (Reese POV)

Reese followed Olivia all the way back to where the referee was standing, "Looks like the rest of the teams are back! Congratulations Reese, you've done it again!" Bella said as Olivia scowled, "To be honest, she needed to get beat, she was getting too cocky." Whispered Bella, looking over at the defeated team, "As the winner of this match, Reese, you have the honor of getting Florence Zane as your lackey." The crowd gave a polite applause before slowly dispersing.

"So, Reese, what're we gonna do about this mentor-lackey thing?" Florence asked, curious about what her intentions were.

"It doesn't really matter to me." Florence looked at her, confused, "I just did this for my own reputation, nothing more."

"You're serious?" Florence pouted, "I make an amazing shot for you not to help me with anything?"

"That's right, now I want to go talk to people my age, so shoo. Go do some first-year things." Reese turned her back on her and walked over to Amiya, Florence following her.

"Way to go, team!" Amiya said cheerfully, "That was quite the shot, Florence. How'd you learn to shoot like that?"

"I've actually been taught how to hunt, so handling firearms isn't really that difficult for me." She said before adding, "I want to improve, but my mentor abandoned me."

Amiya gasped, "Reese, this couldn't be true, could it?!?" She faked her shock, clearly not surprised by Reese's lack of enthusiasm.

"I told you that I didn't care for any of this lackey crap when I challenged Olivia." Reese said defiantly.

"You know you can just have a friendly teacher-student relationship, right? It doesn't have to be anything like the one you had with her." Amiya emphasized the last word, and Reese knew she was obviously talking about Charlie.

"But I don't want it to turn it into something like that, I don't want to turn into her."

"I know you wouldn't intentionally hurt someone like she did." Amiya encouraged her gently.

"I guess you're right." Reese sighed, "Flor-can I call you that?" Florence nodded her head, "Okay, well I'll be your mentor, since I owe you that at least."

"Thanks! I'll go off to do some first-year things with Lily like you asked and leave you and your lover alone." Florence teased before running off to the short, brown haired girl Reese had seen at the shooting range with her earlier.

Reese's cheeks turned a light pink, "We're not lovers!" She yelled after her.

"Yeah, she's not my type!" Amiya yelled as well.

Reese chuckled, "How could I be your type? You like dudes!"

"Yeah, but she doesn't need to know that." Amiya giggled.

"We should get changed." Said Reese, motioning at her paint stained protective gear.

"Good idea, partner." Amiya said as they both began to walk back to the armory.

Reese felt a little bit closer to Florence. She had relied on her in that paintball match more than she had relied on anyone in a long time.