"I don't think we'll learn anything more from looking at this mess," Detective Oester said. "Thanks for your help, Dan."
Dan left the building. He stopped on the pavement to breathe until the urge to be sick vanished. He'd seen bodies before, but not people he knew. He'd track Pranthi down tomorrow. Right now he wanted nothing more than to get home to Cindy.
Cindy ran out of their house and threw herself at him, clutching him tight.
"Ow," Dan said, "not so hard."
She dragged him into the house and watched as he changed from his uniform into civilian clothes.
"I heard about the bomb," she said, "I was so worried about you. You're Victim Services, you wouldn't be at a bank robbery, but I kept imagining you lying dead on the street. What happened?" Cindy touched the bruise on his ribs.
"Oh, yeah," Dan said, "that's where I was shot. Good thing I was wearing my vest."
"What do you mean 'oh, yeah'? How do you forget that you were shot? You didn't tell me about that."