"What are ye doing, Cathal?" Reeve Petrus asked.
"T'was Charlotte who gave me the idea," Cathal replied as he stepped to the fire and pulled a glowing ember from the hearth. He dropped it into the bowl with other items it contained. "I need a blanket, quick, quick!"
Charlotte retrieved a blanket as the reeve looked on in puzzlement.
"I'm going to rouse his mind."
The dried substance in the bowl began to smoulder and pungent smoke filled the air. Cathal told Charlotte to carefully lift Odo's chin as he draped a blanket over Odo's head. He eased the bowl near Odo's nose and ensured the smoke from the smouldering bowl did not escape.
"What will that do?" Reeve Petrus queried.
"I want Odo's mind to hallucinate. Become more active so he will awaken. When I saw Charlotte breathe onto him, it gave me an idea."
"Then what is this potion?" Charlotte asked. "Because it odorous."