Chapter 24

He made his way to the fields where his cows trampled through crops and began helping the peasants. If they were surprised to see him toiling alongside them, they didn't show it. In the early evening they shared their food with him and at night he wandered off and found a sheltered, comfortable place to sleep in the forest on the other side of Falls Ende.

Lost in a world of uncertainty and self-doubt, he began to withdraw, preferring his own company to that of others. He clung protectively to the only thing he knew to be absolute, his love for Charlotte. It kept him alive because he had nothing else, not even his word.

Lacking confidence and humiliated, Odo stayed away from the village and tried to think how he could move on with his life, a life without her. It was painful to think of, but what else could he do? Should he allow despair to rule his life? As a freeman he was lucky enough to have the right to leave Mellester, but where could he go?