The guard returned to his post outside and Odo was left to wait. Time was dragging, and he was becoming increasingly nervous. For all he knew, the guard might decide to just come into the cell and just take his money anyway.
Day was turning to night and the guard still hadn't responded. Odo was beginning to lose hope when the door swung open and the guard quickly ran in.
"Where is the shilling?" he demanded.
"Unlock the door, and it's yours," he tapped the coin against a steel bar for the guard to hear.
"When the other guard comes to relieve me, I will begin coughing. That is when you should run for it." The guard fumbled for the single key and unlocked the door, but carefully left it closed.
"How do I know I can trust ye?" Odo asked.
"Ye don't," came the answer. "But I don't believe ye oughta be here. I think ye been stitched up."