"You talked about vampires," I said, "as in more than one."
"Medea likes killing and he likes sex. He really likes to combine the two." Bubba looked down at the table. "If one of his victims bites him during the act, then they become a lesser vampire when they die. Medea ignores the other vampires. Their blood mustn't taste good to him and he has no other use for them. They make their own way and have to figure out what they are and how to live, if you call it living."
Bubba poured more wine.
"If they leave the swamp, they don't faint or get weak, so I have to stop them."
"I see." The wine looked like blood in the glass for a second and I almost gagged. Instead I sniffed it and let the heady aroma of the grapes remind me it was wine.