Chapter 25

A small group of men left Mellester Hall and proceeded down the carriageway, through the village, and onto the fields once owned by Odo Read.

Two of Sir Hyde Fortescue's men-at-arms followed Stewards Baldric and Alard, who were in deep conversation, and trailed a step behind Reeve Merick. Eventually they walked to where the falls began, and Merick explained where he thought the mill should be built by placing some sticks in the earth to show the actual location.

As Baldric was discussing construction matters with the reeve, Steward Alard walked alongside the falls. He'd never been here before and thought it a pleasant place. He watched the river flow over the boulders at the top, then cascade down onto more rocks. Eventually the water leapt over a ledge and fell the last few feet to splash over a body sprawled across a boulder at the base of the falls.

"Come, come quickly!" he yelled.