Chapter 97: Daemyn Rising

The jungle had done such a thorough job of reclaiming the ruins that it took Justin several minutes to recognize them for what they were. Only after he let his eyes relax and unfocus did the shapes begin to take form-the geometry of arches and domes wrapped in vines and roots, with scattered, dislodged blocks half-hidden beneath leafy undergrowth.

The sun had gone down. The rains had stopped. The matted, disturbed clearing where the titanbird and the blue tiger had fought was hours behind them, and Justin and Ahlund had made camp here, near these ruins. The outlines of the hidden constructs were so shrouded by the dark of night that Justin might never have noticed them-if not for what he felt from them.

The invisible force was so strong that after a few seconds standing close to it, Justin was starting to imagine he could see it. He "saw" waves and vapor trails of energy rising out of the ruins, fluttering like ghostly apparitions.

Daemyn, he thought.