Lily pt 1 (Florence POV)

Florence woke up the next day to her loud alarm. She quickly turned it off and stretched her arms out. Several other girls were getting up and getting dressed. Florence hopped down to the floor, "Lily, time to wake up." She rubbed her eyed before realizing that the bed was empty, "Hey, has anyone seen Lily?" She asked the girls who were awake.

"Who's Lily?" Came Hannah while brushing her hair.

"Ya know, the little girl with the brown hair? We're always together." Florence responded, confused.

"Huh? Did you get enough sleep? There's no one like that here." Hannah said, walking over, "Do you have a fever?" She pressed her hand on Florence's forehead, "Nope."

"What're you talking about? Is this a joke?" Florence began changing, and the other girls gave her some concerned stares.

"Maybe she's just from a different dorm, and you got her mixed up. What does she look like?"

"Should I describe her face?" Hannah nodded slowly, "Well, she's got eyes that're a lighter green, she has the prettiest, longest, eyelashes I've seen in my life, her hair is a dark brown, and her nose is on the smaller side, I guess."

"Huh, so like a mini-you?"

"I don't know if I'd go that far. I could've sworn that we were bunkmates. Does anyone else know her?" Most of the girls who were paying attention shook their heads, and the others were silent, "Maybe she just went to eat earlier than usual." Florence hastily tied her hair up and walked to the dining hall. It was full of second years and a few early rising third years. Florence looked around for her friend, but to no avail. Sooner or later, the other first years walked in to get breakfast. Florence joined Tuesday, Remi, and Celeste, "Have any of you guys seen Lily?"

"Oooh, who's that?" Asked Tuesday curiously.

"Does no one know her? She's our friend!" Florence said, frustrated.

"I'm sorry, who?" Asked Remi suspiciously.

"Yeah, I don't know her." Said Celeste.

"She introduced us…?"

"Plot twist, the classes here have driven Florence to the point of insanity." Giggled Tuesday jokingly. Florence sat there, slightly shocked. Did no one know who Lily was? Maybe she could remind them of who she was somehow.

"How did we meet then?" She asked, hoping for one of them to mention her friend.

"Umm, I think you just came to sit with us," said Tuesday, "but like, I'm not missing something, right?"

"I remember it the same way." Remi reassured her.

"Yeah, Tues, me too." Celeste added, "There's something off about it though."

"You guys are talking about Lily! She met you guys before you met me!" Florence exclaimed, trying to help them remember.

"I don't think so. Maybe you just need to rest." Tuesday and Celeste agreed with Remi.

"But I-"

"Take the day off and go to the infirmary, you're obviously not feeling well."

"No, I feel fine. You guys are hopeless!" Florence grabbed her tray and cleaned it off before going to the bathroom to wash her face off. Although she had only known Lily for a short amount of time, they had become the best of friends. Florence blinked a few times in an attempt to rid herself of the tears that were welling up in her eyes.

"You okay?" Reese walked into the bathroom, "Some of the other girls said you weren't feeling well."