He was beginning to feel a little better when Gerald came to see him. However, the look on his face surprised Odo, as the usually affable cheesemaker wore a grim expression normally reserved for funerals.
"How fare ye, Odo?"
"Much improved, thank ye."
Gerald nodded and remained silent, obviously unsure how to continue.
"I can see ye are troubled, Gerald. What ails ye?"
"What will ye do now, Odo? Do ye have somewhere to live, do ye have work?"
Odo shook his head. "I have nothing. Oswald says I can sleep in the church for a week or so, but tomorrow I will go to the fields and help the farmers repair the damage to the crops. It's the least I can do."
"Have ye money for food?"
Odo looked around for Oswald and Grace. Not seeing them, he nodded. "I have some," he whispered."
Gerald took a deep breath. "Odo, I came here to talk. Ye are like a son to me, I've known ye almost yer entire life and it pains me to have to tell ye this ..."