They were met at the door by a man-servant, and led inside to a spacious room. A couple of tables filled the centre space, a few of Lord William's colourful pennants graced the walls, and a sturdy hearth was built into a far wall. At one end was a hefty chair, and beside it another slightly smaller one. They were almost like thrones.
Reeve Petrus was momentarily stunned by the sight of the woman who sat in the smaller of the two great chairs. She was a sight to behold, such was her beauty. Reeve Petrus took an involuntary breath and almost coughed. Oswald gave him a scowl.
She in turn watched both men indifferently as they walked towards her and then stopped at a respectful distance.
"Hail to ye, Oswald," she said quietly.
Oswald shuffled a step or two closer and bowed his head in courtly mindfulness. "Lady Constance, it is a pleasure to set eyes upon ye, although this day, I wish I could be here with worthier tidings."