Chapter 50

The man-servant appeared and offered them some food and water, then gave them a tour through the house. They entered every room and there was no sign of Charlotte or any hint of another female living in there.

Both men thanked the servant and stepped outside. Reeve Petrus was handed his sword by a knight and after buckling the belt, he and Oswald decided they would walk the perimeter of the house before they departed. As the lady promised, they were left alone.

There wasn't much to see. Reeve Petrus walked on ahead and Oswald was lost in the perplexities of church affairs and the ambivalence of Lady Constance's reaction to the news her son was dead. They had almost circumvented the house when Oswald noticed a shred of cloth laying on the grass. He vacuously picked it up, looked at it once and called to the reeve. Reeve Petrus gave no indication he heard, so Oswald pocketed the cloth rather than shout and draw attention to himself. He spared no more thought to his find.